> From: Jay Soffian <jay(a)soffian.org>
>> Finally, pycheckmate didn't work for me. The first reason had
>> something to do with using a specific Python installation, rather
>> than the environment Python.
> Not sure what this is referring to. pycheckmate.py should work fine
> with /usr/bin/python. At least, it does on the systems I've tested
> it on.
>> I fixed that, and then the second problem was that the custom
>> popen relied on poll, which wasn't included in the framework
>> Python build.
> Yep, that was an oversight and the latest version I sent you uses
> select intead.
>> I am using ActiveState's Python2.4, so I got rid of the
>> customization of the standard library class. The general approach
>> I took probably would let you use some of the 2.3 popens too, and
>> get rid of maintaining that extra bit of code.
> 2.3.5 doesn't include subprocess otherwise I would have happily
> used it.
>> Pycheckmate also wasn't guessing where to find an installed
>> pychecker very well--I guess the intent was that you were supposed
>> to configure the environment variable in TextMate. That seemed
>> unnecessary for the common case of installing via distutils. I
>> fixed that at the start of the attached file--a bit of a hack,
>> maybe, but nicer first-use experience.
> I've already fixed this in the latest version I sent you. The
> contributor must have been looking at the previous version.
looks like it was my fault :)
> Please forward this back to the original sender. :-)
> j.
Hi. I liked TextMate but it wasn't quite ready for me. I'll check
back in on it in 2006 sometime and see how it's doing then.
In the course of my evaluation, I changed some settings to try and
get closer to what I expected. I gave up when I discovered that the
current approach to code folding (finding code block ends,
specifically) was apparently fundamentally incompatible with Python.
However, I thought some of my changes might be worth reincorporating
in your product. Some of them are arguably preferences, and others
have odd dependencies, but they are at least worth a look.
First, I added an increaseIndent that increases indent on an open
/* preferences */
{ increaseIndentPattern = '^\s*(class|def|elif|else|except|finally|
shellVariables = (
{ name = 'TM_COMMENT_START';
value = '# ';
{ name = 'TM_COMMENT_END';
value = '';
{ name = 'TM_COMMENT_MODE';
value = 'line';
That's pretty standard Python style. I was also curious to see if I
could make a line break inside a parenthesis autoindent to the open
parenthesis, but didn't see a way to do that.
Second, the foldingStartMarker probably should include `if` and
`for`, and maybe even some others...I didn't bother thinking about it
once I got into a seeming dead end with the foldingStopMarker. That
said, here's a little improvement in this part of the parsing.
foldingStartMarker = '^\s*(if|for|def|class)\s+([.a-zA-Z0-9_ b]+)\s*
Finally, pycheckmate didn't work for me. The first reason had
something to do with using a specific Python installation, rather
than the environment Python. I fixed that, and then the second
problem was that the custom popen relied on poll, which wasn't
included in the framework Python build. I am using ActiveState's
Python2.4, so I got rid of the customization of the standard library
class. The general approach I took probably would let you use some
of the 2.3 popens too, and get rid of maintaining that extra bit of
Pycheckmate also wasn't guessing where to find an installed pychecker
very well--I guess the intent was that you were supposed to configure
the environment variable in TextMate. That seemed unnecessary for
the common case of installing via distutils. I fixed that at the
start of the attached file--a bit of a hack, maybe, but nicer first-
use experience.
Hope some of that is helpful.
I know the mac isn't really the most popular platform to develop for
Does anyone here use textMate to develop ASP VB.NET code?
Is there a VisualBasic language module other than the ASP bundle?
Is anyone working on an ASP.NET bundle?
If I made an ASP.NET bundle, would anyone use it?
What are the requirements for submitting a new bundle to the official
I don't have a lot of time to work on this stuff, but over the past
year i've cobbled together a usable asp.net bundle from the asp
language (as it existed at the time)
I had to modify the HTML language module to get it to work properly.
Recently I just made a copy of my custom HTML for asp.net language
and updated my html bundle to the latest svn checkout so that I could
use it with ruby. (they both use the <% %> syntax for code in html)
I havn't been able to figure out how to overwrite rules properly.
I want to update my asp.net language to use the latest HTML bundle,
but I need to force it to understand my ASP instead of ruby or the
normal asp, without modifying the HTML bundle.
In CSS, you can force importance by using the !important keyword.
I'd like to be able to do something similar with scope definition. I
want to select the ASP VB.net (HTML) language, and it import the
entire HTML bundle & say, import everything in the HTML language,
except, everything within <%%> & <tag runat="server">...</tag> ,
don't let the HTML language mess with that stuff, no matter where it
is in the code.
I havn't gotten any sleep lately, i'm probably blithering
I'm running r790 and can't seem to find the PHPDoc snippets that used
to be included. I know I saw them there last week. Were they
intentionally removed?
The symbol list has never worked for me -- nothing ever shows up in
it, whether I'm working in Python, PHP, HTML, Markdown, etc. Same for
the "Go To Symbol" popup. Always empty.
I've tried deleting my preferences file. No change.
I'm running build 790 with a current repository checkout of bundles.
OS X 10.4.3.
Am I missing something obvious?
Paul Bissex
Northampton MA USA 01061-0847
I'm trying to find a good text editor for editing very large XML
files (40,000 plus lines). I've got BBEdit, but when I saw the code
folding thing that TextMate does I almost bought a copy on the spot.
But I've had trouble getting the tidy to work in TextMate. The
default XML - Tidy command just adds spaces between every single
character in the file.
Does anyone know enough about Tidy to give me some advice about
this? From my reading on the web, I'd need to have a separate
command to do output reflowed xml.