I am doing a bit of Scheme-programming and have spent a few hours
trying to make TM understand Scheme syntax in a feasible way. Syntax
coloring is no problem since I can do recursive patterns (via
includes). However, I cannot find a solution to indentation. What I
have is a rule that creates a new scope called "expression.scheme"
for each nested expression, for example:
(if (= a b)
(+ c 1)
(+ d 2))
where 'c' (as well as 'a', 'b' and 'd') has the scope "source.scheme
expression.scheme expression.scheme".
So, this is my suggestion:
How about making the pattern matching engine scope-aware, so that I
can match beginning and end of scope? I believe having that would
make it a breeze to get indentation to work okay with Scheme, just
make a preference tied to scope "expression.scheme" and tell it to
increase indentation at the beginning ot the scope and decrease it at
the end. Each nested scope would then automatically add an
indentation-level, which is what is needed to indent right. (And
while I'm at it, to be able to set folding at the beginning and end
of scopes would also be awesome... :))
I don't think it is possible to do proper indentation for Scheme
without some new feature, but I could be wrong. Anyone have an
alternate solution? Please tell me.
Anyway, thanks for an outstanding product!
Mikael Säker <mikael(a)sicher.org>
"Strangers have the best candy."
I just wanted to do some xml-wrangling with TM and opened my usual
accounting file which contains ca. 6000 lines of xml.
I work with it all the time and never experienced any problems.
except for right now, when i did a search and replace with regular
expressions, just simply remoing all line-breaks, ie. replacing '\n'
with nothing.
TM has been maxing out the CPU for ten minutes now (Dual 1GHz G4) and
doesn't let me do anything. I've got ca 15 projects open and am
praying that they're saved.
How can this be avoided in the future? is TM really only usable for
small files such as XHTML templates or code? that'd be a real shame...
can anybody shed any light on this or give some advice, what other
product to use for the 'heavy lifting stuff'?
best regards,
I've tried searching the list, but I didn't find anything about
this. I've had this problem for a long time now and I figured it
would get fixed, but maybe I'm the only one having the problem.
When I'm editing HTML/PHP pages and I switch to my web browser,
Safari, to refresh and view my changes, then when I switch back to
TextMate I lose my place in the text area. It acts like it reloads
the file when I switch back to it. The carrot moves to the beginning
of the line, and most of the time the whole text area will scroll
down one line. Usually when this happens there is a 2-5 second lag
before I'm able to start typing.
It's very annoying. Is anyone else having this issue?
Hi all,
Been lurking for a bit and have finally come upon a situation where i
need some of TM's more advanced features, if anyone can offer some
pointers on the following - it would be greatly appreciated.
I need to:
surround a selection with some additional text ie 1,2 becomes [1,2]
after selecting the 1,2
on the line with the carat, trim any excess spaces from the end of the line
Any pointers appreciated,
Just wondering what do you get when you buy a textmate licence, in
terms of upgrades.
Are you entitled to all the point releases, e.g. 1.4 -> 1.5 but not
major release like 1.5 -> 2.0.
Also will textmate work with the new Intel Macs?
Looking at the templates the Python folks have in TextMate, I think
Ruby should have similar items in place.
Is anyone already working on this, or should I endeavor to add it?
(Newly converted TextMate zealot :)
Chris Patti --- Y!: feoh -- AIM: chrisfeohpatti --- E-Mail: cpatti(a)gmail.com
"The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of
zeal,well-meaning but without understanding."-- Justice Louis O. Brandeis
(Olmstead vs. United States)
Hey all,
i'm new to TextMate and i wonder if it's possible to change the
default ruby used when doing :
Automation > Run Command > Ruby > Run script
because i've severall rubys installed the one given by "which" being :
but TextMate uses the latest :
(notice my PATH is setup such a way to get the wanted "/opt/local/bin/
then, how to setup TextMate in order to get "/opt/local/bin/ruby"
otherwise my scripts aren't working because of dependencies.
(1) Is there any shortcut to insert an image? Especially one that
finds the path and dimensions?
(2) Same as above but for Flash objects?
(3) How do I pull up the color picker so I can choose a hex code?
:::: DataFly.Net ::::
Complete Web Services
Hi all,
jEdit has a plug-in for its HTML/XML mode that automatically closes
the current markup block. For instance, if you have this:
And then you hit the hotkey, "</h1>" will be inserted automatically.
I thought I remembered reading something in the TextMate manual about
an identical feature, but I can't find it now. I know that there's an
"Insert Open/Close Tag (with Current Word)" command, but that's not
quite the same.
I found a bug while going through Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby.
Whenever you type the following string of characters in Ruby mode:
if you follow up with a '}' (just the right bracket), you end up with
If you do it in a piece of text, it garbles up your entire file,
adding a right bracket after every single character, making your file
look like this:
}#} }T}h}e} }g}u}t}s} }o}f} }l}i}f}e} }f}o}r}c}e} }w}i}t}h}i}n} }D}w}
e}m}t}h}y}'}s} }A}r}r}a}y}
}c}l}a}s}s} }C}r}e}a}t}u}r}e}
} } }
} } }#} }G}e}t} }a} }m}e}t}a}c}l}a}s}s} }f}o}r} }t}h}i}s} }c}l}a}s}s}
} } }d}e}f} }s}e}l}f}.}m}e}t}a}c}l}a}s}s};} }c}l}a}s}s} }<}<} }s}e}l}
f};} }s}e}l}f};} }e}n}d};} }e}n}d}
This bug appears both in r847 and the latest r906.