Ok, I have got to say it, the last two updates have been really
wonderful in the kind of functionality they have added. It's like a
dream come true.
Correction, it *is* a dream come true.
Allan, you seem to be getting these updates out faster than I can
download them (and I'm on broadband), really impressive.
Slight feature request: When a new update is downloaded, and TM is
relaunched upon my clicking on it, is it possible for whatever
documents were open at the time to be opened again?
I only had one document open this time, but I kind of missed it. I
don't know what I would have done if I had ten of them open.
When I escape a double-quote inside a regexp of a javascript snippet,
the syntax coloring is off.
See the attached screenshot for an example.
The language of the page is set to HTML.
- n.
I've just noticed that foldings are not working with the Tcl language.
In the following program:
proc foo {args} \
switch -exact -- $var {
match {
default {}
I don't get any foldings even though they Tcl syntax defines them
like so:
foldingStartMarker = '\{\s*\\?$}';
foldingStopMarker = '^\s*\}';
Any ideas?
P.S. Can we add '_', '.', ':', and [0-9] to the list of valid
variable characters?
{ name = 'variable.other.tcl';
comment = 'FIXME what are legal variable
characters? --Allan';
match = '\$([a-zA-Z_\.:][a-zA-Z_0-9\.:]+(\([^\)]+
\))?|\{[a-zA-Z ]*\})';
pgp fingerprint: BC64 2E7A CAEF 39E1 9544 80CA F7D5 784D FB46 16C1
Just thought I'd report an odd behavior. I auto-installed the newest version
611. Closed Textmate. Reopened it.
Clicked on a file in the drawer to open it.
The odd thing is the the font size was wrong. It looked to be 1 size smaller
than I had set it before.
So I go to Preferences and try to reset the font size. It didn't take. Close
Preferences and reopen to try again. Still stuck in something like size 8.
I'm using ProFont.
Finally closed the TextMate again with the font set at something huge like
132. Reopened TextMate. Now the font sizing kicked in and resizing works
again. I cannot reproduce so don't know if you should be wasting time
looking at what's causing this.
Ed Wong
Is there one? I'd like to see even just a page or two of getting
started material that gives just a basic overview of how to create
and edit a basic html project with TextMate. For example, someone
recently mentioned here that you can get a pair of html tags by
typing the tag name, then ctrl-cmd-space. That's great! That's the
kind of stuff that makes me want to use an editor like Textmate
instead of using 'vi' in a bash shell.
So where can I find out how to do more of this kinda stuff?
:::: DataFly.Net ::::
Complete Web Services
Greetings all,
I haven't been able to find a resolution to a keybinding issue I've
been having—updates (through 611) after 1.1b17 do not play nicely
with my previously existing keybindings, either those generated in my
KeyBindings.dict file or those generated by MenuMaster. (For example,
no matter what I bind to ^T, it always "Transposes").
Any clues on this one? —the latest feature set is pretty appealing,
so I'm eager to use the latest version…
"A commands return code can be used to momentarily change the output
option set for that command"
This doesn't seem to work as advertised.
For example for my syntax checker what I want is to 'Show as HTML'
when errors are detected, and 'Show as Tooltip' when everything is fine.
It seems when the 'Output' option in the bundle editor is set to
'Show as HTML', that is what happens no matter what exit code the
tool uses.
When I set the 'Output' option to 'Discard', the exit code does seem
to be honored, but there is no exit code that for 'Show as HTML'!
Am I missing something?
Can I attach a command to a project file so that it is only available when that project is open and foremost in TextMate? I'd like to write a command to rsync a project's files to a server, and give each project its own command to sync the proper directories to the right server.
> Glen Henshaw wrote:
> > Am I missing something?
> Open up the Bundle Editor (Window, Bundle Editor or control, option,
> cmd, b) and press the "More Bundles…" button.
> Jeroen.
I've done that. The bundles in question don't appear there either.