i just checked if skim and the sync with skim works, but it does not. Is there a way to solve this?
-Because I'm the CEO, and I think it can be done.-
Steve Jobs, 2005
Something I'd like to see improved in TM2 is the visibility of the
current file browser root. Since I started working with TM2, I've
noticed several things about the file browser:
- I frequently glance at the file browser/project drawer to orient
myself, essentially answering "which project's window is this?"
- The "project" indication, the browser's current directory, is now
the smallest text on the page. (I use a larger font than the default
for the editing windows.) It's also …
[View More]tucked in the midst of a lot of
other stuff, making it hardre to quickly pick out.
- The current directory name is truncated by the buttons to its right
when the file browser pane is narrowed even a bit.
- Quickly inspecting the contents of the file browser is often not
illuminating. Imagine working with multiple Rails apps, multiple
git clones of the same project, etc.
- No location information is available when the drawer is closed. By
contrast TM1's default formatting of the title bar with "<icon>
<file> - <project>".
On that last point, I note that the window title is now user-configurable in
.tm_properties; great news. However, I've not had any luck in
recreating TM1's behavior. For example, in ~/.tm_properties I have:
windowTitle = '${TM_DISPLAYNAME}\
and in a project root directory, I have .tm_properties with:
projectDirectory = '${CWD}'
After restarting TextMate (is there an easier way to reload the
props?), it seems that TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY is never set even when
projectDirectory has been set in .tm_properties. Am I just missing
something about projectDirectory/TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY, or is this a
[View Less]
> When I try the keyboard shortcut, I just get the alert sound from my Mac
Keyboard shortcut being ??7 on a US keymap?
Yep. shift + command + 7 (standard HTML bundle default shortcut) on US
keyboard. Sorry for the late reply... Didn't notice yours until now :)
-- Yann
I've seen this a couple of times, but this time I captured a sample.
TM2 was running in the background when I noticed it was using the CPU
a lot. I had a couple of documents and projects open some of which are
in a Mercurial repository. From the sample it looks like TM2 is
scanning directories for some reason.
Version 2.0 (9090)
OS X 10.7.3