In looking at the Markdown bundle I came up with the idea that a
dropped HTML file (or snippet) could be run through or
similar to generate Markdown formatting. I went to add a new drop
command, but realized I don't know what the approved way to add the
script is -- if there is one. I wil refrain from adding it as a
template file :)
Paul Bissex
Northampton MA USA 01061-0847
[novice question alert!]
I would like to tell TextMate that if it encounters a heredoc with the
name 'END_SQL' in my perl script, the text within the heredoc is sql.
For example:
my $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( <<END_SQL );
SELECT name, city
FROM people
WHERE country='nl'
I get the impression that something like that is possible. But I cannot
get it to work. Can someone hint me in the right direction?
It seems TextMate is the only application I know where it is hard to
find a solution because there are /too many/ information resources:
mailing list, wiki, manual, irc and weblog. ;-)
__ ____
/ / / __/ Brian Lalor "If you still have gas, you're
not lost."
/ _ \/__ \ blalor(a) -- Jacques Strappe
While applescript is not how TextMate does its magic internally, it would be
nice to have some document creation tools, as this is how apps work together
in workflows on Mac.
I'd like to see the following script which works in SubEthaEdit work for
View Source in SEE
Chris Biagini <>
updated Jan. 5, 2005
tell application "Safari"
set mySource to the source of document 1 as string
set myName to name of document 1 as string
end tell
tell application "SubEthaEdit"
make new text document at end of documents with properties {mode:"HTML",
text:mySource, name:"Source of: " & myName}
end tell
Dr Timothy Bates <tim.bates(a)>
Reader in Differential Psychology
University of Edinburgh
Dept Psychology
7 George Square
wk +44 131 651 1945
FAX +44 131 651 3461
home +44 131 332 3543
Mob +44 790 386 4573
Easy on the flames, boys:
It's a weak review, not even scratching the surface of TM's
extensibility and ease of use, but that kind of review could take
weeks to write. :-)
Brian Lalor / blalor(a)
Stewardess: We know you have your choice of bankrupt carriers
and we
appreciate you choosing us.
I just noticed something strange. I turned off Soft Wrap, and then
set Wrap Column to use Window Frame. I had show right margin
indicator turned on in preferences. What I get is this:
I guess it's a drawing problem...
pgp fingerprint: BC64 2E7A CAEF 39E1 9544 80CA F7D5 784D FB46 16C1
Does anyone know if it is possible to use forms in the html output window
when running a command?, Id like to use a form to take certain certain user
input and pass those values to a perl script hidden inside the language
bundle and get the result from that perl script back inside the same html
window. This is for a help lookup facility that asks the user to type a
search term in and select various scoping options. I can do it using
osascript to open an Applescript ask dialog, but I wanted something that was
more integrated with TM.
Many thanks to anyone who can suggest something,
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Hello All,
I'm new to TextMate, moving over from BBEdit. I'm still exploring the
application, but have already purchased a license, as it really
"feels right."
First question relates to something I frequently did in BBEdit --
"Process All Lines", where I might prefix and suffix each line in a
selection. Is there a way to do this in TextMate?
(I've seen there's an "Edit Each Line in Selection" menu item in
TextMate, but I can't figure out what it does, or how to use it.)
Many thanks in advance.
Matt Henderson
matt.henderson(a) (personal) | matt(a) (work)
What I'm looking for is the ability to select the contents of a quoted
attribute (HTML for instance), preferably with a keyboard shortcut.
About 75% of my workday is spent editing existing HTML documents, and
this ability would be a HUGE time-, and wrist-, saver. I hate having to
go to the mouse and drag select every time I need to change the href
contents of an A tag.
If this ability already exists, either in TextMate, or even native to
OS X (I'm a newcomer), please, please, please tell me where to find it.
If it doesn't, please, I beg you, add it to this AMAZING piece of
Thank you.
Warren L. Parsons
This isn't quite what I'm talking about.
I want to be able to place my cursor inside *any* given quote pair, hit
a keyboard shortcut, and have everything between the quotes selected. I
just gave "href" as an example.
> command-F
> Find : (?<=href\=")[^"]+
> Regular expression
> Next
> Manually replace the address selected
> command-G to select next match