Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone else is having issues with importing newer
Xcode projects with external project references into TextMate? Mine
throws the following error:
2005-12-04 22:15:20.646 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] Tried to set undefined
key 'projectReferences' of class 'PBXProject' to '(
ProductGroup = EAB7BCD90924DDB40067CDFD;
ProjectRef = EAB7BCD80924DDB40067CDFD;
ProductGroup = EAB7BCD00924DDAB0067CDFD;
ProjectRef = EAB7BCCF0924DDAB0067CDFD;
ProductGroup = EAB7C03C0924F7DD0067CDFD;
ProjectRef = EAB7C03B0924F7DD0067CDFD;
ProductGroup = EAF8C92B09076E8C003D54B1;
ProjectRef = EAF8C92A09076E8C003D54B1;
ProductGroup = EAF8C94E09076F38003D54B1;
ProjectRef = EAF8C94D09076F38003D54B1;
2005-12-04 22:15:20.665 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] Tried to set undefined
key 'comments' of class 'PBXVariantGroup' to 'General User Interface
strings '
2005-12-04 22:15:20.665 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] Tried to set undefined
key 'comments' of class 'PBXVariantGroup' to 'Action and Action Group
names and descriptions '
2005-12-04 22:15:20.666 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] Tried to set undefined
key 'comments' of class 'PBXVariantGroup' to 'Built-in Primitive Names'
2005-12-04 22:15:20.666 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] Tried to set undefined
key 'comments' of class 'PBXVariantGroup' to 'Virtue Bundle
Information Strings '
2005-12-04 22:15:20.666 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] Tried to set undefined
key 'comments' of class 'PBXVariantGroup' to 'Desktop Color Label'
2005-12-04 22:15:20.667 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] Tried to set undefined
key 'comments' of class 'PBXVariantGroup' to 'Desktop Name '
2005-12-04 22:15:20.667 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] Tried to set undefined
key 'comments' of class 'PBXVariantGroup' to 'Desktop Template
2005-12-04 22:15:20.667 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] Tried to set undefined
key 'comments' of class 'PBXVariantGroup' to 'Desktop Layout and
Pager Preferences '
2005-12-04 22:15:20.668 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] Tried to set undefined
key 'comments' of class 'PBXVariantGroup' to 'Trigger Preferences'
2005-12-04 22:15:20.668 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] Tried to set undefined
key 'comments' of class 'PBXVariantGroup' to 'Appearance Preferences'
2005-12-04 22:15:20.668 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] Tried to set undefined
key 'comments' of class 'PBXVariantGroup' to 'Application Preferences'
2005-12-04 22:15:20.669 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] Tried to set undefined
key 'comments' of class 'PBXVariantGroup' to 'Extension Preferences'
2005-12-04 22:15:20.675 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] unknown
2005-12-04 22:15:20.675 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] *** Assertion failure
in -[XCProject unarchiveObjectForKey:], XCProject.m:143
2005-12-04 22:15:20.676 xcode_to_tmproj[7025] *** Uncaught exception:
<NSInternalInconsistencyException> Invalid parameter not satisfying:
Is this something I can fix myself? I'd rather be using TextMate for
my coding purely for speed and convenience, but this error is
stopping me dead in my tracks!
Tony Arnold
“The university was great. They gave us money and facilities,
but we didn’t have to produce anything. I’ve worked in the
private sector. You don’t know what it’s like out there. They
expect results.” -- Dr Ray Stanz, Ghostbusters
I am a big fan of the Sunburst theme (thanks Soryu). I like it
because it has a black background with lots of contrast and a crisp
feel to it. I really hate white backgrounds for editing.
So it spoils the editing experience a little then the way the drawer
stands so starkly "black on white" right next to my editing surface.
Would it be possible to include styling of the drawer (and maybe other
TxMt elements such as the tab bar) in a Theme?
Matt Mower :: http://matt.blogs.it/
I just had a little idea for a symbol list in markdown, and thought
other people might be interested in it. I wanted to get the symbol
list to show the first 8 or so words of each paragraph, kind of like
a mini summary. You can accomplish this by creating a new preferences
file, pasting the following code in it and setting its scope to:
"text.html.markdown markup.paragraph"
/* preferences */
{ showInSymbolList = '1';
symbolTransformation = 's/^([A-Z](([^ \t]*[ \t]*){1,8})).*$/$1/g;';
This is supposed to only pick lines that start with a capital letter.
For some reason though, it doesn't. Any ideas?
I generally like smart typing feature, but it gets in the way sometimes.
For example if I want to add parens around expression, I often just get ()
before it (if expression starts with ! or $).
It's horror when I need to change double quotes to single quotes. I end up
having something like: "'""'"
Is it possible to configure it to work only when there is whitespace/EOL
ahead of cursor? Or to disable it for cases I mentioned above?
I don't want to disable it completly and I don't want to add symbols to
word characters list.
regards, porneL
Will there be more text encoding support? Like for Japanese(Shift-
JIS), Chinese(GB-2312) or Korean? I think this issue has been bought
up before, but it didn't get my attention until lately.
I have been working on websites in different language: Chinese,
Japanese and Korean, and it was a horrible experience. I had to add
some pages to the existing websites, so i can't really changed all
the text encoding to unicode. Also, I have been told that there are
some missing characters in unicode for Japanese, so even the
government won't use that.
My nightmare stopped when bbedit came to rescue, it supposed all of
the text encoding I need. But then I want to stick to Textmate, and,
well, bbedit is simply far too expensive!
My guess is that I will need to maintain those websites in the
future, so it will be great to see textmate supporting more text
Hi folks,
I quite often seem to find stray whitepsace at the end of my lines
when I'm editing Ruby code. I'm reasonably certain that I'm not going
around adding a tab here or there to the end of lines (it's not every
It doesn't seem to be harmful but, as a neat freak, I find it
distressing. I assume that it's TxMt that's adding it because I can't
think where else it can be coming from. Does anyone else see this?
Does anyone know how to stop it?
Matt Mower :: http://matt.blogs.it/
I work in either 9 points monaco or 12 points anti-aliased monaco, is
it possible to switch between these two with a simple hotkey?
(also, to be really perfect, I'd like it to switch themes because I
disable all bold and italics in my favourite themes because of 9
points monaco, but they look good with 12 points and so ideally I
should switch between two themes as well, I think this can be done
but I'm not entirely sure how)
Hi :)
Sorry, if this has already been this discussed, but I couldn't find
anything related. I'm looking for a way to alter the appearance of let's
say subsection headers in the Symbol Popup. Normally these would appear
the same way as would sections. So I want to have subsections be
slightly intended as for example class methods are in Python language
bundle. My problem now is, I couldn't yet find out how this is achieved
there :) I'd really appreciate any help on this matter :)
Best wishes,
Horst "zeroK" Gutmann