I'm trying to update/extend the ActionScript bundle and replace the
commands that output using the deprecated "Show in Seprate Window".
To do this I'm trying to store the output of the compiler then,
depending on success parse the output message differently.
Trouble is the following leaves me with nothing to work with:
complieResult=$( mtasc -cp "$TM_MX_CLASSES" -cp "$TM_CLASS_PATH" -cp
classes" -version $flashVersion -trace $traceOption -frame 10 -mx -
out "$TM_SWF_OUTPUT" -swf "$TM_SWF_INPUT" "Main.as" )
echo "COMPILE RESULT $complieResult";
works as expected.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
In BBEdit, TeXShop, Xcode, and I expect several other editors, one
can double-click one half of a pair of delimiters (e.g., braces,
brackets, or parentheses), the editor will find its other half, and
then it will select the delimiters and all the text in between. I
noticed you can't do this in TextMate. Looking through the help, I
noticed that you can do this by placing the cursor in the right place
and typing cmd-shft-b, but it is much easier to double-click to get
the same result. This has also been requested in the wiki, but I
couldn't find a response -- is something like this planned? If not,
consider this another request for this feature. :-)
Thank you,
-- Gary
I like to comment long spans of code thusly:
if (a_reason) {
for (whatever) {
while (something) {
... some code
} // while (something)
} // for (whatever)
} // if (a_reason)
I can't seem to find a way to tell TextMate that having comments after
the closing brace is okay.
I've tried variations on:
foldingStopMarker = '\*\*/|^\s*\}|^\s*\}.*';
to no avail. TextMate won't un-indent the brace.
Any help appreciated.
Help everyone. If you can't do that, then at least be nice.
If I try using the "Generic word completion" of the Latex bundle, the error
/bin/bash: line 1: /Macros/LaTeXcomplete.pl: No such file or directory
is inserted into the text of my document.
I tried looking at the function in the Latex Bundle, but it seems to
be just a wondow with "No Macro Editor available" at the top and two
ExecuteCommandWithOptions {
I'm using the latest build 906.
Could anyone explain what is wrong?
Best wishes,
I hope you will forgive the newbie question, but I've searched the
documentation for an answer and can't see one.
I'm trying to use the build comand of the latex bundle with latexmk.pl
I've set my environment variables to:
TM_LATEX_COMPILER = [Path to latexmk] (though I still see "success"
for building even if this path is wrong)
Yet the pdf is not generated. This could be because latexmk requires
the argument -pdf to produce a pdf, but I don't know how to specify
that, but the build process is so short, I'm not sure that latexmk is
being called at all.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Best wishes,
I'm creating a bundle for screenwriting and I need help finishing it.
I need your Kung-Fu.
I sent out the word once before and nothing happened, so I made a
crappy screencast and now we'll if if anything comes of it.
Info here: http://ollieman.net/?p=80
screencast here: http://ollieman.net/files/screencast.mov
> Likely mtasc writes the output to stderr instead of stdout. You can
> redirect stderr to stdout using 2>&1, so the command would be:
> complieResult=$( mtasc 2>&1 -cp "$TM_MX_CLASSES" … )
This should get you the error output nicely formatted for HTML:
mtasc -cp "$TM_MX_CLASSES" -cp "$TM_CLASS_PATH" -cp
classes" -version $flashVersion -trace $traceOption -frame 10 -mx -
out "$TM_SWF_OUTPUT" -swf "$TM_SWF_INPUT" "Main.as" 2>&1 | grep
characters | grep -v warning | perl -pi -e 's/^(.+?):(.+?): characters?
(\d+?)(?:-\d+)? : (.*)$/<a
file=$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY$1&line=$2&column=$3">$1:$2: $4<\/a>/g'
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 2256-1022
Glad to see you back on deck! But the important textmate question is....
How was the skiing at Val Thorens? Good snow? Lift cues?
Hope you had a great break!
You must be dreading your inbox ;-)
I just spent about 2 hours "customizing" the LaTeX bundle to include
some of the "snippets" and templates that I used to use in TeXShop's
editor. After quitting and restarting TextMate, I noticed that at
least two of my templates have disappeared, the order of my snippets
and templates has changed, and the modifications I made to the
"Filter List..." in the Bundle Editor have all been reset, that is,
all the bundles that were unchecked in the filter have been checked
again and now show in the editor. Is this a bug or something that I
am doing wrong?
Thank you,
-- Gary L. Gray
I know that TextExtras is not supported in TextMate (a Google search
returned a few places that indicate this), and with the exception of
one feature, that hasn't been an issue for me. One thing that I
really do miss from TextExtras though is the "indent wrapped lines"
setting. Is this something that is on the list of things to be
implemented in TextMate?
-- Gary L. Gray
P.S. I am new to TextMate and this list -- if this is not the
appropriate place to post queries such as these, please let me know.