How do I add my precious KID templates to the dropdown menu in the
dialog resulting from cmd-N?
(Yes, they are present and working in the File->New from template
menu item)
"Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by
Like most on this list, I love TextMate.
There are tons of useful features in it, and I keep finding new ones every date.
I just stumbled on the Cmd-T file-find the other day, in fact. I just
learned that my peeve about columnar selection was based on my
ignorance of the fact that you can toggle to columnar by hitting
Option after starting the selection. Every day, I'm pleasantly
surprised by a new feature.
However (and you knew that was coming...), the help files are a bit
sparse, and the discoverability of some features is pretty bad.
(By the way, the documentation wiki[1] seems to be down right now.)
Screencasts are all the rage now, and I was thinking of making little
30 second - 1 minute demo vids of some useful but hidden TextMate
The problem with that idea is that it's not just the screen people
will be interested in, but the keyboard interaction.
I'd like to provide a keyboard overlay on the demo vids, which would
show which keys are being depressed to get the specific features to
Does anyone know how to do this?
I'm familiar with vnc2swf and wink. I'm also considering buying
Camtasia and/or Snapz Pro.
I guess a "stay-on-top" utility could be used and just be captured
along with the subject app usage.
Any pointers appreciated...
I didn't see this in the list, but that doesn't mean it's not there.
It would be cool to have a back/forward functionality like in a
browser. For example, I often use cmd-T to find a file to look up the
signature of a class method or whatever. Then I want to go back to
the last file I was viewing. If I have more than 8 files open, the
tabs become useless. I could use cmd-W to close the file, but often
times I have three files that I'm working on at one time and it would
be nice to be able to just quickly switch between them in the order
in which i've looked at them.
Browser-ifying the tab system is a pet request of mine that I hope to
someday see realized. TextMate is an amazing editor - thank you
again, Allan.
> Did you try with tm-file:// ? The following works for me:
> echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0; URL=tm-file://localhost$
> {HOME}/Sites/index.html'>"
> And alternate way to redirect is btw via the html “support library”
> found in the TM_SUPPORT_PATH (first library “includes” (sources) the
> library):
> . "${TM_SUPPORT_PATH}/lib/"
> redirect "tm-file://localhost${HOME}/Sites/index.html"
Neither of these are working for me:
. "${TM_SUPPORT_PATH}/lib/"
redirect "tm-file://localhost${TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY}/public/index.html"
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0;
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 9997-0593
I apologize if this has been brought up before.
Cutting and pasting text when in Python mode always pastes the text
four spaces (my indent width) to far to the right .
When pasting inside a <class>, text is pasted 8 spaces to far to the
right measured from the current cursor position.
<cmd>[ shift left does not work on my norwegian key map. (<cmd>]
shift right does.)
As you might imagine these two together is quite annoying ;)
"Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by
I am using Subversion on OSX and I seem to be having trouble using TM
as the editor for commit messages. When I set the environment
variable SVN_EDITOR to mate, it pulls up the editor whenever I do an
svn commit, but when I save the file and type continue, it does the
commit with no message.
Is this a known bug or am I doing something incorrectly?
I've only been using TextMate a day, like it, but am struggling to
find resources on $TM_DROPPED_FILE, etc.
In HTML, I would like links created with $TM_DROPPED_FILE to use
absolute not relative paths to the project root and I would
appreciate any info on how to do this.
On Nov 22, 2005, at 7:08 PM, Urbanose wrote:
> Maybe a "/" between "localhost" and "$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY" ?
> Le 22 nov. 05 à 21:04, Benjamin Jackson a écrit :
>> I'd like to do a simple preview command to keep an html file in live
>> update as I edit css. This doesn't seem to work:
>> echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0;
>> URL=file://localhost$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY/public/index.html'>"
>> What am I missing here?
>> ___________________
>> Ben Jackson
>> Diretor de Desenvolvimento
>> ben(a)
>> ______________________________________________________________________
>> For new threads USE THIS: textmate(a)
>> (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't)
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 9997-0593
I'd like to do a simple preview command to keep an html file in live
update as I edit css. This doesn't seem to work:
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0;
What am I missing here?
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento