I would like to see if there is a way to conditionally include some other
files (or part of them) directly from textmate.
For example I have a file which contains a program contained in another
file, so it would be nice to autoupdate that part of the text file every
Does it makes any sense??
Something like
At every opening of the file fetches the first 10 lines of otherfile. The
problem is how to distinguish text from include instruction.
I may have an idea but maybe it doesn't make sense the whole thing...
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/conditional-inclusion-tp20853565p20853565.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I see that OCaml bundle knows which function we're in, as it's shown
in the lower right. Yet the fold handles are all screwed up and don't
do no foldin', and selecting [Scope] in the bundle editor always
selects the whole document. But we know we are in a function! How
can we make it a scope?
I have a bash alias called mb ("mate bash") to edit my bash config files
(and a few others). It's pretty simple:
alias mb='mate ~/.alias ~/.bashrc ~/.profile ~/.inputrc ~/.screenrc'
This worked fine when I first used it (quite a long time ago) but I've just
tried it today and it only half works. I get the project drawer listing the
5 files, but .profile and .bashrc don't open in TextMate when I single-click
them. If I double-click them, .profile opens in TextEdit and .bashrc gets
executed in a terminal.
What settings can I change to get back the old behaviour? I realise it's
probably a system setting rather than something TextMate-specific, but I
can't even find a way to show dotfiles in the finder so I can "always open
The problem is always the same and it's the third time with 1.5.7 and
1.5.8 :
cmd shift / opens the "HELP Menu"
I need to delete the file "com.macromates.textmate"
Is it possible to see the problem in the pref file ?
Best Regards
Alain Matthes
Does anyone how simple it would be to add a "Run" macro to the
Objective-C package?
What I'm looking for is something that works exactly like the C bundle
(latest version).
Would the maintainer of the package mind adding this capability?
Best Regards,
Armon Dadgar
The 'Help' page for the PHP bundle includes a link to the "PEAR style
guide", which looks like it goes to a defunct (possibly hijacked?) site.
IMHO the link should get re-pointed to http://pear.php.net/manual/en/standards.php
On Fri Dec 5 19:54:25 Simon Strandgaard wrote:
> Is there a way to bind the Home key in a way so that it behaves
> similar to UltraEdit?
(please correct me if I'm wrong)
Don't think it's possible. This is because I don't think TextMate can
"see" the HOME and END keys being pressed. The OS must intercept the
keypress and move the view without telling TextMate it even does it.
Maybe a third-part macro utility like Keyboard Maestro could help here.
I was playing with Markdown (yeah I'm that kind of nerd) and I ran
into the following bugs:
This message is also on pastie in case the list strips tabs:
- - -
> This text is indented from the bracket ">" by one tab
> (which is allowed in Markdown) and is mis-highlighted
> by TextMate as a nested code block.
> If, however, I indent by 4 spaces TextMate highlights
> this correctly.
> When blockquote-nested code blocks, like this paragraph, are
processed into HTML they include two spaces at the beginning of the
code block.
* Code blocks in lists must also be indented by 2 tabs.
This should be highlighted as code.
Processing this to HTML works as expected, and does not
include the blockquote's "2 space" bug.
- - -
[Links](http://example.com) can be [written][foo] a number of
[different ways][bar].
[foo]: http://example.com
"This line begins with 2 tabs. It is highlighted as code, but
processes as a title (as it should)"
[bar]: http://example.com 'single quoted titles don't highlight or
process, but should be allowed according to the Markdown syntax'
Is there a specific reason single-quote titles aren't allowed?
- - -
Also, shouldn't links like this <http://example.com> be scoped as
`string.other.link.markdown` or something so that they highlight like
every other kind of link?
- - -
Thanks for indulging me.
Hi guys, Textmate doesn't seem to catch the correct interpreter, no
matter what I do ...
ngw@slicingupeyeballs ~$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'jcode'
=> true
ngw@slicingupeyeballs ~$ echo $PATH
ngw@slicingupeyeballs ~$ which ruby
The error I get when I try to load something in ruby (like the
Blogging Bundle fetch posts) is:
ruby: no such file to load -- jcode (LoadError)
I'm stuck ...
I am trying to write a snippet that allows me to write a helpful usage
string for my Python script, and then automatically insert a "if
len(argv) != ..." thing below that:
$TM_FILENAME ${1:args}
if len(argv) != <some regex that counts number of words in $1>:
Depending on the number of words that I enter for args, I want the
appropriate number to be inserted in front of "if len(argv) != ...".
What regular expression can do that?
If a regex can't do that, can I somehow insert the results of a shell
script (e.g. wc) in a regular expression (which, by the way, seems
like a useful thing to be able to do anyways!).