I was wondering if it was possible to map a key (I'll choose [enter])
to the following procedure:
go to the end of the line (given by a particular column) via tabs and
enter two backslashes and return.
alternatively, if the distance to the given column is less than some
number K, go to the next line, tab over T many tabs, hit two
backslashes and return.
The main use of this for me would be inside the align environment, and
within tables--that way the layout of the align's lines appear
consistent automatically, instead of me having to do it by hand.
Cole's Law:
Shredded cabbage goes great with shredded carrots and
TextMate suddenly has problems saving files in latin1 encoding (which
I must use if I collaborate with others). Even though TextMate tells
me it saves the file in latin1, upon checking with TextWrangler, it is
clear that they are not saved in the correct format.
The only workaround is to avoid using special characters (like umlaute
or accents). This happens with extremely simple one-file projects as
well as more difficult projects.
Is it possible to downgrade to an older version of TextMate?
Dear All,
I just encountered something of which I think is a bug in the latex bundle.
When using a directory and file structure like this
where main.tex has an \input{subdir/submain} and submain.tex contains a
\input{subdir/subcontent.tex} the show outline function gives me an error
that the directory
xyz/subdir/subdir/... could not be found (which, as a matter of fact is
correct since it does not exist). To my impression the parser forgets to cut
off the first part of the path in \input{} when in a subdirectory.
For generating a LaTeX file this works fine. Any help or hint would be
greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Latex-Bundle---Bug-in-Show-Outline-tp20909194p2090919…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Is there a way to bind the Home key in a way so that it
behaves similar to UltraEdit?
Nearly 2 years has past, since I last asked about this:
Maybe there is a solution now?
The first time you press Home then the cursor jumps to
the first letter on the line (/^\s*/).
The second time you press Home it jumps to
the beginning of the line (/^/).
position A = ^
position B = ^\s*
Item1. pressing home and cursor jumps to position B.
Item2. except when cursor already is at position B, then it jumps to A.
Item3. doesn't modify the file.
Item4. when shift is held down then it preserves the selection correct.
I have tried different approaches mentioned in the past on
this list, but they have problems with Item3 and Item4.
I have also tried making my own ruby scripts for it, but
there was also problems with Item3 and Item4.
Has anyone a well behaved Smart Home command?
# Good: Item1 and Item2
# Bad: Item3 and Item4
# Save: Nothing
# Input: Selected Text or Line
# Output: Insert as Snippet
# Activation: Key Equivalent, HomeKeyArrow
# Scope Selector: <blank>
#! /usr/bin/ruby
index = ENV['TM_LINE_INDEX'].to_i
# extract leading whitespace
remain = line.sub(/(^[ \t]*)/, '')
whitespace = $1
if whitespace == nil
whitespace = ''
elsif index == whitespace.size
whitespace = ''
line = remain
# escape $ \ `
# place cursor
print "#{whitespace}${1}#{line}"
Simon Strandgaard
my graphics program for mac - http://toolboxapp.com/
None of the Java templates seem to create properly; both from the File-
>New From Template as well as from the the project window...
I haven't gotten the time to look into why yet; but does anyone
already know about this?
Hi All,
I’m not sure if this has already been addressed, but I noticed
that my CSS language grammar highlights “transparent” in
{background-color: transparent;}, and most everything after that, as
an error (scope = invalid.illegal.css). The more common {background:
transparent;} doesn’t trigger the error, and in that
case “transparent” gets the scope “name =
'support.constant.property-value.css'.” I added transparent to
the value list in “name = 'support.constant.color.w3c-standard-
color-name.css',” which may not be the right place, but works
for me.
peace - oli
> On Fri Dec 5 19:54:25 Simon Strandgaard wrote:
>> Is there a way to bind the Home key in a way so that it behaves
>> similar to UltraEdit?
> On Fri Dec 5 22:51:55 Oliver Taylor wrote:
> (please correct me if I'm wrong)
> Don't think it's possible. This is because I don't think TextMate can
> "see" the HOME and END keys being pressed. The OS must intercept the
> keypress and move the view without telling TextMate it even does it.
> Maybe a third-part macro utility like Keyboard Maestro could help
> here.
Wow. That was just dumb. Of course TextMate can assign HOME and END to
snippets etc.
What am I? New?
The Markdown bundle:
- Correctly highlights hyphen-delimited bullet lists, and
- Correctly translates hyphen-delimited bullet lists to HTML, but
- Does not allow the writing of such lists! Instead, hyphen-tab creates a horizontal line.
This is a problem because:
- Users may want to use hyhpens to demark bulleted lists instead of asterisks or plus signs for visual reasons
- Users may want to use hyhpens to demark bulleted lists instead of asterisks or plus signs because the hyphen is the only punctuation of those options which does not require use of the Shift button
- This behavior occurs even when converting a paragraph to a bulleted list item (result is "----------[...]---previous paragraph text")
A suggested fix is:
- Force users to type two hyphens for the horizontal-line auto-completion
Alan Hogan
Hi folks,
I'm a Wordpress user, and I also use a few plugins that make use of
custom fields, which are arbitrary key,value pairs that can be
associated with posts.
I've implemented support for these into the blogging bundle. I've
attached both a diff and a zip of the entire modified bundle.
It adds a 'Custom' header item, which has the format:
Custom: field_name (field_id) = field_value
Where field_id is an optional numeric value, and retrieved when
fetching posts.
Michael Tyson | michael.tyson.id.au
m: (+61) 0407 754 124
e: mike(a)tyson.id.au
aim: mikerusselltyson
twitter: MichaelTyson
Misadventures of a Wizard's Apprentice :
I found in this message : http://lists.macromates.com/textmate/2007-February/017504.html
this idea
ENV['PATH'] = %x{sh -c '. "$BASH_ENV"; echo $PATH'}
I put this line in the file require_cmd.rb and with this line, I can
without setting the PATH in the Shell Variables.
I would like to know if this idea is fine or if it' dangerous ...
the code :
ENV['PATH'] = %x{sh -c '. "$BASH_ENV"; echo $PATH'}
require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/escape"
require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/exit_codes"
module TextMate
class << self
def require_cmd(cmd)
unless File.executable?(cmd) or ENV['PATH'].split(':').any? { |
dir| File.executable? File.join(dir, cmd) }
TextMate::HTMLOutput.show(:title => "Can't find “#{cmd}” on
PATH.", :sub_title => "") do |io|
io << "<p>The current PATH is:</p>"
io << "<blockquote>"
ENV["PATH"].split(":").each do |p|
io << htmlize(p + "\n")
io << "</blockquote>"
io << "<p>Please add the directory containing
“<code>#{cmd}</code>” to <code>PATH</code> in TextMate's Shell
Variables preferences.</p>"
io << "<p>Alternatively, the PATH can be retrieved from
Terminal but this requires a relaunch: "
io << "<button onclick=
set_tm_path.sh").gsub(" ", "\\\\\\\\ ")}', null)\">Set PATH and