Sorry for the post to everyone, but I know there are at least a
couple of mathematicians in the crowd, and I thought that we could
arrange a meeting with any of you attending the San Antonio Joint AMS-
MAA meetings. I'll be there from Thursday afternoon to Sunday, and
will spend my time mostly being interviewed, but I'm sure we can find
some time to meet.
I've searched diligently but can't find out, is there a way to display
all or part of the Project's Path on the main window? I use Subversion,
and have working directories like:
They all look the same when I'm in TM, so an elided path, such as used
elsewhere, would be great!
Help everyone. If you can't do that, then at least be nice.
Hi, folks,
I must have missed a preference somewhere. Is there a way to tell
TextMate to *not* open the previous document when I start up? I'm
perfectly happy with a new blank document, and I'd rather not have to
close the last document I worked on and open a new one every time I open
Michael S. Tashbook
Support your local shoggoth!
I had started a mediawiki bundle, which has not gone much further
than copying from the markdown bundle, but at least one person asked
me to make it available.
Since I am not really very proud of it as it stands, and since I am
not planning to work on it much in the near future, I won't add it to
the repository yet, but if you want to download it and use/improve
it, point your browser here:
i need to use this script for latex:
> #!/bin/sh
> location=$(dirname "$1")
> basefname="${location}/`basename "$1" .tex`"
> # process the figures
> latex --shell-escape "$1"
> dvips -Ppdf -o "${basefname}" "${basefname}.dvi"
> ps2pdf13 "${basefname}" "${basefname}-pics.pdf"
> /bin/rm "${basefname}" "${basefname}.dvi"
> #process the file (once)
> pdflatex --shell-escape "$1"
but i don't know how to make this.
Perhaos i need to modify the script in the command Typset & View :
run_tex () {
if [ "$TEX" != ]
then "$TEX" ${TM_LATEX_OPTIONS:= --shell-escape -
interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style} "$1"
else "$TEX" -f -r "${TM_BUNDLE_PATH}/latexmkrc" "$1"
An idea ?
Alain Matthes
Hello all,
I recently upgraded from version 1.0.2 to 1.5(906) and seem to have
lost an option. In 1.0.2 I was able to select View->Syntax Highlight
As -> (insert language here). Now with 1.5 that option is not
available in the menu. I do get the proper highlighting if I save
the file with the appropriate extension (.py for Python), but I can
not seem to find a place to start off that way. That is except for
using a template.
Did I mung something up here?
I have deleted and reinstalled but to no avail.
Hi there -
Ive been a textmate user for many months now. I notice the most
recent download (rev 898) has dramatically changed the "find" dialog,
most importantly in that it has removed the option to search and
replace within a selection !
I noticed that the "edit" menu has a selection "replace all in
selection". There are two problems with this. One is, it doesnt
work ! I click on it when i have some text selected, and nothing
happens. If it is in fact using my previous selection, thats not
very convenient since I dont get a chance to tell it what i want to
search and replace. Also, the key comibination - shift+ctrl+apple
+F ... a little excessive perhaps ?
Why cant the "replace in selection" checkbox be present in the
default "find" dialog like it was, and more importantly, why cant
this checkbox be automatically selected when I have text selected ?
this is how TextPad does it and it is by far the most intutive way to
do it.
- mike
# TextMate 1.5
It is with great pleasure that I am releasing [1.5 of TextMate][1]
(5.4 MB).
This is a free upgrade for all registered users and it features
hundreds of major improvements over the last non-beta (1.0.2) which
was released a year ago.
The jump in version number from last beta (1.1ß17 r898) is to
indicate how much has changed since 1.0.2, and that this release is
to be seen as half-way towards the 2.0 release.
_TextMate is a text editor that combines the beauty of Cocoa with the
power of UNIX and is intended for programmers and power users._
_TextMate has been built for both PPC and i386 and comes with a
[complete manual][2]._