Is there a way to change the language for the spell corrector ? Wether I
write a mail in french or in english I can get a whole red underlined text.
-- Erwan
When I am using the Ruby on Rails programming language, my cursor
positioning always seems to be off by one or two characters. Its very
strange, very frustrating!
When I am editing a plain text piece, its fine, but when I am doing
ROR it appears to be off ever so slightly, enough so that it doesn't
quite register properly.
has anyone else noticed that?
I'm trying to match a curly bracket in a foldingStopMarker but I
can't for my life get it to work. The startmarker works but not the
stopmarker. Eg.
works {
doesntwork {
My language is defined as:
foldingStartMarker = '\{\s*$';
foldingStopMarker = '^\s*\}';
just a little questions about the invisible helpers to see tabs and
line endings.
Why does TextMate uses other marks for line endings as for example
SubEthaEdit, you get use to the marks of TextMate but would really
like know why at all?
Second more interesting for me, where are the signs for spaces? There
are absolutely no signs for spaces. Which makes it quite annoying, you
have to guess how many spaces or just to try with the cursor.
I hope someone can help me. To find answers for my little questions.
> > This would be an awesome feature. Has it been requested yet? Thanks,
> What does it actually mean?
Like, for example, I want to pipe my current file through some command
that would add some code at a specific point (say extract some lines to
a new function), and outputs a snippet. It would be as if I ran the
command with all the text selected and set the output to "replace with
snippet", except this way I can still get the current word or selected
text to pass as input to my command.
Is that clearer?
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
Hi. I've been trying to modify the HTML language so that it understands
embedded Python code, as you find in a Kid template. For example:
def shoe(potato):
By default TextMate thinks it's PHP code (source.php.embedded.html).
I thought it would be pretty straightforward, and copied the chunk
of config that appears to setup embedded ruby. I ended up with this,
defined just beneath php-source:
python =
{ name = 'source.python.embedded.html';
begin = '(?:^\s*)<\?python(?!.*\?>)';
end = '\?>(?:\s*$\n)?';
patterns = (
{ name = 'comment.line.number-sign.ruby';
match = '#.*?(?=-?%>)';
{ include = 'source.python'; },
However, when I click "Format" and "Test" in the Bundle Editor the text
in my editor is still marked up as PHP. I removed all the PHP stuff to
see if it was overriding the Python settings, but it didn't help.
What should I be doing for this?
This email is a bit off topic, but I thought it might be useful to any
developers who are making screencasts. I've written a little ruby
script called ghostwriter which uses apple gui event scripting to
produce applescript that makes it looks like you're typing. I've found
it very useful when for making demo code, because unlike me, the
computer never makes a typo!
It's available at
On some occasions I use to code html pages with Romanian special
characters. Unlike with the German special characters (ä etc.) I
feel better to use the standardized entities for Romanian characters
in the form ă etc.
In TextMate I could not find out yet how to convert a text selection
with Romanian special characters typed so that only the special
characters are converted to entities. In my page *every* single
character is replaced by its entity and makes the text illegible.
Where is the solution I missed in the manual?
the Move Selection Line Up / Down feature does not seem to work correctly.
I have
B <caret
then press cmd-ctrl-up and get
A <caret
The caret should also move up one line, so I can further move the line, no?
Moving down from
A <caret
gets me
C <caret
As you can see, the caret is misplaced again.
Can someone confirm this, or is it some local problem of mine? I use
Textmate r847.
(Sorry, if this message goes through twice. I originally tried the
gmane NNTP access but don't see my posting in the archive)
sorry if this is a common question, but I searched the wiki and the
ml archives a couple of months back and I could not find an answer.
The TextMate service does not appear on my services menu. TextMate
was installed a couple of weeks ago, and I've logged out and logged
in a couple of times since then and still nothing.
I'm using version Version 1.1b17 (847), and TextMate is installed
inside the /Applications folder.
Thanks in advance,
Pedro Melo
JID: melo(a)