There must be a key command for this, but I can't find it. In php
mode, if you have an area selected, how do you wrap it with /
* ..selection.. */ ?
smosk wrote:
> Just switched over to textmate from the pc port e text editor.
> I see how to column select, but I can't figure out how to select multiple
> words (or sections of text).
> In e, you just hold control and select arbitrary sections of the document.
> Please tell me you can do this! I thought this was one of the big draws
> to textmate. It certainly was for me when I switched to e.
Uhm I'm not sure I understood anyway
ctrl + (right|left) arrow and you select many words.
Otherwise command + mouse and you select whatever rectangular shape you
Look in "Edit -> select"
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There were a number of QuickTime tutorialsI watched a month or so ago
showing how to use TextMate (general editing info: autocompletion, tag
balancing, keyboard equivalents, etc.) that were of interest to me as
a long-time BBEdit user who's begun the switch to TextMate.
I can't remember how I got to them, but I thought it was via, but I can't find them any more. Googling "textmate
videos" brings up lots of stuff, but not the ones I'm looking for.
The person doing the walkthroughs had a northern European accent; he
was very soft-spoken (but had very good English). Does this sound
familiar to anyone?
Christopher Mackay
I'm facing compiling problems after the TM update to 1.5.8 (bleeding
I save my tex-files in my project in Latin1. As soon as i open a new
file in the project and want to compile it, i get the following error
"LaTeX Error: Command \textcurrency unavailable in encoding T1"
When i save the file with "save as" and make sure TM saves it in
latin1, and i close the file, then the compile process suceeds. I'm
sure I haven't faced this problem with 1.5.7. When i downgrade to this
version, everything works fine. as soon as i upgrade, i have this
I think TM wants to save everything in utf8. At least i realised that
former latin1 docs were saved as utf8. In the prefs pane > advanced>
saving there is "latin1" listed under "file encoding".
Hope somebody can help me
Is there anything further on this issue? I'm experiencing the same results
for a fresh checkout from an svn+ssh repo, performed through TM.
> On 24 Jan 2008, at 21:59, dave.myron wrote:
> >> [...] the default values for the above should become:
> >>
> >> svn log --xml --limit 15 -vr HEAD:1 \
> >> «file» 2>&1 | ruby -- "${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/format_log_xml.rb"
> >>
> > Digging up an old thread here, but I'm getting these same problems
> > with the
> > latest TextMate and the latest Subversion bundle.
> >
> > When I run the second command above (the *parsed* one with defaults)
> > [1] I get
> > the same *REXML* error [2].
> ... [show rest of quote<>
> ]
> So you can reproduce the error outside TextMate?
> > However, if I change it to this (two-liner) it
> > works just fine (of course, it doesn't show in TM...):
> > [...]
> > The error with the rescue block uncommented:
> > /opt/local/lib/ruby/1.8/*rexml*/source.rb:226:in `pos': Illegal seek
> > (Errno::ESPIPE)
> It would appear the *REXML* *parser* treats the IO object as more than
> just a pipe (i.e. it tries to seek).
> Try instead of using '</tmp/test.log' do: 'cat /tmp/test.log|ruby …',
> see if that changes things. Also try change '2>&1' to '2>/dev/null' in
> the version that fails for you in Terminal.
I'm a new TextMate user trying to write a simple bundle command to launch my g++
builds from TextMate. Leaving out the stuff to HTMLify the results (which
doesn't seem to make a difference to this bug), it looks like this:
Where is a script which calls make on a series of makefiles, checking
the result each time. It works fine if I call it from the command line. But
when I trigger the command in TextMate, the compiles work fine, but ar calls
("ar crv") to build the library fail pretty consistently with errors like this:
ld: in ../hw_nmtlib_core.a(__debug_frame), not a valid archive member
The error is apparently in the .a file, as executing from the command
line will still generate the error, until you force it to regenerate the .a file.
I'm hoping someone has an idea what might be going on here, because TextMate
will be a dream if I can get this working properly.
hi all,
while switiching documents in Latex the following happens.
Hitting the ENTER-key on my keyboard as my cursor is somewhere in the
name of a document (like \input{moretexthere.tex}) results in 'popping-
up' the file 'moretexthere.tex' together with a warning in a yellow
-:14: warning: Insecure world writable dir /Users/.....etc..path...
in PATH, mode 040777
-:18: warning: Insecure world writable dir /Users/.....etc..path...
in PATH, mode 040777
The path stops at a folder where (eventually - 4 subdirectories
deeper) the document I'm working on is located.
Can I improve my settings so that this warning dissappears?
I've seen this mentioned before but couldn't find the thread. My is located in /Applications and the folder I'm working in
is somewhere in ~/Documents and this all with up to date software and
so on.
Thanks for any reply,