I had the same problem as described in a post from Sebastian on
2007-11-11 (http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.editors.textmate.general/
Here is my error output:
Running bibtex on Exjobb (ny).tex
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/peeter/Peeterprogram/
texMate.py", line 457, in texStatus, isFatal, numErrs, numWarns =
run_bibtex(texfile=fileName) File "/Users/peeter/Peeterprogram/
texMate.py", line 71, in run_bibtex return stat,fatal,err,warn
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'stat' referenced before assignment
It seems that it had to do with the parentheses in my filename messing
up the regexes.
My solution was to change lines 71 and 72 in Textmate.app/Contents/
SharedSupport/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Support/bin/texMate.py as follows:
# auxfiles = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if re.search('.aux
$',f) > 0]
# auxfiles = [f for f in auxfiles if re.match(r'('+ basename +
auxfiles = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if re.search('.aux$',f)
> 0 and (f.startswith(basename) or re.match(r'bu\d+\.aux', f))]
This works, at least for me.
Or have I messed something else up in the process?
Hi folks,
I work on several open-source projects (VTK, ParaView, CMake...) that
follow a somewhat unusual indentation style. Instead of
if (foo)
they require
if (foo)
Getting the first curly indent right was trivial but I can't figure
out how to reduce the indentation _after_ the closing curly. When the
pattern matches decreaseIndentPattern, the current line's indentation
is reduced. What I need is for the following line to be unindented. Is
there any way to do this?
Is the latest (cutting edge) version of textmate intended to run on a
PPC? After updating it today, textmate gives me a "You cannot open the
application "TextMate" because it is not supported on this
architecture" message on my PowerPC G5 (3.1) when I try to open it.
Kyle Johnson
Is there a way to get the ``Watch Document'' option to be master-file
aware? It seems to me that watching the master file doesn't work,
because it only re-compiles when the master changes, and watching the
included files doesn't work because it's not a whole latex file---I
get the error
Error: No \begin{document} found
I couldn't find the command \begin{document} in your file.
Help is much appreciated, as always.
Prediction is difficult, especially the future.
Niels Bohr
Hi list,
I've recently been working on a Relax NG to TM Language Grammar XSLT
stylesheet. I did it mainly to exercise, so I didn’t look far for
anything similar. Because Relax NG is XML and can be easily
generated from DTD or XML Schema using trang, it seemed like a good
I’d like to read your comments, especially about the generated
grammars style which need much improvement.
How does it work:
1) put a file.rng (in XML syntax) in the Schema directory
2) from the root directory, execute the shell script ./rng2txmt.sh
3) the grammar is generated as "Generated Language Grammars/
file.plist" (along with file.plist.xml)
If this doesn’t work, please read the known issues, it might be a
namespace problem.
What does it try and do:
* look for and mark invalid tags or attributes under or in a given tag
* avoid to create empty repository entries
* give a tag-aware scope for attributes (aim is to generate auto-
completion lists aside)
What I would like it to do:
* have basic namespace support
* have current-tag-aware (not any-ancestor-aware) scope for auto-
completion of tags
e.g, a scope which only match the dots in <a>....<b> <c/>
Not so long ago, I would have say it's impossible, but now that I’ve
slightly improved my TM grammar-fu,
I’m pretty sure it is achievable and may even be not that hard.
Matching > and /> to open, looking-ahead for <b and <c to close,
* actually generate completion list. This shouldn’t be too hard.
Known issues:
* If I’m right, TM grammars works in a « first matching rule is
chosen » which is incompatible with Relax NG main advantage : non-
determinism. Thus I think some Relax NG schema may never be parsed
correctly. DTD and XML Schema need to be deterministic, however, so
the issue is not that important. I think this is the problem with
the generated relaxng grammar.
* / ! \ Because XML namespace is a mess and I didn’t bother dealing
with it in my stylesheet, one need to remove any mention of the
default namespace in the rng file. Otherwise the stylesheet won’t
generate anything
* It currently doesn’t deal with anyName, exceptions, exclusive
choice or any other RNG construction.
* No auto-indentation of the generated plist. Who cares, anyway, TM
cleans it up for you.
* A whole lot of useless scopes, mainly there for debugging.
* Whitespace in tag management in inconsistent.
* The code is ugly.
By the way, I’ve used some excerpts from default XML grammar. I hope
it does not bother its author. Is he Brian Lalor or Allan Odgaard?
I have just discovered TextMate, and am so far very happy with it,
but I think I just hit a glitch...
I am trying to edit a SQL load file that is about 5M, which shouldn't
be a problem. However, some of the lines are very long, as a complete
website contents is in a single line. I have no idea how many
characters are in this line, but I suspect about 2M worth.
Anyway, TextMate hangs while trying to work with this file. I can't
do much at all. Even a simple act of scrolling hangs. TextEdit does a
reasonably good job with the file though...
Actually, I don't think it is hanging, as it eventually responds
(about 30 seconds later), but it is so slow that it is completely
unusable. Is this a known problem? For me, it is weird files like
this that we need an editor like TextMate to be able to easily handle.
Jim Leask
I'm just working on some Tex-Document which uses several dialogues
which I want to enclose in "< "> (the result are those <<
>>-enclosures in the document). Would be cool if that could be added
to the language grammar.
Thanks in advance
Hi all, this is my first post to the mailing list. I'm having a problem with
my templates. It looks like CocoaDialog is acting up, I'm not sure - for
certain CocoaDialog results I get an error message as the result, with the
text "QT call results in 0". Specifically this happens in the Actionscript
3.tmbundle's Project template. I'm not sure if it happens in other project
templates, but it is effectively keeping me from creating new projects by
placing my new project inside the tmbundle and giving everything the wrong
name [like "QT call results in 0-config.xml", etc.]. Anyone know what's up?
Schell Scivally
Hello list,
Usually lists (enumerate, itemize, etc.) are indented as follows:
\item A very long item which wraps to the next line.
Next line starts from the column 1.
\item Another item.
Is there a way to make the indentation continue on the second and
third, etc. line of the \item? Something like this:
\item A very long item which wraps to the next line.
Next line starts from the column 1. The second line has slightly
more indentation
than the first line.
\item Another item.
I remember this was happening automatically with Vim-LaTeX, but I
haven't worked with it for a long time.
Hooman Javidnia