Are there any plans to ditch the drawer? I wouldn't mind the file
list working like Mail, iTunes, iPhoto or most of the newer apps
coming out lately. I don't think the Drawer works, especially for
large hierarchies and 12-inch screens - both of which I am plagued with.
Colin D. Devroe
I'm trying to get the Template functionality working. I have authored
a template, but when I use the New from Template... menu item, I get
the file name 'untitled', which is not what I want to use in my file.
I see that if I have a project, I can choose a template to use, but
the list is different to the one in New from Template..., and I
cannot choose my newly created template.
Is this functionality useable, or is it still in a state of flux? Am
I missing something?
Drew McCormack
Can anyone out there with superpowers in writing shell script help with the
following? Id like to write a command that can locate the currently selected
word as a file within the project (assuming the word is the name of a class
or some such thing) and open that file. Now I know what you¹re all saying,
just copy the selection and paste it into the ³Go To file...² window, I just
thought this might be, you know, fractionally quicker, add up all those
extra clicks and key presses and over the course of a day I might save, oh,
10 seconds or so. ;-)
I just know someone out there can do this, but the more I stare at
combinations of locate, grep, perl and whatnot the more I can feel my sanity
ebb away.
Go on, you know you want to.
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I just noticed that my syntax highlighting seems a bit messed up.
I've attached a screenshot, you can see that the "def" isn't getting
the keyword style but, by a process of switching themes about,
appears to be getting the entity style.
I also attached screenshots of the ctrl+shift+p output for the def &
end statement to show what TxMt thinks they are.
I updated to 790 this morning, don't remember seeing this before then.
Matt Mower ::
>> [...] Also a command to take the selected text, add ".inspect # =>"
>> and push it to the clipboard.
> Have a look at Ruby -> Execute Line as Ruby (ctrl-shift E, which is
> unscoped, so it works in all contexts).
> It will execute the current line or selection via Ruby and insert the
> result (either using .to_s or .inspect, depending on the result type).
Yeah, but the script I linked to actually runs the program and gives
you (almost) real-time debugging while you're editing the file. Do you
have any good ruby one-liners that you use a lot?
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
I like the fact that I can have several folders each representing a
"project" within a TM Project.
However, it becomes quite confusing when editing files in a Project
set up this way.
- TurbogearsProject(group)
- Admin/
When editing the file "" from folder Admin/admin/ and
Website/website/ there's no distinction between the two
files in the editor.
The list in cmd-T shows the files as " - website" and
" - admin". Is there any way I can get the same in the
file tab in the editor?
Behind the firewall, nobody can hear you scream...
Hi all,
Have downloaded the demo (1.1b17 (769)) and currently evaluate
TextMate (vs bbedit/textwrangler) against my needs. It looks like the
editor I was missing :)
Indeed I work on the support of the CLAIRE language which have
special construct that are often impossible to describe with other
editor's syntax facilities. The way TM handles languages/scopes and
other language inclusion is the best I've ever seen. I could create a
CLAIRE bundle that, for the first time, handles correctly the syntax
of CLAIRE (and, trust me, I'm not a regex guru...)!
My question is about a language description design. I tried (but
failed) to design the grammar such anything that is a valid CLAIRE
construct is described by a specific pattern and anything else falls
into the scope of 'invalid.illegal.something'. For instance, in
CLAIRE, a variable scope is introduced with a 'let' construct :
let x := 1, y := 2 in (x + y) // valid
let x := 1, y := 2 *BAD* in (x + y) // invalid : *BAD* illegal
The rule that describe the 'let' construct would look like :
let <#var-def-list> in <#any>
Which can't be described with a begin/end pattern, unless I can
reference a repository rule from whitin the begin/end pattern. Can we
do that ?
Is there a way to acheive this ?
I posted a bug report about TextMate basically not handling Japanese
well at all but am wondering if anyone has had problems working with
other double-byte languages or Arabic?
mobile web gear | | 34°40'n 135°30'e
I may simply be confused, but I just had a global find/replace
operation appear to go rather haywire on me and thought I'd ask about
it. The following values were entered in the dialog...
Find: <cfif Session.InAdminGroup IS "Yes">
Replace: <cfif Session.InAdminGroup>
"Ignore case" was checked and "Regular expression" was unchecked.
Here's what I ended up with in each replaced instance...
<cfif NOT Session.In<cfif Session.InAdminGroup>>
That doesn't seem quite right to me.
Jack Baty
Fusionary Media -
Found this util today:
You feed it code and it puts the output in comments, i.e.
a = 5
a # =>
would return
a = 5
a # => 5
I set up a command to save and run this filter to replace the document
and bound it to F10. Also a command to take the selected text, add
".inspect # =>" and push it to the clipboard.
Anyone interested?
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 9997-0593