I've created the beginnings of a bundle for use in screenwriting and
I'm looking for help to develop it further. As it stands now,
TextMate is used solely for it's behavior (snippets, macros, etc.)
but I hope that it's abilities can expand with your help.
Specifically, I'm looking for:
* Code clean-up. I've hacked together a working prototype, but I'm
sure there is much redundancy and inefficiency in what I've done.
* Exporting options. The ability to export to HTML and PDF (perhaps
via LaTex?), so proper formatting can take place.
If you are interested in helping, download the bundle at the url
listed below and contact me. The objective here is to create an end-
to-end solution for screenwriting that rivals FinalDraft and
MMScreenwriter, and I believe we can do it.
link: http://www.ollieman.net/files/bundles/screenplay.zip
email: oliver at ollieman dot net
There is no documentation, but to get started:
"ext" and "int" are tab-triggers for slug-lines
"option+tab" creates transitions
"shift+tab" creates characters
poke around the bundle for more behavioral abilities.
P.S. Should I post this in the bundle dev list?
I may be mistaken, but is there a bug with the move line up/down feature?
Whenever I do this the line that is selected after the move is not the line
that I moved, in other words if I move a line down then the line that gets
selected is the line after the one that moved, so if I want to move a line
up 2 lines I have to move it then move the caret up a line then move it
again, is this how it it supposed to work? Or am I missing the point
Many Thanks
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I'm new here. Just started using TextMate, and I have a problem where it
is freezing for up to minutes at a time.
I’ve been using it to work from home. Whereas in the office we use
Microsoft Developer Studio (on Windows), that happens to be a bastard of
a slug of a text editor over a Remote Desktop connection, so I have
connected to my Windows file share over SMB over my VPN, and set up a
TextMate ‘project’ with all my files. (I compile remotely, over the
remote desktop connection, or via Ssh.)
Now TextMate is a lovely editor, and it didn’t take much effort to have
it syntax-highlighting C# code. Only one problem with the otherwise
(almost) perfect setup: when I have the project loaded into TextMate
(600-odd files), when I change focus to another application, then focus
again on TextMate, TextMate hangs for at least 20 seconds. I presume
that this is something to do with it checking the files, because a local
project doesn't seem to have this problem.
Potentially it’s some kind of network timeout (though I checked my
various firewalls to see if some bits of the windows file sharing were
being blocked, and that doesn’t seem to be the case).
I know that SMB is a dog over a remote connection (I'm on 2Mbps ADSL,
and my office is 512kbps, I think), but this is almost unworkable,
especially when it decides to go slow and takes 90 seconds rather than
20 (it's somewhat unpredictable. I assume it’s dependant on network
Does anybody have any ideas? Or should I report it as a bug? (Even if it
is a network problem, TextMate could presumably check the files in the
background, or at least provide progress feedback.) Has anyone else had
this problem?
I often need to compare two documents side by side so I wrote a little
applescript that repositions the two front windows. I've attached the
script in plain text format.
Just posted the following to my blog (you can post feedback here or
on the blog post, if you have any):
I am planning to release 1.1 final next week. While I do get many
repeated requests, one of the issues that has been hard to overlook
lately is the lack of thorough coherent updated documentation.
This has now changed after spending a few weeks writing more or less
full-time (so that's why there has been no nightly builds, although I
will likely put out one later today with a dozen minor items in the
change log).
Here is the first public draft of the [TextMate manual](http://
Don't hesitate to post feedback as comments to this entry.
Currently the documentation is low on use-cases. I hope to
iteratively improve this over time, as I think that when people ask
for documentation they are in fact much more interested in how to
combine the features of TextMate to solve the task at hand, than the
core facts about how to move the caret and such.
This of course is quite a challenge, as the tasks and possibilities
are infinite. I myself regularly find new ways to use TextMate to
improve my workflow in ways I would not have thought of just a few
weeks earlier. Writing the documentation was no exception. One of the
cooler things I discovered was that I could add the command below as
a preferences item to the `entity.name.reference.markdown` scope to
have escape suggest completion candidates from my aggregated
reference list, when inside a Markdown reference (given as `[link
{ completionCommand = 'sed -n \
"s/^\[\($TM_CURRENT_WORD[^]]*\).*/\1/p" \
disableDefaultCompletion = 1;
Should you somehow have missed my countless references to [Markdown]
(http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) then for the records
let me just state that the documentation was written in Markdown and
I absolutely love it!
Hello everyone,
I posted an applescript to make it easy to open the current finder window in
TextMate. Check it out here:
I attached a screenshot of my finder window so you can see how nicely it can
be integrated into the finder.
Thought this might be useful to fellow TextMate users.
i made a fairly complex match in a language (mx - a structural
equation modeling package)
The language formatter mis-sorts the capture list (sorts on the basis
of first digit, not on the numeric value of the match number).
Doesn't affect function, but it is a bit messy to read.
Here it is after autosorting:
{ name = 'meta.Start.values.matrices.mx';
match = '(?i)^\s*(Start|Value)\s+(\d*\.?\d*)\s+([A-Z])\s+(\d*)?\s*
((\d+)|([^, ]+))\s+((\d+)|([^, ]+))(\s(to|-)\s+([A-Z])\s+(\d*)?\s*((\d
+)|([^, ]+))\s+((\d+)|([^, \n]+)))?';
captures =
{ 1 = { name = 'keyword.control.start.mx'; };
10 = { name = 'constant.mx'; };
12 = { name = 'keyword.control.to.mx'; };
13 = { name = 'support.other.variable.matrix.mx'; };
14 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };
16 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };
17 = { name = 'constant.mx'; };
19 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };
2 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };
20 = { name = 'constant.mx'; };
3 = { name = 'support.other.variable.matrix.mx'; };
4 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };
6 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };
7 = { name = 'constant.mx'; };
9 = { name = 'constant.numeric.mx'; };
Is this possible? If not, could you put it on the roadmap, Allan? :)
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
hi, just made a new bundle and dragged an existing item into it.
All went well (like how the item shows where it will go), but the UI
did not update well: the list was displaced left during the drag, and
then it didn't redraw (all the disclosure triangles hidden).
Goes away after a forced redraw by altering the pane width.