Type and select the string
in an html document
Hit cmd-shift-& and choose "Convert to named entity"
expected: british pounds sterling symbol
obtained: ampersand (&)
reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-entities-961125>
<!ENTITY pound CDATA "£" -- pound sterling sign -->
<!ENTITY amp CDATA "&" -- ampersand, U0026 ISOnum -->
Not really sure anything can be done to help it if we want the
current set of features, but is you type something like this in Ruby:
foo = 21
The 'foo = 21' part and the rest of the document is colored like a
style-sheet. Normally this would be incorrect nesting of course, but
for heredocs in languages, there can be good reasons for this (and
it's in fact used in tmruby).
-- Sune.
Is there any chance of being able to set a preference where the code
collapsing is not based on indentation? To be honest I'm not sure
how other applications have handled collapsing programmatically, but
basing it on indentation seems to be a bit buggy and doesn't work for
every situation.
Colin D. Devroe
Blog: http://theubergeeks.net/
Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/cdevroe/
I guess this is just a bug, but if you drop a (real) folder into a textmate
virtual project folder, you cannot then move it to the top level.
"Let the people decide through the marketplace mechanisms what they
wish to see and hear. Why is there this national obsession to
tamper with this box of transistors and tubes when we don't do the
same for 'Time' magazine?"
-- Mark Fowler, former FCC Chairman
Just in case you hadn¹t spotted this...
It seems as though the v731 update, which greys out commands when there isnt
a document open also greys out items under the New From Template menu
command, which presumably isnt supposed to happen.
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Hi there,
a question has occurred to me while trying to open a project from the
command line: Is there any way to open a project with mate (I can't
see any switch that does so) or do I have to use OSX's open command?
Would you consider, Allan, adding support for this? It'd avoid users
having to switch depending on the file name (file type,actually) when
invoking mate from a script
Victor Jalencas <Victor.Jalencas(a)gmail.com>
Two great features in the last release. I really appreciate reveal in
project and the symbol popup is great.
Thanks Allan.
Matt Mower :: http://matt.blogs.it/
Hi All,
Has anyone else experienced an unresponsive find dialog?
Occasionally, when I bring up find, it will let me type in the find
entry box, but clicking on any of the UI elements does nothing.
Sometimes I can hit escape to make the dialog go away, but usually I
can't do anything to make it go away or work and have to restart
TextMate. This is common for me on both of my macs. But maybe its
something in my setup. I'm curious if anyone else has experienced
this to help track down what might be causing it. Thanks _matt
A few times I've wished this feature was present. I have huge projects with
many folders and the files can number in the thousands, sometimes with the
same names but in different folders (i.e index.php).
At times I'd like to go to the folder in the drawer that a currently opened
file is from (to open another related file for instance) but that folder
and file may exist several layers deep in another folder that is now closed.
It would be nice to have a command (either from menu or right clickable
menu) that will open the folder hierarchy to expose the folder and file