I know there have been a lot of questions about Soft Wrapping in Textmate
2, but I haven't found any solutions for a problem that I've had for a
while now.
Basically, I have "soft wrap" enabled, and I have it set to "Wrap Column >
Use Window Frame". I have it set as a global setting using a .tm_properties
file in my home directory.
My issue, though is that "soft wrap" seems to not work correctly.
Specifically, my lines of text (any language) *extend past the window frame*,
by a good 40 or …
[View More]so characters. This has the annoying effect of having to
horizontally scroll on *every* file that I open. If I narrow my window, the
wrap will readjust the lines, but again, keeping about 40 characters past
the window frame.
When I enable "Show Wrap Column" the line does appear, but the lines of
text keep on truckin' past it.
I know that I could set an explicit character count to force the wrap, even
aside from the default 40 or 80. I'm trying to avoid doing that, though,
because I use a laptop with a small monitor, but will hook it to a larger
monitor, and want to be able to readjust my windows on the fly. Plus, hey,
soft wrap worked perfectly before in TM1 - I'm wondering what I may have
set up wrong in TM2, or neglected to adjust.
I apologize if this has been mentioned in a previous listing - I looked,
but didn't see it. I also don't know if this got mentioned in any release
notes explicitly.
Thanks for your help!
@chipcullen <https://twitter.com/#!/chipcullen>
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I am trying to replicate the "Edit each line in selection" behavior that disappeared with the arrival of TM2. So, following the blog post at http://blog.macromates.com/2011/multiple-carets/, I place my cursor at the first line of a selection that I want to edit, and press shift-option-down. However, rather than selecting an additional line with every keystroke, it appears to jump arbitrarily between selecting single and multiple additional lines.
Here's a short video screen capture of the …
[View More]behavior: http://cl.ly/2q1x38141S1H3w0A0k2i
Thanks in advance for any help.
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I just checked the Ruby Haml bundle in TM2 preferences and it automatically pulled in the Rails bundle when I did that. Is there a dependency mechanism for bundles in TM2? If so, how is that declared? Is it possible to find the correct bundle support path for a bundle you are dependent on? Is path manipulation the best way to do that or is there something better?
I have an odd problem whereby all tabs, instead of showing the name of the
file, are blank.
I've tried completely uninstalling TM2 (deleted everything in
~/Library/Application Support/TextMate and
~/Library/Preferences/com.macromates.*), but it hasn't helped. I don't have
a ~/.tm_properties file.
When I run TM2 on the same machine as a different user, I don't have this
There must be a rogue preferences …
[View More]file lurking somewhere - what am I
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/-TM2--No-filenames-shown-in-tabs-tp33763410p33763410.…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Are there any signs of this being fixed? In combination with several
other apps' messages, this causes my logs to rotate much quicker than I'd
like. I get 90 or so of the following on every launch of TextMate:
"TextMate: NSDocumentController Info.plist warning: The values of
CFBundleTypeRole entries must be 'Editor', 'Viewer', 'None', or 'Shell'."
I'm running TextMate 1.5.10 (1631) on OS X 10.7.4.
Thanks :)
Hi all,
Is there some reference for the .tm_properties file? There's a lot of
tweaks I'd like to make to TextMate 2, which I'm sure can be done via
.tm_properties (and many times it's been mentioned on the list "you can set
X in .tm_properties"), but I really don't know where to start.
I use Ctrl-Q quite a bit to hard wrap Markdown files, Git commit messages, etc. It works nicely when I set the wrap column at 80, but it doesn't seem respect the custom value I set for it in my .tm_properties file (wrapColumn = 72).
Is there something I can configure to get this to work, or maybe a bundle command workaround?
Any help would be much appreciated.
A number of times in the last week TM2 has crashed (with unsaved work) when I have accidently dragged selected text.
I have NOT yet been able to make a simple replication.
Has anyone else noticed a problem like this?
I have submitted the crash reports to Apple and I DO have "Submit crash reports to MacroMates" turned on. Hopefully this means
the reports are getting to Allan and they provide some clues.
It would be nice if the size of the editor was used when opening new windows instead of the size of the overall window. To put it another way, the editing view should be the same size whether then new window contains a file browser or not.
That?s it. Thanks.
Rob McBroom
I am not sure if this conflicts with your suggestion or not, but I greatly prefer when the overall window stays the same size when opening the file browser and not push the overall …
[View More]size out and to the right, as TextMate currently functions. BBEdit does it the other way, when you have your windows set up as you like them and open the file browser it messes up my layout. To me it makes more sense to consider the overall window one unit, not a separate window with a file browser adjacent to the editor window. Perhaps my preference doesn't conflict with yours after all, you would just have to close the file browser first before hitting new file I guess, but I think they do, you are pretty much saying the file browser and the editor should be separate. I prefer them as one.
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