For some reason, Cmd+T in TextMate insists on offering files _outside_
the project directory, in `..` - I absolutely do not want this at all.
Trying to exclude `..` via `.tm_properties` does not work.
How can I stop TextMate from doing this? I never want anything outside
the files and folders shown in the file browser.
Thanks `:-)`
TTFN, Andrew Hodgkinson
Find photos, software, music and more at my home site, Bandcamp and
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I’m currently trying to switch from PathFinder to ForkLift as Finder
– I unticked the "Set as the default browser" option in PathFinder's
– I removed PathFinder completely, i.e. including all the files in the
LaunchAgents etc.
– I ran the "defaults write" commands diven at the bottom of the page
– I also tried to use the "defaults delete" lines given there,
restarted, then the "defaults write" commands, and restartet again...
Still, whenever I use "Show in Finder" in TextMate’s FileBrowser, the
FileWill be shown in the Finder, not in ForkLift. (Before, it worked
with PathFinder just fine.)
Is it even possible to get TextMate to go to ForkLift by default? If so,
what do I have to do?
btw, for some applications on my system it works, but for some it
doesn’t. So far, I haven’t been able to figure out what’s the reason.
Kind regards,
Tobias Jung