I've been searching for the official line on variable width fonts in
TextMate but cannot find it anywhere---though I seem to remember
reading it before. Is it on the to-do list at all? I understand that
for most(?) TM users it is a non-issue, being programmers, but as I
use TM 95% for ConTeXt/TeX paper writing, it sure would be nice.
Anyway, I bring it up again because it occasionally starts to bug me,
and I can't leave the editing capabilities of TM behind ;).
Kind regards,
This would be an awesome feature. Has it been requested yet? Thanks,
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 2256-1022
I searched through the archives to see if there was some sort of
functionality that would list all your TM Projects in a concise list
(in either a sticky or popup window) to ease switching to different
projects.. Didn't find anything (did I miss something?) and ended up
putting something together with Butler that is really slick and
thought I'd share.
* I moved all my .tmproj files to a single folder in my Websites
* added a container in Butler with the folder containing all
my .tmproj files inside it
* assigned the container a hotkey ctrl-opt-w and set it to: "Opens a
menu near the mouse"
I previously had all the .tmproj files inside each site's homedir,
and set Butler to only show files with a .tmproj extension with 2
levels of recursion, but it was too slow. Making a dedicated tmproj
folder makes this an instantaneous popup with ctrl-opt-w that shows
all my TM projects, which can be opened by keyboard or mouse. (I
guess this could be done with within TM with shell commands, too, in
a very similar manner, but using Butler allows you to open a project
from anywhere.)
Also, this is buried in the wiki, but what put me over the fence on
agreeing S/FTP integration in TM was unnecessary, allowed me to drop
Dreamweaver from my workflow completely, and caused me to buy
Transmit & TM instantly was this simple command:
osascript -e 'tell app "Transmit" to open POSIX file "'"$TM_FILEPATH"'"'
Set this to a command triggered with cmd-shift-u, and TM first saves
the local file, then sends the file to Transmit, which will then auto-
upload to the appropriate server if the file belongs to a DockSend-
enabled favorite in Transmit. (Allan has this listed for Interarchy
in the wiki: I just changed "Interarchy" to "Transmit".)
CLIXEL Design & Coding
So, I know that this is already on the todo list, but I'm curious
what the status of nested snippets is. I'm talking about initiating
another snippet while still in the placeholder of another snippet.
Then when you tab out it would return to the previous snippet(s).
I'm sure a few thorny issues might come up in implementation, but the
general idea is just a stack of active snippets instead of a single one.
The reason I ask is because often when I create snippets I am forced
to choose between something like:
The first one is sometimes preferable because I can then put another
snippet right in. However in general I would prefer to use the
second form. With nested snippets we get the best of both worlds.
TextMate already had an easy time replacing BBEdit for me, but this
feature alone would probably double my HTML creation speed.
> I'm intrigued.
> are the movies teensy, or are my eyes failing? I wanna see what
> youre *doing* ..
Yeah, the movies are teensy... 30% I think. I'll up some larger
versions when I get around to re-recording them ;)
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 2256-1022