Hello everyone on the list,
I am just wondering why the text anti-aliasing in Textmate is so different from XCode: in Textmate, the characters are much bolder than in XCode. For example, I love LuxiMono. It is a great font for displaying code. It renders beautifully in XCode, but is much to thick in Textmate :(
Any way to change that (at least make it customizable)?
Otherwise Textmate is really cool.
Jean-Marc Borer
7 av. de Vaudagne
CH-1217 Meyrin
Mob: +41 79 213 9937
Tel: +41 22 782 0866
Hi all,
I've been working with too many prototype objects in javascript of
late, and as some of you may know, they are generally declared as
Sound.prototype.play = function() {
All I did was took the existing function regex, and moved a couple of
the captures:
{ name = 'meta.function.js';
match = '\b([a-zA-Z_?\.]+\w*)\s+=\s+\b(function)?\s*\((.*?)\)';
captures =
{ 1 = { name = 'entity.name.function.js'; };
2 = { name = 'storage.type.function.js'; };
3 = { name = 'variable.parameter.function.js'; };
It could probably be nicer, but pasting that in after the original
function code (in the JS language def file) will give you properly
highlighted function declarations :)
Tony Arnold
“The university was great. They gave us money and facilities,
but we didn’t have to produce anything. I’ve worked in the
private sector. You don’t know what it’s like out there. They
expect results.” -- Dr Ray Stanz, Ghostbusters
Trying to get a simple command that displays a webpage with a flash
file in it. `cat /path/to/file.html` gives me a blank screen, as does
`curl http://mydomain.com/path/to/file.html`. However, running curl to
an old url that provides a link to the page does load the movie.
Any idea what's up?
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
> "create document" -- why not? :)
Because you cant click on the lines in a new document window to have it take
you to the correct line in the file, very useful for debugging that is.
Chris Jenkins
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I keep hitting the 'Toggle Comment' command with no selection,
expecting it to work on the current line only, but it does the whole
file. I find this behavior counter-intuitive. Does anyone else? And
if so, is it possible to have it changed?
(peter.royal|osi)(a)pobox.com - http://fotap.org/~osi
I just noticed a problem when creating a new file from the Project drawer.
I right clicked at the top level and created a file which appears to
be at the top level. However I just realised that it actually created
the file in the last folder I was working in.
See attached images where the file LICENSE appears to be at the
top-level but, svnX finds it under themes/moxie/templates/publish/
Matt Mower :: http://matt.blogs.it/
Hi all.. I've been developing a web-app using TextMate and just
recently decided to go and create a project (up to that time I've
just been browsing for the file(s) to edit directly). Anyway,
I found that once the project was created and I imported my existing
files (>100-200 of them I'd guess) and opened perhaps 4-5 of them
in the same tabbed window that bringing TextMate into the foreground
caused a ~3-5 second delay while it was doing some sort of network
activity.. What I mean by bringing TextMate into the foreground is that
I've got it displayed on the screen, and I bring Safari into the
foreground so I can test an updated page.. I then switch back to TM
to edit something.. If this switch back and forth is <5-8 seconds, then
TM seems to be fine.. Anything longer seems to cause this long delay
before I can type or change tabbed windows,etc.
Interestingly enough, I can have these same 4-5 files open without the
project paradigm and not see these same delays..
I should also tell you that my file server is a Linux box being remotely
mounted via Samba (smb://) and that I've got the metadata disabled in TM.
This is all being done via 802.11b on a 667Mhz Powerbook if that helps..
I don't recall the version of TM I'm using -- it was automatically downloaded
for me about a week or so ago. Any ideas on how to get rid of this delay
would be greatly appreciated..
-- Rick
I just came across this today: It would be handy to limit a "find in
project" search to only those files within selected folders.
Interface-wise, it would be cool if you could simply command-click
the folders or files you want to search through in the project files
pane and then choose "find in project". Perhaps the "Find in
Project" menu item could change to "Find in Files" if more than one
file is explicitly selected?
Duane Johnson
It would be really cool if TextMate could automatically pull the
latest bundles from svn in the same fashion as it now pulls builds.
I am always updating my bundles...often every day...and this would
save me some time.