I just found 1.5 recently and I am very impressed -- it is excellent and
shows some very nice enhancements over the previous release 1.1.
I still hope to see it undo typing all at once (rather than a character
at a time) before switching, but this is by far the most promising
replacement for Pepper that I've seen.
-- Russell
As a new user of TextMate, the only thing that has disappointed me is
the incredible slowness of many bundle commands. For instance, if I
hit ^⇧D to duplicate the current selection, TextMate beachballs
(hangs) for about 15 seconds. This is quite surprising because my
machine is fast enough (1.33GHz G4 with 1.2GB RAM) and my files are
small (< 200 lines).
If I run top while TextMate is beachballing, I notice that bash is
consuming all available CPU cycles. Could there be something wrong
with my bash configuration? (I realize that TextMate is probably just
running some UNIX commands on top of bash to do the bundle command,
but still... 15 seconds of 100% CPU activity just to duplicate a
selected line? That can't be right.) Does everyone suffer through
this, or only me?
P.S. I searched the list archives for this problem, but all I could
find were slowness issues related to remote file systems. All the
files I'm working with in TextMate are local.
Dear Textmates,
I am currently evaluating Textmate as a substitute for Emacs. My
first impression is really good (especially due to the excellent
documentation), but now I have encountered a problem that I cannot
resolve by myself. I hope you can help me with it.
I mostly work on LaTeX documents. With AucTeX, pressing Meta-q
(Reformat) when on line 2 of the following block of text would
reformat lines 2 and 3:
\item[Projectivity:] A word and its transitive dependents must form a
continuous region of the full sentence.
\item[Planarity:] Dependency edges must not cross when drawn above the
words of the sentence.
The corresponding action in Textmate (Control-Q) produces this:
\begin{description} \item[Projectivity:] A word and its transitive
dependents must form a continuous region of the full sentence.
\item[Planarity:] Dependency edges must not cross when drawn above the
words of the sentence. \end{description}
I wonder if there is any way to tell Textmate that in LaTeX mode, a
paragraph should only stretch from the beginning of an \item to the
beginning of the next \item (or the \end{...} token), rather than
between empty lines? (This is what AucTeX does in the Emacs setting.)
Any help is appreciated.
Image Map Tool:
This is probably the feature from Homesite that I miss the most with my
transition to OS X for my work computer.
TM has done a great job of easing the pain in most other regards, but I
still find myself having to create at least one or two new image maps
every week. Most of the guys I work with are happy firing up ImageReady
to create them, but I consider this ridiculous. It's overkill to open a
(bloated) program, which I use for no other purpose, just to create an
image map.
Having used BBEdit prior to TM, I know that it also lacks an image map
tool. So this would be yet another area in which TM could beat BBEdit.
Warren L. Parsons
in a new language definition (MuPAD), I have
foldingStartMarker =
foldingStopMarker =
Now, this works as expected, but I get folding markers whenever I type
the word “for” in a comment. Should I switch comment contents
explicitly to text scope or what is the recommended way of dealing with
keywords appearing in comments?
As an aside, another question on folding: MuPAD allows code of the
following structure (and that is actually quite common):
if foo then
elif bar then
case x
of 1 do
of 2 do
What I would like to have is the ability to fold away the indented parts
above, i.e., everything fom an if or elif to the next elif, else, end,
or end_if, whatever comes first, from else to end/end_if, from an of
inside case to the next of, otherwisem end_case, or end and so on. But
it seems I can't have begin and end of two folding regions on the same
line, or can I?
My Haskell bundle seems to have disappeared from the languages menu
and bundle editor. The bundle is in my /Library/Application Support/
TextMate/Bundles/ directory, but it doesn't show up in the TextMate
menus. If I save a file as .hs or .lhs, the mode is activated
correctly, so I know the bundle is getting loaded. Any ideas?
If you're still using TextMate, you will find emacs is an excellent
It has all kinds of stuff and can even cook your coffee (with a
coffee automat).
with http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/
PS: Pun intended ;)
Is there a way to use vi cursor key bindings in Textmate?
Sorry for the newbie question. I've just converted over to the Mac,
Textmate, etc.
-- Tim
Tim Wolters
Chief Technology Officer
Collective Intellect