* Syntax highlighting for MT templates
* Scope of MT container tags:, scope of MT
variable tags:
* Common MT 3.2 default templates provided as new file templates
* A couple of snippets
* A context-sensitive help command for MT tags
This is my first bundle, so I'm still learning, but I'm very
impressed with what you can do with TextMate bundles. This is the
kind of power I've been looking for in an editor. Feedback is most
A few questions:
- MT templates are usually HTML based templates, so I invoke the
HTML bundle rules too-- however, some MT tags aren't syntax
highlighted properly since they're really "embedded" in the HTML
syntax. For example:
That's no problem. But this isn't processed right:
<tag attribute="<$MTTag$>">
The embedded mt tag is never seen. Is there a way to handle this
without modifying the HTML bundle itself?
- When you create a new file using one of the supplied MT file
templates, the syntax mode is left as HTML, not Movable Type. Is
there a way to force the Movable Type syntax?
- I wish it were more obvious how to customize the colors for the MT
tags. The user has to set these up manually. If TextMate were to
scan for available scopes and at least list them as inactive in the
color preferences tab, that would be phenomenal.
- What on earth is the key to use for the TextMate "Edit in
TextMate" service? It looks like Command + A caret with a bar on top
of it. What is that key? I also can't make out the key shown for
Ruby's "embed string variable" snippet. Or the key to use for the
"Web Searches" bundle.
Good day all,
First, I really like the drawer; please Allan don't do anything bad
to it.
I would like it even more if there were a way to filter the drawer
listing. Most practical and useful to me would be an ability to
create a list of file types and folder names to either include or
exclude from view in the drawer.
Beyond Compare (a regrettably windows only directory & file compare
app) does this by means of a list as mentioned above. You are also
offered the possibility of filtering by various dates as well as file
attributes. Please see attached screen shot.

Does anyone know of a way to do something like this with TextMate's
current state?
Matt Erker
Web Developer
TOKY Branding + Design
3139 Olive Street
Saint Louis, Missouri 63103
Hi all,
I was exploring a little bit and changed the activation on one of my
snippets from Tab Trigger to Key Equivalent. I have done
*everything* I can think of to change it back, but the change won't
stick. I go into the Edit Snippets dialog, find my snippet, select
Tab Trigger, and close the dialog and quit the program completely.
When I come back, it's still on Key Equivalent.
Is there some trick to this that I'm missing?
Thanks a bunch,
bryan thompson
On 29/11/2005, at 21:45, Nicholas Orr wrote:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
That's the problem. This will make xmllint (used by the Tidy command)
return the result as utf-16, but TextMate expects it to be utf-8, and
so it'll show up wrong.
There's a few options:
1) convert the files from a script instead
2) change to "UTF-8" (remember to convert the files to utf-8 as
well, if they're currently in utf-16 format)
3) change the “xmllint --format -” line to “xmllint --format -|
iconv -f ucs-2 -t utf-8” in the Tidy command (Bundle Editor -> Show
Bundle Editor -> XML -> Tidy).
Since it sounds like you have a lot of files to convert, option 1 has
advantages in itself over manually selecting Tidy from TM.
Personally I'd use a script, but also let the script convert the
files to utf-8 (utf-8 is generally a better encoding than utf-16, and
while my reference to this is vague, I think part of the Unicode
consortium do see utf-16 as legacy, especially now that it no longer
has a 1:1 mapping to unicode code points (because of ucs-4)).
I have nothing against emacs -- I like it and use it a lot, in fact --
but I had to laugh when i followed a Google URL in my referrer log and
discovered that the current top Google result for these words
emacs markdown integration
is a blog posting of mine about TextMate!
Paul Bissex
Northampton MA USA 01061-0847
I tried to get fancy / tweak the php run command, but in the proccess
I broke it.
I have a machine on our network that I have mounted as a shared
drive. I'm trying to define a variable for the project that is its url
and then changa the run command (modeled after lookup keyword), to be:
exit_show_html "<meta http-equiv='Refresh'
The problem is that filepath is full.
Any ideas?
David Clark
Web Specialist
Institute for Community Inclusion (
(617) 287-4318
nice, this works great. thank you very much!!
On 11/30/05, Charilaos Skiadas <cskiadas(a)> wrote:
> On Nov 30, 2005, at 3:54 PM, Jamal Johnson wrote:
> > i've taken a look and to be honest i'm terrible with regexp's and
> > could use some help. i'm trying to define a way to see objects in a
> > certain format in my JS files:
> >
> > var CustomObject = Class.create();
> > CustomObject.prototype = Object.extend( (new ViewObject()), {
> > member1 : true,
> > member2 : "someString",
> > member3 : "anotherString",
> >
> > someFunction : function(){
> > //doSomething
> > },
> >
> > someOtherFunction : function(){
> >
> > }
> > };
> >
> > so then in the tmCodeBrowser i'd see something like:
> > Objects
> > - CustomObject
> > - member1
> > - member2
> > - member3
> > - someFunction
> > - someOtherFunction etc....
> >
> > something along those lines anyway. can one of you point me in a
> > starting direction for howto setup the .ctags.tmcodebrowser file to
> > do this for javascript files?
> >
> Try adding this to .ctags.tmcodebrowser
> --langdef=javascript
> --langmap=javascript:.js
> --regex-javascript=/^(.*).prototype *= *(.*)/-\1/o,object/
> --regex-javascript=/^[ \t]*(.*) *: (([^f]*)|(f[^u]*)|(fu[^n]*))[\t]*
> $/---var: \1/o,object/
> --regex-javascript=/^[ \t]*(.*) *: *function/---fun: \1/o,object/
> This might do something close to what you want. Just make sure to not
> ask TmCodeBrowser to sort things. With the simple regexp additions,
> you cannot recognize things in multiple lines, so there is no way of
> grouping the variable and function definitions with a particular
> object, this way at least visually they will be close to what you want.
> I believe that if one really wants to, one can write a parser and add
> it to the ctags source code and recompile, that is provided that Gerd
> Knops provides you the source code, or is willing to add the parser
> ofr you. I am guessing someone out there has already written a parser
> for javascript that maybe does what you want it to better, but I
> wouldn't know anything about it.
> I was under the impression that tmcodebrowser supported actionscript,
> which might be close to what you want, but I couldn't find it in
> the .ctags.tmcodebrowser format.
> Haris
On Nov 30, 2005, at 3:54 PM, Jamal Johnson wrote:
> i've taken a look and to be honest i'm terrible with regexp's and
> could use some help. i'm trying to define a way to see objects in a
> certain format in my JS files:
> var CustomObject = Class.create();
> CustomObject.prototype = Object.extend( (new ViewObject()), {
> member1 : true,
> member2 : "someString",
> member3 : "anotherString",
> someFunction : function(){
> //doSomething
> },
> someOtherFunction : function(){
> }
> };
> so then in the tmCodeBrowser i'd see something like:
> Objects
> - CustomObject
> - member1
> - member2
> - member3
> - someFunction
> - someOtherFunction etc....
> something along those lines anyway. can one of you point me in a
> starting direction for howto setup the .ctags.tmcodebrowser file to
> do this for javascript files?
Try adding this to .ctags.tmcodebrowser
--regex-javascript=/^(.*).prototype *= *(.*)/-\1/o,object/
--regex-javascript=/^[ \t]*(.*) *: (([^f]*)|(f[^u]*)|(fu[^n]*))[\t]*
$/---var: \1/o,object/
--regex-javascript=/^[ \t]*(.*) *: *function/---fun: \1/o,object/
This might do something close to what you want. Just make sure to not
ask TmCodeBrowser to sort things. With the simple regexp additions,
you cannot recognize things in multiple lines, so there is no way of
grouping the variable and function definitions with a particular
object, this way at least visually they will be close to what you want.
I believe that if one really wants to, one can write a parser and add
it to the ctags source code and recompile, that is provided that Gerd
Knops provides you the source code, or is willing to add the parser
ofr you. I am guessing someone out there has already written a parser
for javascript that maybe does what you want it to better, but I
wouldn't know anything about it.
I was under the impression that tmcodebrowser supported actionscript,
which might be close to what you want, but I couldn't find it in
the .ctags.tmcodebrowser format.
is there some sort of control over the symbol selector (dropdown on
the lower right in files such as javascript that allow you to 'jump'
to functions)?