I have created a two reference cards for the TextMates default
keymap, and most of the RoR related snippets. Not much, but they have
helped me...
André M. Bonkowski
If I set the scope of a doc to SQL and enter a select statement, I see this:
In pepper (TextMate¹s spiritual parent as far as I am concerned: soooo far
ahead of its time on everything except folding!), I get what I expect:
Am I doing something wrong?
Since I updated from the previous to the latest TM version, any time
I switch from another application to a TM window TM is unresponsive
(pizza wheel) for approximately 3 seconds (time appears to depend on
how many projects are open).
Even if I have TM front, click any other App's window and immediately
back to TM that delay is observed.
(I read the manual, did a search of the archives for "diff FileMerge" and
read all hits before writing this email, and I have also tried a couple of
the Diff commands in the Subversion bundle.)
I am wondering if, either as part of Allan's documentation effort, or as
some bundle maintainer's efforts, a simple "How to Find Differences Using
TextMate" document could be written. Because I confess, I am at sea as to
how to get a useful, usable diff of two similar documents.
My gold standard for usable differences is (as many of the list postings
discussed) BBEdit. In particular, it has a menu command, "Compare Two Front
Documents", which provides a highly usable interface to locate, review, and
merge/modify the differences between two open documents. FileMerge, while
flawed in some important ways, also provides a reasonably useful way of
interacting with two files. (The diff output of the Subversion bundle is
not suitable to my group's needs.)
For me, it's *critical* that a usable diff command *not* require either
document to be under revision control. I am the first person in my group to
be using any form of revision control more sophisticated than DreamWeaver's
simple file locking. Subversion is being used only on new projects which I
am in charge of, which is a very small percentage of the stuff I'm working
on, so it'll be a good while before I can count on having stuff in
Perhaps this suggestion will be taken as rude (and it won't be useful for
non-BBEdit converts who don't have a BBEdit license), but it would be
perfectly acceptable for a TextMate differences command to simply pass
along the two file references to BBEdit's command line differences program,
bbdiff, if the process would allow me to resolve my differences there and
have the results saved back into my open documents in TextMate. A more
universal version might use FileMerge instead of bbdiff.
Last, an offer: If there is an acceptable differences command already, and
someone will write up a quick list of the steps to use it ala the "Compare
Two Front Documents" command, I will write up a complete tutorial, complete
with screenshots, etc., suitable for the complete newbie (such as myself,
and my co-workers).
I'm a good technical writer, by way of credentials, here are some URLs to
Mac OS X documentation I've written:
* PGP Desktop Manual Proxy Settings: <http://aldoblog.com/blog/493>
* Getting Started with m0n0wall:
* A whole series of articles covering audiobooks on iTunes and the iPod:
So, I'll commit to writing some quality docs for the wiki covering a
differences command, if someone will point me in the direction of a
differences command that is useful for my (and my co-workers') needs.
Michael A. Alderete <mailto:lists-2003@alderete.com>
> On 18/12/2005, at 2:10, Michael Sheets wrote:
> > Actually... allan will have to back me up on this but I think it's
> > impossible. An empty line has nothing on it but the ending return,
> > and then only if it's not the last line. Therefore there is nothing
> > to actually be matched [...]
> Indeed, yes.
I believe you, but it's confusing because I can match all the empty
lines in a given document with "^$". Oh well. No dice.
Hey all,
Thanks to Allan & co (is there really an '& co'?) for all the hard
work--been using TM for about a year and still loving it :) I'm
having an odd issue which I fear is actually a feature and not a bug
(and I'm not even positive it's TM's fault), so to speak, but am
asking anyway.
Most monospaced fonts such as Monaco, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,
Andale Mono, &c, show up as vaguely bold when antialiasing is turned
on; however I only realized this recently when messing around with
Markdown and its syntax highlighting.
When surrounding text with double asterisks, which as I'm sure
everyone knows is Markdown for bold, the text actually gets *less
bold* compared to the rest of the text! With antialiasing off, the
amount of bolding is normal, e.g. stuff in double-asterisks is
noticeably stronger than everything else.
When using Courier or Courier New, things also look more normal (with
antialiasing on *or* off). However, I hate coding with serif fonts,
so just switching to Courier isn't really an option. I've looked
around a bit for other fonts but so far they all display the same
behavior as the bunch mentioned earlier.
So. Is this something TextMate is doing, or is it at the system
level? In the various terminal apps I've never had issues like this.
And regardless, does anyone have any suggestions? I realize that at
the end of the day it's a silly thing to complain about, but I tend
to be a stickler about stuff like this; if, when writing in Markdown,
my italics are italic, I'd like my bolds to be bold too =)
Thanks for your time,
Jeffrey E. Forcier
Junior Developer, Research and Development
Stroz Friedberg, LLC
15 Maiden Lane, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10038
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212.981.6540, delete the message and all copies from your system and
destroy any hard copies. You must not, directly or indirectly, use,
disclose, distribute, print or copy any part of this message if you are
not the intended recipient.
the Apache commands are fantastic! Using them highlighted a little
bug for me:
1. close all documents
2. go to Automation:Run Command:Apache:
expect: see "Open httpd.conf" usable
obtained: All commands grayed out
I think the best answer is to make them all available, even if this
is inappropriate, and let the command have some error checking to
feedback to the user that it needs a document, if necessary.
“I love freedom of speech, human rights, and democracy"
I also don't like the patriot act, or DCMA
I would assume that the following would assign a scope to an empty
line, but it's not working. Any ideas? Is this possible?
{ name = 'splay.empty';
match = '^$';