TextMate February 2016

  • 39 participants
  • 32 discussions

My VIM experience
by Martin Hess
4 years, 2 months

Auto-highlight all occurrences of selected word
by Kelvin Wu
4 years, 2 months

Question about indentation
by Peter Rando
5 years, 11 months

Yosemite view effects
by Igor K
8 years

crashing on launch
by Rob McBroom
8 years, 4 months

Use comments to mark sections (and indented folding vs marker-based folding)
by JiHO
8 years, 5 months

Suggestion: UI distinguishing light and dark themes
by dipnlik
8 years, 6 months

Is it possible to disable/hide the gutter in TextMate 2?
by vasko.dinkov
8 years, 7 months

Avoid Textmate hanging on opening large single-line xml files
by Bas Van Klinkenberg
8 years, 7 months

How to put the cursor at the top of a document
by Gary Ash
8 years, 7 months
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