Congrats on 1.5...TextMate is 100% my editing environment (bb what?).
I just wanted to ask what the status is of implementing chunk-undo. I
was really hoping to see it sooner than later, it's still the one
major issue that frustrates me about TextMate.
I've been trying unsuccessfully this afternoon to create something
that would perform 'save' and 'close' on a file with a single
keyboard shortcut (which would be apple-shift-d, same and 'send ' in
Mail) for the Subversion bundle. After all, that's what my fingers
seem bound to pressing when I've finished writing a svn commit
message (they must know better and feel it's like I've been writing
an email)... :-)
But recording a macros doesn't appear to work -- save doesn't appear
to be recorded as a macro action, and close appears to cause the
current macro recording to be cancelled.
I also had a look at using a command, which would allow me to save
the file first, but I can't figure out how to tell TextMate to close
the current file from there.
Can it be done?
Mail: mathie(a) | Web:
AIM: Math1e | PGP: 1024D/D72F2737
hi, some comments on the new version
Comment 1
the button in textmate's terminal usage dialog tries to make an alias
to the mate command in usr/bin
For me this operation failed (not permitted).
Question: I have an existing copy of the link in "~/local" ... Didn't
textmate used to expect ~/local rather than ~/bin ? What are we going
to settle on?
PS: could you make this command also add whatever folder it looks for
to the .bash_profile and also create ~/bin if it doesn't exist? (is
it xmas or what :-) )
Comment 2:
"templates" offers only strict version 4 html as a template for html?
Lots of us probably don't write code which is strict v4, so that
might be asking for trouble? maybe transitional as an option?
Comment 3
There is no comment 3
take care,
Is there a shortcut to "Jump to the symbol under the cursor"?
I tried to write a macro with ^W, Cmd-E, Cmd-G but it searches the
string an not the symbol.
Also ^W, Cmd-E, Cmd-Shift-T... I would suggest a Cmd-Shift-T + Alt to
jump to the symbol selected and then people could write that macro...
Pedro Melo
JID: melo(a)
Hi all!
I've been using doxygen to write documentation for a wavelet image
compression codec of mine, which is written in C. There I noticed two
things on folding, which are the following:
/** This is the basic "pixel" type.
* \Warning This should not be less than 15 bits + sign!
typedef short int wv_pel;
Here, the end-comment marker has to have two *s, it doesn't fold with
one, but if I add a third * to the open comment bit, then it still
Another thing which I couldn't figure out is the following:
if (foo > (bar >> 3))
{ /* this does something nice */
{ /* not nice */
Here, the folding does not activate with the comment on the same
line, which I actually use quite often.
I am really bad with regular expressions, so I couldn't figure out
what they're trying to (referring to the folding patterns). I am
aware though, that I can change them myself if I were so inclined,
but I just wanted to ask whether TM expects me to do the above things
in different way which may be equally nice.
Oh, and Allan, nice website overhaul. :)
Hey all,
Not sure how many people out there work with both MTASC and TextMate
(more than just me I hope), but I just put this up and thought it might
be of interest:
There's a video of it in action here:
Let me know if you find it useful.
- Ben
P.S. Apologies for the cross-post :P
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
One option is to use a menu button, though I'd make it slightly more
awkward to perform a Replace in Selection but OTOH it would allow to
(also) show the Replace All in Selection key equivalent right there
in the find dialog.
Just a little yay! for the work on the manual. I was looking for
indentation rules and found it in justa few clicks in the manual. At
least this time; it just worked :D
I like the TextMate auto-update feature except for one thing: After it
updates, I have to re-install my custom icons [1].
Is there any way I could protect them from auto-update? Does it use rsync?
If yes, maybe add an --exclude flag to it?
For some time now i've noticed that, *occasionally*, when I do:
expr.each doo|<TAB>
I end up with
expr.each doo
instead of
expr.each do |_|
as I would expect. I had assumed that I was somehow pressing <CR>
instead of <TAB> but I just caught myself and I am 99% certain I
pressed <TAB>.
So it seems to me like, sometimes, the trigger doesn't fire to do the
snippet. I think I've noticed it for the last few versions.
Does anyone else see this?
Matt Mower ::