Hi guys,
I have a small suggestion for the HTML bundle's Tidy command:
Could we add "-wrap 0" to the options? I've done it to my local copy
-- it stops Tidy from wrapping your HTML at column 78.
Tony Arnold
“The university was great. They gave us money and facilities,
but we didn’t have to produce anything. I’ve worked in the
private sector. You don’t know what it’s like out there. They
expect results.” -- Dr Ray Stanz, Ghostbusters
I also really like how you can click to change tabs and languages,
it's intuitive. Keeping in line with that, perhaps a click on the
line and column info should launch the "Go to line" window. Not that
i'd ever use it, just to get that intuitive feeling.
Also, while others ... are in the tab settings when you click on a
window, it does not appear in the drop-down menu, this is
inconsistent behaviour and therefore bad :)
Hi all,
I'm trying to get the Matlab bundle to work. I've done an svn
checkout of all of the bundles into my /Library/Application Support/
TextMate/Bundles directory. And... most of the languages appear when
I restart TextMate, but a few (Matlab, Darcs, Quake, R, Gri, and a
few others) don't. The permissions on all of the bundles are
identical, and nothing suspicious shows up in Console.app about
TextMate not being able to parse or read anything. Am I missing
Glen Henshaw
Naval Research Laboratory
I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how scope is determined by
What has to happen for "source.ruby.rails" to be active? I am working
in documents with .rb and .rhtml extensions, but unless I remove the
Scope condition I can't get the Rails snippets to be active.
Can I attach a command to a project file so that it is only available when that project is open and foremost in TextMate? I'd like to write a command to rsync a project's files to a server, and give each project its own command to sync the proper directories to the right server.
Hello Mark Windrim
I'm Seán Windrim, just starting a web site, and
exploration of my name. Any help would be
Seán Windrim http://windrim.org/
Hi.. I've been finding a lot of these temp files lying around here and
there.. Is there anyway to have the editor remove them afterwards a file
is closed? Currently (at least as of version 1.1b17 (513)) this isn't
the case and I find that I've got just tons of these files lying
around.. I'll assume this is a bug, but it would be nice to get fixed if
it's still outstanding..
-- Rick
I mainly use PHP and Perl Languages, so I deselected all the others.
For some reason, I had 4 bundles in the PHP folder: 2 HTML(php) and 2
PHP. I deleted the 2 I figured less useful, and I realized I lost
smart typing.
I deleted the application, the folder in the Library with all the
bundles, downloaded again the app and made a svn checkout. Still it
doesn't work.
In the Languages window, I have some () [] directives under
Preferences, though.
thank you for help