Does anyone know if ReMate has compatibility issues with TextMate
Version 1.5.8 (1496)? I have recently found this fantastic plug-in,
but it doesn't appear to work for me. I connect to remote drives
using ExpanDrive, and it seems to take ages to load large projects.
chad gulley
I would like to add this command to my python bundle and it should be easy..
I would like to go to a line in TM and getting something like that in
So i can easily start to debug from where I want.
Best way could be also automatically "continue" to that breakpoint.
But if I try to do
ipython2.5 << EOF
run -d -b30
It launches correctly ipython but exits just after, why??
View this message in context:
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at
When using Emacs or VI it is possible to add a specific comment on the
source code (unfortunately they use different syntaxes) to specify (in
the middle of other things), the number of spaces a tab have, and if
they should be soft, or not.
Is there any such markup under TM?
Thanks In Advance,
Alberto Simões
Has anyone out there come up with a way to insert "end-of-line"
comments. As a former vim user, I had a plugin that would insert a
comment on column 55 of the given line. I would love to be able to do
the same in textmate. Any suggestions?
chad gulley
Markdown does not do well codeblocks in between list items
<> :
To put a code block within a list item, the code block needs to be
indentedtwice — 8 spaces or two tabs:
* A list item with a code block:
<code goes here>
- Juan Falgueras
So maybe my last email (pasted below) was poorly worded. I'll try again...
I've found 3 highlighting bugs and 2 export bugs in the Markdown
bundle. I'd fix them myself but the Markdown Bundle's kung-fu is too
much for me to handle.
Highlighting Bugs
1. Raw code nested inside blockquotes require indentation by
two tabs, not one.
2. Same rule applies to lists.
3. Reference-style links should allow titles to be listed on
the next line, indented with as many tabs as you'd like.
All three of these are *just* highlighting bugs, they export to HTML just fine.
Export to HTML bugs
1. Raw code nested inside blockquotes is incorrectly exported
with two leading spaces inside the pre/code tags.
2. According to Markdown syntax, reference-style link's titles
are allowed to be inside single-quotes.
And that's it. If you need an example to paste into TextMate see here:
On Fri Dec 5 at 20:55:31 Oliver Taylor wrote:
> I was playing with Markdown (yeah I'm that kind of nerd) and I ran
> into the following bugs:
> This message is also on pastie in case the list strips tabs:
> - - -
> > This text is indented from the bracket ">" by one tab
> > (which is allowed in Markdown) and is mis-highlighted
> > by TextMate as a nested code block.
> > If, however, I indent by 4 spaces TextMate highlights
> > this correctly.
> > When blockquote-nested code blocks, like this paragraph, are
> processed into HTML they include two spaces at the beginning of the
> code block.
> * Code blocks in lists must also be indented by 2 tabs.
> This should be highlighted as code.
> Processing this to HTML works as expected, and does not
> include the blockquote's "2 space" bug.
> - - -
> [Links]( can be [written][foo] a number of
> [different ways][bar].
> [foo]:
> "This line begins with 2 tabs. It is highlighted as code, but
> processes as a title (as it should)"
> [bar]: 'single quoted titles don't highlight or
> process, but should be allowed according to the Markdown syntax'
> Is there a specific reason single-quote titles aren't allowed?
> - - -
> Also, shouldn't links like this <> be scoped as
> `` or something so that they highlight like
> every other kind of link?
> - - -
> Thanks for indulging me.
> --oliver
Hi there,
Due to some trouble with my current laptop, I had to borrow another
one and as a consequence, did a fresh TextMate install on a fresh user
account on OS X 10.4.11. Next step was getting GetBundles, which
failed with
/bin/bash: line 15:
/Users/someone/Library/Logs/TextMateGetBundles.log: No such file or
I had to create a ~/Library/Logs to avoid the problem. I guess this
qualifies as an easily corrected bug.
Hi all,
Is it possible to fix the YAML inline-hash syntax highlighting?
Working with Symfony, it's very common to have inline hashes in the
routing.yml file. They look something like:
url: /recently-added.xml
param: { module: feed, action: enhanced }
The YAML bundle considers "feed, action: enhanced" to be a value for
"module:" where "action:" should be a new key.
Is there a fix? I've briefly looked at fixing it, but I'm not
familiar enough with the TM syntax definition to figure this out on my
Hey everyone,
I'm trying to piece something together and I figured I'd ask if it was
possible before I put all of the mental effort into it.
I use the "find email address in address book" bundle almost daily. I
was wondering if it is possible to configure similar functionality for
the calendar? I want type in a word from an event's name and the
command would pull the full name, location, start and end date from
iCal. Is this possible?
I'm not a programmer but I was hoping to modify the existing bundle.
I *think* the CalCalendarItem and CalEvent frameworks provide the
necessary information to pull this off but I wanted to make sure that
it was feasable before I attempted something so far above my pay grade.
I am trying to create a command that takes input as "selection or
scope", so I set the input option accordingly.
I set the scope selector to string.quoted.double.block.python
However, when I press the key equivalent, my command receives the
entire file as input instead of just the string.
Can you already see something that I am doing wrong? Screenshots attached.