Forgive the spam, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the
keyboard shortcut for the Edit in TextMate service is supposed to be
-- the cmd+-^- symbol has no meaning to me, and I have yet to figure
it out.
Any help would be much appreciated -- thanks.
I think command+option+w should be close all (windows in a project)
rather than soft wrap. All other applictions (and by that I mean at
least the finder and pages) close all windows on command+option+w.
The syntax highlighting for below shell script is incorrect, the
nested parenthesis are not properly handled. No idea if this can be
easily fixed...
currFolderPath=$( /usr/bin/osascript <<"EOT"
tell application "Finder"
set currFolder to (folder of the front window as alias)
on error
set currFolder to (path to desktop folder as alias)
end try
POSIX path of currFolder
end tell
cd "$currFolderPath"
Hello all.
I tried to find the info I request now in the
archives and on google. I couldn't find anything.
Is there a way to change the behavior of the end-key
not to go to the end of a page. I whould prefer going
to the end of the line.
Can I configure something like that in textmate?
This is something I would like to have sometimes, to be able to
narrow the project tree in the project drawer to some subtree. For
instance, in a project with a lot of stuff (docs, aux scripts, etc.)
I'd like to focus on the source subtree when programming.
Just an idea to throw to the "desired features by at least one
user" :-).
-- fxn
I'm wondering if anyone else is having problems running LaTeX from
Textmate. I am geting curious errors regarding multiply-defined tables
and equations, despite the fact that all tables and equations were
confirmed not to be multiply defined. Note that running LaTeX from
TexShop results in a successful build. I am using the same version of
LaTeX for each.
This seems to mean jump a paragraph in most apps, but I can't really
work out how it works in TextMate, anyone?
I think it would be rather natural if it jumped between folding
points ...
I'm getting the following parse error when I try to run the "Blame"
command from the Subversion menu:
parse error puts ''+ linecount.to_s + "\n" + ^
This happened on build 540 as well as 567. I'm running 10.3.9.
Hi All,
I'm using TextMate for lots of HTML these days. I like the built-in
Tidy command but it removes non-breaking spaces ( ). How do I
adjust this?
Next, I have a nice Tidy config file that I use when running tidy
from the command line. Can I configure the tidy command to use my
config file?
Finally, in the Tidy command in the Bundle Editor is this comment:
# BEWARE. Errors are suppressed. Use Tidy Error Display first!
Where is the Tidy Error Display command?
Eric Knapp
Lead Java Instructor
Information Technolgy
Madison Area Technical College
3550 Anderson Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53704
Telephone: 608.246.6641
Fax: 608.243.4754
Email: eknapp(a)