i need to use this script for latex:
#!/bin/sh location=$(dirname "$1") basefname="${location}/`basename "$1" .tex`" # process the figures latex --shell-escape "$1" dvips -Ppdf -o "${basefname}-pics.ps" "${basefname}.dvi" ps2pdf13 "${basefname}-pics.ps" "${basefname}-pics.pdf" /bin/rm "${basefname}-pics.ps" "${basefname}.dvi" #process the file (once) pdflatex --shell-escape "$1"
but i don't know how to make this.
Perhaos i need to modify the script in the command Typset & View :
run_tex () { if [ "$TEX" != latexmk.pl ] then "$TEX" ${TM_LATEX_OPTIONS:= --shell-escape - interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style} "$1" else "$TEX" -f -r "${TM_BUNDLE_PATH}/latexmkrc" "$1" fi }
An idea ?
Alain Matthes
Typeset & view works very well. But il you want to use the package pst-pdf ( necessary if you want to work with pstricks), you need to run the script psd4pdf
I found a solution with /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin- current/ps4pdf "$TM_FILEPATH" inside the commande Typeset & view.
Sorry for my bad english
Alain Matthes
Le 8 janv. 06 à 19:06, Jeroen van der Ham a écrit :
First things first, why is Typeset & View not working for you?
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