It would be nice if there were tool-tips when mousing over the status bar
items: that would help users remember and understand the items there.
It would also be very handy if the automation menu (the sprocket in a
circle) was provided when right-clicking.
I would find it more intuitive to be in the text, and right-click, than to
move the mouse down to the (hard to hit) status bar to select automation
(who just discovered using Prefs:Fonts and colors to change syntax
highlighting: no more low-contrast puce1 php code! Yay!)
1 puce adjective of a dark red or purple-brown color : his face was puce
with rage and frustration. noun a dark red or purple-brown color. ORIGIN
late 18th cent.: from French, literally Œflea(-color),¹ from Latin pulex,
Dr Timothy Bates <tim.bates(a)>
Reader in Differential Psychology
University of Edinburgh
Dept Psychology
7 George Square
wk +44 131 651 1945
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Hi everyone,
I'm new here. I didn't see any archives to the list so if my question
has already been asked, my apologies.
In BBEdit and other editors I was used to having a function popup that
shows all functions/methods in the current file. Is there such a thing
in TextMate? Or what is the TextMate-way of handling this?
Steve Roy <sroy(a)>
one thing that stops me from making more use of the project view is the
problem of losing files when they are renamed or moved outside the textmate
Is there a reason that the project view doesn't store alias's? These allow
you to track files seamlessly.
Also, it seems wrong to be able to add a file twice to the project:
shouldn't the project detect that the file is already there and just
activate it's view tab?
It the purpose is to allow multiple views of the same file, then this might
be better achieved by split panes?
Hi Folks,
seems OS X 10.4.3 has introduced a bug deep down in the
NSTreeController object, causing TextMate to crash if you are using
the TmCodeBrowser2 hack.
If you have updated or want to update, please move these directories
to the trash:
You will not be able to empty the trash until you logged out or
I am working on a workaround, but it is a bit involved. I'll annonce
the new version (now as a tmplugin) as soon as it is ready, hopefully
within the next day or 2.
Alright, so I'm typing along and TM fills in my double-quotes and ruby
tags (i.e., <% %>). This is fantastic.
But when I want to be done with the data between the quotes, is there
a key command to move me to the other side? I realize hitting the
double-quote again does this, but I thought one of the points of smart
typing was to do away with that.
Am I missing a preference somewhere?
OK, now we have a bigger problem. After creating an Indent Line macro and assigning it to the Tab key, Tab-activated snippets don't work anymore.
How do we assign Tab key to the new Indent Line command ourselves, since you did not do that for us?
p.s. Why are you making it so hard for emacs users to embrace your program??
On Sun, 30 Oct 2005 12:00:04 +0000 (GMT), textmate-request(a) wrote:
> Send textmate mailing list submissions to
> textmate(a)
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> textmate-request(a)
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> textmate-owner(a)
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of textmate digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. IDL Bundle (Konstantinos Theofilis)
> 2. Re: Tabulation of end tags (Andreas Wahlin)
> 3. Printing/Print Server Problem (v665) (Tim Martens)
> 4. No "new command" option in Bundle editor? (Charilaos Skiadas)
> 5. Re: Tabulation of end tags (Allan Odgaard)
> 6. Re: No "new command" option in Bundle editor? (Allan Odgaard)
> 7. Re: Printing/Print Server Problem (v665) (Allan Odgaard)
> _______________________________________________
> textmate mailing list
> textmate(a)
I recently started using TextMate, apologies if this question has
been answered in the past.
I use TextMate at work, where my rails application runs on a shared
linux box and I edit files by mounting an NFS disk.
My OS X and Linux uid and gid's are the same and I'm able to use the
NFS disk w/o any problems, except TextMate likes to litter the NFS
server w/ "._" files like so:
devbox2: ~/amp [4] > svn st
? app/models/._foo.rb
? app/models/._bar.rb
? app/controllers/._foo.rb
? app/views/foo/.__form.rhtml
M app/views/foo/_form.rhtml
and the "._" files seem to just reference where my cursor was at:
devbox2: ~/amp [5] > strings app/models/._foo.rb
9{"com.macromates.caret" = "{column = 49; line = 13; }"; }
Any way I can get TextMate to stop generating these files (even if it
means I lose my cursor focus)?
I have both TextMate and SubEthaEdit on my system (since TextMate
doesn't do network editing). Since installing SEE, it's now the
default application to open all of my plain text files, scripts,
source code, etc. I want to change the system filetype bindings back
so TextMate is the default. I know I can use the "Apply to all"
button next to the "Open With" selector in the Finder's info pane,
but that applies the setting based on extension, not based on file
type codes (or however the system determines plain-text-ness).
Any help would be appreciated.
Andrew Witte