I'm trying to update the svn-commit.tmp language definition to work with
SVK, but am having some difficulty. In SVN, the temporary commit file is
always named 'svn-commit.tmp' or 'svn-commit.2.tmp'. So the following works:
fileTypes = ( 'svn-commit.tmp', 'svn-commit.2.tmp' );
In SVK, the temporary commit file is named 'svk-commitXXXXX.tmp' where
XXXXX appear to be five random alpha-numerics. I haven't been able to
figure out how to match this. Am I missing something?
sometimes I test quicly my html files on the Desktop and I use this
in bundle:
open "http://localhost/desktop${TM_FILEPATH#$HOME/Desktop}"
(after to set for this one the httpd.conf file)
ok, but if an html page has spaces in the filename (I know this is
not correct) the above command doesn't work.
Is it normal?
How to correct it, please?
thanks and regards
Hash: SHA1
sorry to post this on the list rather than to the actual author of
the bundle, but i'm busy in the middle of a project and just wanted
to get the request off my chest and get right back to work.
whoever did that - you just scared the living s**t out of me, when I
hit ^d in the middle of coding (forward delete normally) and my whole
source code went wonky... argll...
- --
Tom Lazar
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)
I got a couple of suggestions.
First of all, open URL:
I'm used to clicking on a URL in a text and go to that URL in a
webbrowser. In Mac OS 9, there was an extension that allowed to do that
by command-clicking on any URL. In Mac OS X virtually all text editors
or text viewers, if you right-click on a URL, you get a menu which
(among others) says "Open URL". Try BBEdit, SubEthaEdit, Stickies, or
TextEdit. They all have this feature. Except for TextMate. Perhaps I can
create it using "Filter Through Command...", but that's clumsy. I
suggest to add this feature like in all other editors.
Second, Diff's:
Well, this has been discussed on the list before. The diff function in
TextMate is not really useful. Actually, Compare Texts is still the only
thing I use BBEdit for. Even though Apple's FileMerge does a better job
of showing the diff's (much better then either BBEdit or TextMate),
BBEdit most definately has the best integration of viewing AND editing
diffs, as well as ignoring line endings and white space (TextMate diff
can't handle anything but unix line endings). This is very high on my
wish-list for TextMate.
Last, draffing URL's:
Dragging. I struggled long to understand "DragCommands" (there is not
useful mention of them in the help or on the wiki). I would love to be
able to make a DragCommand that allows me to drag a URL to a HTML text
file, and that the drag then automatically inserted a <a
href="$URL">$name</a>, preferable with the previous selection as the
$name. However, it seems that now, DragCommands only work on files, not
on other drags like URL's and images.
Oh, sorry if I sound critical. I love TextMate. I really adore the UTF-8
support (actually that was the single most important reason for me to
make the switch to TextMate as my default editor). Keep up the good work!
Freek Dijkstra
Hi everyone,
Is there a way to display the files label colors in the project
drawer? I'm talking about the color labels that you set with a right
click on a file icon in the Finder. Somehow, every year or so, often
when merging several file hierarchies, that feature is invaluable.
Any ideas ?
- n.
Thank you for the quick responses.
I fixed the problem in the following way: opened "misc" in textmate
via "mate misc", saved it as UTF-8. Apparently the odd character
mentioned by Allan was fixed by this operation.
I had earlier tried a conversion via "reopen with encoding" UTF8 but
that did not make a difference. However, using "save as" w/ UTF8 on
top of the older version did fix the problem.
In terms of why not use a .sh extension, I have to confess to being
an old unix guy and never got in the habit of typing foo.sh when I
can type foo instead!
Anyway, we're go, thanks for the help.
-- Owen
Owen Densmore
http://backspaces.net - http://redfish.com - http://friam.org
I just watched the 10 minute Ruby on Rails intro video
(http://rubyonrails.ams.cachefly.net/rails_setup.mov) where TextMate
used a pane for project files instead of the shelf. The pane looks
good, any chance it will return?
I realize this will make TextMate look a lot more like Xcode, but that
wouldn't bother me..
Perhaps something similar to the one in Mail2 (Tiger) .
hans petter.
Hi folks. I've tried TextMate a while back and in *instantly*
replaced my use of jEdit. Wow, hard to believe you can get a unix
class text editor with Mac grace all in one package. Congrats!
I've the following problem:
- I've created a project called Daily that I have the files I edit
often: Notes, Log, Bashrc, ToDo, etc. I add files to the project by
simply using Add Exiting Files ...
- This generally works but I've got one shell script file "misc"
that is used for quick shell hacks. When I include this in my
project, it does not show in the tabs or in the edit pane.
- The file is a bit odd: it looks like this:
<current hack>
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------
<past hacks>
# ----------------------------------------------------------
...etc to EOF.
Note the "exit" used to let prior hacks be available for reference,
yet not be executed when misc is called. The file is here if that
would help: http://backspaces.net/files/misc
So basically I'm trying to add an existing file to the project and
although the name shows in the drawer just fine, double clicking on
it does not put it in the tabs or edit pane.
Note that the file works fine outside of the project .. i.e. if I
execute "mate misc" from the terminal, I get a new window with the
file showing correctly.
I suspect I'm doing something dumb but..any help appreciated!
-- Owen
Owen Densmore
http://backspaces.net - http://redfish.com - http://friam.org