I just connected via FTP with CyberDuck and edited a file with
Textmate. Then I wanted to save it back directly to the server with a
new name. The file is saved to a temporary folder on my local machine
but is not automatically uploaded ...
Is there anything I forgot about?
Thanks for any help ... 'K
k 'E B O Y
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Hey all,
i get another PATH (or the like) RubyMate versus command line
i wanted to test osx/cocoa install against previous rubygems installed.
then i've done (cut'n paste) a small script using both kind of ruby
extension :
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
require 'osx/cocoa'
require 'plist'
require 'iphoto2' #<<-- line 6
this script is working well using command line however using RubyMate
i got :
RubyMate r2496 running Ruby v1.8.4.
>>> ~/work/Ruby/RubyCocoa/test.rb
LoadError: no such file to load -- iphoto2
method require
in test.rb at line 6
at top level
in test.rb at line 6
something really strange to me i dis install 'plist' and 'iphoto2' at
the same time and using the same tool 'rubygems'....
ans, they are in the same directory :
in case u've some light about that obscure cavern ;-)
When opening a folder in TextMate, sometimes the "file browser" thingy opens
on the right and sometimes it opens on the left.
Does anyone know how to make it always open on the left?
there seems to be an error in the very first rule of the SQL Syntax
in the svn repository.
it starts:
{ name = 'declaration.create.sql';
match = '(?i:^\s*(create)\s+(aggregate|conversion|database|domain|
function|group|(unique\s+)?index|language|operator class|operator|
but should have an additional
at the end.
Because as it is now, the closing ` (e.g.) starts a string after the
frist CREATE TABLE for me and that makes syntax highlighting useles
for the rest of the file.
Hi all!
When documenting old code, I find myself trying to stick to ~80
columns, but plenty (well some) of my actual code lines is longer
than that. So what I'd like is to have the right-margin displayed at
say 78 chars, but soft wrap on the current window size.
Is this already possible? If not, is this useful in general?
If you're still using Terminal, you will find iTerm is an excellent
It has tabs for multiple terminals, shortcuts for SSHelling to other
hosts, etc.
with http://iterm.sourceforge.net/
Help everyone. If you can't do that, then at least be nice.
I've been playing with Textmate's latex capabilities and I am impressed.
But I am unable to get any graphics. Here is an example (TMExample):
\PSforPDF {%
Out of this I get a rectangle in the viewer saying:
Can’t show picture #1 because TMExample-pics.pdf not found. Create it
from TMExample.dvi using dvips and ps2pdf!
I am not sure what to do with this.
Hi List,
is there a shortcut to make tm close the current tag? On BBedit you
could find it under: Markup --> Close Current Tag. And it was pretty
k 'E B O Y
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I believe the architecture information was added in 10.4.3 which was
the release after the announcement of the Intel switch.
> well that's strange. you're taking the correct route to get to the
> information. i'm running 10.4.3 though, so that MIGHT be why. it may
> have been added in the most recent update. only thing i can think of.
> Kyle
> On 1/11/06, Charilaos Skiadas <cskiadas(a)uchicago.edu> wrote:
>> On Jan 11, 2006, at 11:11 AM, Kyle Swank wrote:
>>> if you expand the "More Info" section in 10.4.x you will see
>>> "Architecture: Intel, PowerPC"
>> These are the steps I take:
>> 1) Open Finder, and go to the Applications folder.
>> 2) Control-click to bring up the context menu, and select "Get Info".
>> 3) I see under general what I described above.
>> 4) If I click on the "More Info:" tab, I see only: "Last opened:
>> Sunday, January 8..."
>> 5) No Architecture information anywhere.
>> Running 10.4.2. I do not however have the most current XCode version
>> installed, if that makes a difference.
As much as I love textmate the one area were it has continuously fell
short for me is in the web preview pane. I want it to keep the file
up that I last used when I go to a css file and display the changes
however it will does not work this way.
I found that I needed to check some css syntax today so I fired up my
second favorite editor CSS Edit and once again found the exact
solution I which textmate would introduce.
Is there anyway I could make a key command that would fire off a
message to CSS Edit to update it preview, similar to how I can make
Safari refresh? (CSS Edit has command-R assigned to refresh it's
Eric C