I'd have rather assumed that foldings were NOT printed, yet there
they were ... I can also see situations where you want them to be
printed as well. Just raising the issue.
[CHANGED] When a new version is available, TextMate will download it
automatically (w/o first asking the user), though showing progress
underway which can be cancelled.
I have to say..UGH here. Can we get this turned into an option? I'm
usually the type that prefers to initiate my downloads rather than
having them done for me, for a variety of reasons, some security,
some due to available bandwidth at the time, etc.
I dunno, that's just me.
After loading a python file into textmate, I noticed that the folding
is very inconsistent throughout the file:
Notice in the screen shot that one method is folded after the comment
(!) and others are folded at some arbitrary point inside the method
(!!). I tried searching the mailing list archive for this, and most of
the references are from last year. Am I missing something, or has this
problem not been fixed in the past year?
Hi Allan,
I just noticed that the command output option ³output in new window² is
deprecated in the latest builds, is something going to take its place in the
Chris Jenkins
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I was just writing this PHP form thing and I like to use the "here
document" syntax for it. While it technically makes sense that the
whole block within the <<<TAG [ ... ] TAG; is colored as a string, it
makes it hard to read a large block of let's say HTML (kind of a very
usual use for it)... Is there anyway to keep the HTML within colored
as regular HTML?
Hope my question makes sense :)
I just started using TextMate about a week ago, and I've been
collecting some of my impressions, and any notes for things I had
trouble learning how to do. I was going to add this to the wiki on a
User Page, but I can't seem to find how to do that.
Overall, I really like TextMate. I was actually prompted to try it
out by someone on IRC when I asked what people thought of BBEdit -
since they're having a sale for $99 right now. So, I was going to buy
it, but I was scared off when people kept talking about "bloat" and
whatnot. So, I'm giving TextMate a shot, but I've become rather
familiar with TextWrangler, so most of my feedback has to do with
coming from that paradigm - just to warn you.
Anyway, here's the beef:
= TextMate Notes =
= Feature Requests =
make it so that you can always show the file browsing drawer
allow a "single window" interface where new files opened are always
opened in the same window (like textwrangler)
looking for an easy way to make textmate the "default text editor" or
something to that effect
if you move a file (via the finder or whatever) while it is being
edited, textmate can't follow it (textwrangler did)
collect color "themes" on website for easy download
option to make file browsing drawer on the right
= 2005-10-14 snippets =
snippets are specific to the language.
you can find them in the menu - Automation -> Insert Snippet
go to Edit Snippets to look around
You can choose Tab Trigger from the drop-down to see the trigger
a Trigger is important - you have to be in the right language for the
to see, for example, the auto-link thing on the home page video...
make sure you're in html, and then type "ref" and then <tab>
then you can tab to the two areas of the tag you'd want to edit
note - and this is very cool - you can use PHP language snippets in
just open the php stuff with the tags <?php etc - and within there,
php snippets will work
= 2005-10-14 Balance Tags =
coming from textwrangler - one of the first things i looked for was
tag balancing
that's where it will highlight all the code between two { } things
this is good to make sure you're balancing your tags out
= 2005-10-14 Multiple files =
dragging a folder into the textmate icon in the doc will open them
with a drawer to see all the files
= 2005-10-19 The Project Drawer =
choose file -> new project to have the file browser appear
you can make folders in the project drawer
one trick might be to make a single project with many folders that
contain all of your text files
Changing the macro to be triggered by a < key seems sensible, since
that's related to tags, but why not also change the insert closing
tag then to ctrl+> for instance? Right now they are very separate key-
wise, but quite close function-wise.
I find it continually disconcerting that pressing Cmd+/ without a
selection comments out my entire file.
I had a quick look at the Toggle Comments command but couldn't
immediately see why it does this or how to stop it.
The behaviour I want is, when there is no selection, to comment out/in
the current line.
Is it possible for me to make this change?
Matt Mower :: http://matt.blogs.it/
Latest version mentions this:
"I normally do not mention changes done to bundle items (there's a
separate RSS feed for these)"
I didn't know that! Is there some place on the web site listing the
various feeds?