Here's a theme I made for personal use, but I've been enjoying it so much I
thought I'd share it around. I've always been fond of dark backgrounds, but
not *that dark. I started this one as a compromise, inspired by colored
chalk on a chalkboard.
I'd love to see three new items in the Automation submenus:
Replay Macro > Replay [name of last macro selected]
Insert Snippet -> Insert [name of last snippet selected]
Run Command -> Run [name of last command selected]
It's very common for me to have tasks where I dig out some obscure
command that I rarely use, use it repeatedly in a given session, and
then forget about it.
Keyboard shortcuts make sense for tasks that are done repeatedly --
either very often, or in repetitive bursts less often. This feature
would allow many seldom-used commands of the latter type to go without
permanent keyboard shortcuts, freeing up combos for more commonly used
commands. Obviously, these new menu choices themselves would need
keyboard shortcuts.
One subtle point: by "last * selected" I mean that this would apply
only to macros/snippets/commands manually chosen from the menus
(either the regular menus or the status bar menus). That way, other
keyboard commands wouldn't needlessly get picked up by this feature;
if you have invoked a macro/snippet/command via the keyboard, you
obviously don't need this feature to remember it.
I actually got this idea from Photoshop, which allows you to invoke
the last-used filter with cmd-F.
I love TM's combination of high power and low cruft. IMO this feature
would increase usability and at the same time decrease the need for
crazy five-key-mash keyboard shortcuts on obscure bundle features.
thanks for listening,
Paul Bissex
Northampton MA USA 01061-0847
[Kindly tell me if I should move this off-list.]
> Even if you worked for free or peanuts, you would miss the many features
> that helps you write clean and solid code (the inspections), the
> integrated JUnit integration, the code formatter, the code pointer
> sharing (ideTalk plugin), etc, etc...
I did try it for a month, but it didn't quite *click* for me. I
appreciated the code sense and such, but I ultimately had a hard time
reaching for all the other options (e.g. refactoring, etc.). It could
be that I just need more programming experience in Java to "feel" the
need for these extra tools. As such, it was heard enough for me to
stop using vim!
(Also, my first point was a bit in jest. I would spend $500 for a
superior IDE I felt comfortable using, but I simply preferred the
faster response time of within TextMate rather than the general
sluggishness that came about from IntelliJ.)
> (2) Couldn't bear what IntelliJ was doing to my PowerBook's RAM.
> I guess it depends on your project's size, but it works fine on mine,
> with 1GB and java 5.
I'm actually on a 1.25 GB PowerBook. Alain, would you mind if I write
you privately, to compare our IntelliJ configurations?
Hi List,
I applaud the symbol popup!
However I never see any symbols in it, and I have never seen anything
in the 'go to symbol' window either!
What am I doing wrong?
For some reason, this is only happening on my laptop .. an old g3
lombard, but anyhow, I'm using the latest build of TM.
Let me set the stage here:
I'm working on some Python stuff ...
Looking @ the bottom status bar/whatever you call, the Language is
clearly marked as Python (yay).
When I open that Language menu from down there I don't see Python in
the drop down list that opens.
If I deselect the menu w/o choosing a language, it says python.
If I switch the language from python, there's no way to switch it
back -- though if I restart TM, the file is correctly flagged as python.
It looks like the Python bundle isn't loading, or isn't being
shown .. I found this weirdness because I was trying to do a cmd-
shift-v to check my syntax and it didn't do anything ... so I went
digging for it in the Commands and noticed there is no Python bundle/
choice anywhere in the bundle editor.
I moved my /Library/App Support/TextMate/Bundles stuff out to make
sure there was no collisions ... maybe it had something to do w/ the
svn bundles .. but no, still same thing.
There are no bundles in ~/Library/App Support/TextMate/Bundles
The only bundles it's using now are the ones in
(which has the Python.tmbundle)
So I'm a bit confused as to what's going on ... my desktop doesn't
display this behavior at all.
Hmm ... the laptop is running OS X.3.9
The desktop has OSX.4.3
As a side note, this behavior seems to be isolated to Python ... when
woring w/ PHP on the lappy everything seems to be fine.
That's all the info I got.
Any insight would be helpful.
Hey Eric and all Java Programmers using TextMate,
/me and Brian Lalor are currently working on the Java Syntax a bit.
> The big evil Java might be the last to succumb, though. Are there
> others on this list who would like to jettison Eclipse, too? What
> can we do to improve Java editing in TM? What would be your minimum
> list of features?
Eclipse is very deticated to Java. it even comes with its own
incremental compiler so that it can highlight errors before you
manually compiled the file and can do much more than a regexp
language grammar that way, like it know about types and variables all
the time and so on.
If one knows how to work with it and needs all those nice features
like a builtin debugger, great autocompletion and documentation
lookup (I love that and certainly depend on a lot of features of
eclipse) there is no way around it.
If one is new to a language on the other hand, a nice little editor
and writing all the code from hand is a good way to learn the
language, so one learns what he is doing instead of eclipse doing it
for him.
If I find the time, I will put some effort into it (Juggling with
jobs at the moment). It would be great, if some more people would
communicate here on the list or in the irc channel on how to improve
the current situation. I know you are out there, Java guys! ;)
I'm enjoying learning how to tweak the language bundles, and there's a
lot of good information in the help files and the wiki. There's one
small thing so far that I haven't found a good way to do. I'm playing
with adding support for heredoc-style embedded HTML in PHP document
and have added this to the PHP language syntax definition (version
{ name = 'meta.scope.heredoc';
begin = '<<<HTML';
end = '^HTML;';
patterns = ( { include = 'text.html.basic'; } );
(Hopefully I haven't made too many embarassing mistakes in those four
lines. It seems to work, anyway.)
What I'd like to do is also specially color the heredoc tags, just to
make the beginning and end of each block stand out. Is there a "right
way" to do that?
A second, minor point about documentation: the wiki says "With regard
to syntaxes...there is a help page on how to define these." But the
term "syntaxes" isn't actually used in the TextMate help. That didn't
stop me from finding the help pages, but this seems like something
that would be good to clean up in the wiki for consistency's sake.
What's the canonical name for these language syntax definitions?
paul bissex
72°39'71"W 42°19'42"N
Themes seem to be very popular nowadays.
Maybe we should have one big place where all the themes are stored.
There is such a place for now:
As it happens, I put my own creation there, too.
So check it out, if you like it.
Hooray, I got my license key today! :)
Are there any numbers/estimates about how many people bought or
downloaded Textmate or how many are using it, Allan?