in 906, I observe the following behaviour:
- Open the Ruby language definition in the bundle editor (probably works
with others as well)
- Search for “indent”.
- Close search window
- Go to the beginning of the file
- Search for “def”
--> TextMate is still searching for “indent”.
Regards and thanks for a great editor,
The new »Edit in TextMate« input manager only seems to work in
English apps. In non-english/localized (in my case German) apps the
new entry in the edit menu doesn't show up at all. Is that a known bug?
I develop my Rails pages with two monitors.
On the left Monitor, I have TextMate open, on the right monitor, I
have Safari with the current controller/action I'm editing open.
Instead of always manually:
1) Saving document in TextMate
2) Focusing Safari
3) Refreshing Safari
4) Put focus back on TextMate
I wrote the following Script in the Bundle Editor:
osascript -e "
tell application \"System Events\"
key down command
keystroke \"s\"
key up command
end tell
tell application \"Safari\"
end tell
tell application \"System Events\"
key down command
keystroke \"r\"
key up command
end tell
tell application \"TextMate\"
end tell
However, the last three lines make TextMate freeze, and Safari
doesn't even Refresh. As soon as I remove those three lines,
everything works (except of course, refocusing TextMate).
Any ideas?
Is there any support for TextMate? I bought TextMate a couple of
months ago.
Thanks a bunch!
R. Christian
Since Tiger it is possible in Cocoa apps such as TextEdit to create
non-contiguous selections by holding command pressed. For example
command + double click can be used multiple times to select a few
words, or command + tripple click to select some lines. Seems like a
handy feature, would be neat to get that onto the ToDo list.
Is there any way to change TextMate settings so that a string that is
currently selected in a document is automatically included in the Find dialog
when it is opened?
The reply-to email address is a spam trap.
Email steve 'at' shodgson 'dot' org 'dot' uk
I'd like TextMate to provide better visual feedback when typing
characters that require multiple keystrokes. When you type Alt + e in, it displays ´ with yellow background, then you type e and
see the resulting é. In TextMate you see only the result. Not a big
deal for accented characters, but pain for some special keyboards -
like Russian phonetic that i use, where a lot of frequently used
letters are created by typing two, and sometimes three characters :)
Rather than using just the *current* file as the source for
completions, I'd like to expand that a bit and make TextMate search
all currently open files for word completions.
I've searched around a bit, and I am aware of the standard
completions / completionCommand usage. However, it seems that there
is no way of getting the list of currently open documents in to the
shell. Is that the case?
TM_SELECTED_FILES appears to be pretty close, but it only works on
"selected" files within the project. Is the list of shell variables
in the manual a comprehensive list? I'm hoping there's a secret
something that I've missed :)
Duane Johnson
Hello everybody,
I have been trying Textmate for a couple of days now and am quite
stunned -- it really has improved greatly compared to an older
version I had tried before.
It seems to have most of the key features I am missing in TeXShop for
writing my Ph.D. dissertation (like tabs and code folding), so I am
seriously considering switching.
Let me ask one question about using it for LaTeX however:
I would prefer to keep TeXShop to control the LaTeX processing rather
than Textmate's own processing since I have some .engine file (i.e.
scripts that are started form within TeXShop) I would like to keep to
perform some specific tasks.
Of course I can simply set TeXShop to "external editor", open my
main .tex file there and process it, but this is not so nice because
of two reasons:
- You have to switch applications. Not a big deal, but pressing a
shortcut from within Textmate was nicer.
- Syncing does not work. I suppose TeXShop would have to provide a
feature to call an external editor and jump to a defined line, just
like in TeXniscope (where it works fine).
Is there any chance that there will be a solution in the feature that
would allow Textmate so tell TeXShop to begin the TeX processing
(with a given .engine used), and that would allow syncing?
Has there been a feature request for TeXShop already to implement the
needed features?
Or am I simply missing something?
Thanks in advance,
Matthias Damm
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I am a bloody newbie to both TextMate and TeXniscope, but I would
like to give this combination a try. Unfortunately, I could not find
an answer to the following problem (despite looking in the archives
and googling the web). How do I configure the LaTeX bundle: Typeset &
View that it starts TeXniscope from within TextMate ? Is anyone
willing to share the script ?
With best regards
I'm using the ruby run script cmd-r and have found that I can't get
statements inside the following block:
If __FILE__ == $0
Unless I extend it to:
If __FILE__ == $0 || File.basename($0) =='tmruby.rb'
Any help is much appreciated.