there is a discussion about LaTeX editors going on in the BibDesk
users list (with some enthusiastic recommendations for TextMate ...).
Let me forward one mail that could be interesting here as well.
To sum it up:
- Someone is missing code collapsing for \footnote{} commands (very
good idea if you ask me ... I've seen that it is already in the Wiki
as a feature request.)
- Adam Maxwell offers a completion controller that could improve the
interaction between BibDesk and TextMate.
> Von: Adam Maxwell <amaxwell(a)mac.com>
> Datum: 20. Januar 2006 01:14:01 MEZ
> An: bibdesk-users(a)lists.sourceforge.net
> Betreff: Re: [Bibdesk-users] Slightly OT: Changing editors
> On Thursday, January 19, 2006, at 04:03PM, Matthias Damm
> <macplanet(a)macnews.de> wrote:
>> Am 19.01.2006 um 23:15 schrieb Simon Spiegel:
>>> This does indeed look great. But does code folding work with
>>> \footnote in LaTeX? I haven't been able to set this up and I'm not
>>> sure whether it can be done. Any suggestions? If this works I'll
>>> switch immediately.
>> It does not at the moment (as far as I know, I definitely have not
>> found all the magic yet ...), but the author of TextMate uses LaTeX
>> himself (and BibDesk ...), so the chances should be good to get this
>> feature implemented.
> That does look nice. I wish it used the standard completion
> mechanism, though, instead of that big window (our plugin won't
> work with it). If he's interested, we have a BSD-licensed
> completion controller that mostly works...
> Adam
> _______________________________________________
> Bibdesk-users mailing list
> Bibdesk-users(a)lists.sourceforge.net
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Matthias Damm
PGP key: http://macpla.net/MatthiasDamm.asc
PGP fingerprint: CED3 6074 7F7D 3148 C6F3 DFF2 05FF 3A0B 0D12 4D41
This will build in the current directory minus the .c extension.
TM_FILENAME_BASE=`echo $TM_FILENAME | cut -d\. -f1`
#echo Base Filename: "$TM_FILENAME_BASE"
echo '<pre>'
if (($? >= 1)); then exit; else echo "build successful"; fi
echo '</pre>'
# cc must be in your path, if you've installed OS X gcc package you should
be fine
This will build and run the file your working on and display the output.
The object file is filename minus the .c extension.
TM_FILENAME_BASE=`echo $TM_FILENAME | cut -d\. -f1`
#echo Base Filename: "$TM_FILENAME_BASE"
echo '<pre>'
if (($? >= 1)); then exit; fi
echo '</pre>'
# cc must be in your path, if you've installed OS X gcc package you should
be fine
Is there some way to disable spell checking in Plain Text mode? I
find the underlining of "misspelled" words annoying. I've tried to
use some other modes, but they have their own quirks. Thanks for any
Carpe viam,
Michael Larocque
Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Prolumina Communications Inc.
I was looking at some C source with TextMate and it seems the C
regexp for functions is broken when there is a new line in the middle
of the argument list. What I mean is that if your functions are
defined like this:
static int
Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Interp for error reporting. */
Tcl_Interp *slaveInterp, /* Interp where alias cmd will live
or from
* which alias will be deleted. */
Tcl_Interp *masterInterp, /* Interp in which target command
will be
* invoked. */
Tcl_Obj *namePtr, /* Name of alias cmd. */
Tcl_Obj *targetNamePtr, /* Name of target cmd. */
int objc, /* Additional arguments to store */
Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) /* with alias. */
Then TextMate will not see them as functions. I tried fixing the
regexp, which is
{ name = 'declaration.function.c';
begin = '(?x)
(?: ^ # begin-of-line
| (?: (?<!else|new) (?<=\w)\s+ # or word + space before
| (?<!&&) (?<=[*&>])\s* # or type modifier before
([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_:]+) # actual name
\s*\( (?=[^)]*\) # match "(" and use look-
ahead for ")"
(\s+const)?\s* # optional const modifier
(\{|\n)) # start bracket or end-of-
end = '\)';
beginCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'entity.name.function.c'; }; };
patterns = ( { include = '$base'; } );
But so far, I've been unable to make it ignore new lines in the
argument list.
Does anyone have any ideas?
pgp fingerprint: BC64 2E7A CAEF 39E1 9544 80CA F7D5 784D FB46 16C1
Does anyone know if Textmate will still run on the MacBook Pro or iMac
with the Intel Duo processor? I'm assuming it will run with Rosetta.
Are there any plans for a Universal Binary for Textmate?
Hi Allan,
Quite a while ago there was the question how to search a document for
information, then come back to the spot and continue editing.
You mentioned the technique to scroll around, read what you need,
then press Command-J (Jump to Selection). Too bad that Find or Copy/
Paste move the selection.
How about a command "Jump to Last Edit" and bind it to Cmd-Shift-J?
Is this possible to have as a macro, or as a TextEdit extension?
One could design it with a few parameters
- How many edit positions to memorize? 5 sounds good to me.
(to cycle through them, recent to older)
- How far apart edit positions should be to be different?
10 lines, less than half a screen, sounds good to me here.
So if change happens "near" another edit position, the position
moves to the cursor spot.
- Jump across files? I don't think so.
Edit positions should be part of the Undo queue.
I'm not trying to interfere with future expansions or better ideas
like stacks of tags, except that simplest often works best.
BTW I'm an raving fan of two windows of the same file side-by-side,
because I copy a lot (and I forget a lot). For Projects this is easy
achieved, has just a few refresh hickups when I edit a point above,
then switch to the other window. I see twice the amount of stuff, so
split windows wound't cut it.
For single file edits, like in a Fugu session, it is utterly
impossible to open a second window. Then I resort to throwing chunks
in a scratch pad, and jumping around in the same file. Hence the
topic. ;-)
I finally got around to creating a small screencast for using TM to
write LaTeX. You can find it here: http://skiadas.dcostanet.net/
(direct link to the vid: http://skiadas.dcostanet.net/uploads/
It's probably mostly aimed at new users I guess. It's about 25MB.
Let me know what you think and what you would like to see in future
screencasts. Be harsh.
At the screencast "Putting Flickr on Rails" right after the
beginning, a doctype is added to application.rhtml. After typing
'doctype' a dropdown menu appears (right behind the word) with the
XHTML doctypes to chose from. How is this done? I've tried to find
the shortcut, but no success ... or is this a user-defined macro?
k 'E B O Y
. /|\/|\/|\/|\
. / \/ \/ \/ \
(I'm new to the list and to TextMate. Let me know if this has
already been covered.)
Version 1.5 (906) --
Problem: Web Preview does not reflect changes made in a CSS file to
which an open, previewed HTML documents refers.
Open separately a HTML file and then a CSS file that's used by that
document. Evoke Web Preview on the html document. Switch to the CSS
document and change something that will effect the visual
presentation of the html document.
Pause, waiting for something to happen. ... Nothing Happens. Web
Preview does not change;
Save the CSS document. ... Web Preview does not change;
Switch to the HTML document and make a small change ... the change to
the html is immediately available, but the change to the CSS file
does not appear;
Close the Web Preview window, save the html file, reopen Web
Preview ... The change to the CSS file remains invisible to Web Preview;
Open the Drawer on the Web Preview window and press the "Refresh Now"
button ... No Change -- modification to the CSS file still is not
QUIT TextMate, reopen the two files in question and apply Web Preview
to the HTML document.
--> NOW, the changes in the CSS document are properly reflected.
Clearly, Something Is Wrong Here.
It is as if Web Preview has CACHED the CSS file and is using the
cached version, rather than the current version, when it parses (or
whatever) the HTML file for preview.
The current behavior substantially reduces the value of Web Preview.
I hope we can get a fix soon. After the skiing trip of course! ;)
Related to this, I'd really like a "persistent" Web Preview when
using a Project. Consider the simplest example: one CSS file and
one HTML file open in a project. I select the HTML file and choose
Web Preview. I switch to the CSS file to make some edits and ...
WHAT! the Web Preview window disappears.
Of course, what I need is for the Web Preview of the HTML file to
STAY OPEN open while I edit the CSS file. And for it to reflect
changes to the appearance of the HTML file as I make changes in the
CSS file. I imagine that this situation may apply to editing other
sorts of "include" files (PHP?). When I make changes to ANY TYPE of
file to which an open HTML file refers, a Web Preview of that HTML
file should be updated, AND include the changes to the included files.
the "copy condensed sql to clipboard" function removes newlines from
string literals as well, effectively changing the semantics of the
query. It would be nice if it replaced them with the correct escape-
sequences, or even left them in...
e.g. if you copy "SELECT 'line 1
line 2' " to you clipboard, you get "SELECT 'line 1 line 2'", that
actually does something else... Especially nasty with INSERT/UPDATE
queries etc.