This, I am sure, is super newbie basic material, but somehow it
eludes me with tenacity...
What's the shortcut to select text within tags in html? Let's say,
for instance, to select "I am a paragraph" in:
<p>I am a paragraph</p>
I'm ashamed to ask that, so go easy on me, thanks ;)
It seems TextMate fails to notice a c++ function definition if I
write it like this:
static void
void * a,
void * b,
void * x )
but all on one line works fine:
static void
foo( void * a, void * b, void * c )
Has anyone else noticed this? Is there a way for me to fix this
myself or should I wait for an update?
Thank you.
niels gabel
firewire cpu software
apple computer, inc.
I just checked in a new Scheme language bundle into the svn
repository if anyone's interested.
The bundle is really just syntax coloring at the time being. I cannot
find a working solution for indentation with what TM currently
offers, but maybe someone else can, or we'll get some new nifty
feature into the editor someday that allows me to solve the problem.
Anyway, enjoy! And if you haven't ever programmed in Scheme, please
do! It's a really elegant and fun.
Mikael Säker <mikael(a)>
"Strangers have the best candy."
I was just editing some embedded SQL today and though of an
interesting idea.
Modify the new Edit In TextMate global function to work with
selections, and work inside of textmate.
The flow would go something like:
I'm in an document
I select some embedded SQL
I hit the 'Edit In TextMate' command
It opens my selection in a new textmate window (saved as a file in a
temp folder)
I edit my text like crazy
Save & Close
My original document shows and it replaces my selection with the
contents of that temporary file
This would be SO totally hip!
I'm sure I could whip something like this up as a command, but I
think native support for it might be better.
It might just be easier to modify the global command to either select
all & activate or use an existing selection and activate.
Then just make it work IN textmate and you're set!
Thanks again for completely changing my life for the better! (the
coding section, anyway)
I LOVE the Edit In TextMate action!!!
Hello list!
I'm absolutely loving TextMate - $50 seems insane for a text editor
until you use it. :)
I'm doing a lot of work with Subversion, and want to be able to
commit a change and upload it to the server as easily as saving a
file. Is there any way to modify the bundle so that it saves the
frontmost window without any dialog asking for a summary? I'll still
use the dialog sometimes but I don't want to have it pop up all of
the time. I realize I can just press enter to move on, but I'm
looking for the fastest possible solution, as I save and refresh
files quite often.
Thanks for any suggestions you may have!
Trev Copland
I hate feeling like a pest, and was curious if there was a formal
place to post bugs.
What I noticed is that when you use the SVN bundle, if you pop open
the menu on a selected file in the project drawer, you -must- have a
file already open or you get no menu ;)
Sorry to be a pain :p
Eric Coleman
home: 412 399 1024
cell: 412 779 5176
I notice that there are a lot of great snippets in the ruby bundle,
but I'm wondering if there is a way to do the self-modifying versions
of these methods. For example, there is collect, but not collect!
In other text editors (in my pre-mac days), I very commonly used the
block editing feature to quickly align code. I would use a regular
expression match/replace to insert in a bunch of whitespace where I
need it, then block select where I want the column to start and shift-
tab to squeeze all of the text back into a nice column.
TextMate does most of the above quite nicely, with the exception of
the shift-tab. Shift-tab does not shift everything left, eventually
squeezing out the whitespace and leaving a nicely aligned column. Can
I do this somehow, and if not could it be added? (I really miss this
Jim Leask
Hey all, sorry for the mass email. If you are not using the LaTeX
bundle, you can safely ignore the rest.
I am currently working on the various completion commands in the
latex bundle, and I am considering dropping bibdesk support in the
completion commands in the following way: Instead of asking bibdesk
for the completion list, I have a command read that does the following:
It collects a list of bib files from the following locations:
1. the files pointed to by the environment (or project specific)
variable TM_LATEX_BIB, space separated (use quotes if the filename
contains spaces).
2. If either the file pointed to by the variable TM_LATEX_MASTER, or
the current document (if saved), or both, contain any text of the
form \bibliography{bibfile}, it adds this bibfile to the list of bib
files to examine.
It scans all these bib files for the cite keys, and uses those for
completion. It will look for titles for the pop-up menu. So there
will be (actually there already are) two commands, one that works
with Esc (normal completion) and one that brings up a pop-up of
possible completions.
The above will be faster than calling Bibdesk through applescript.
And you can of course still create citations by dragging them items
from Bibdesk and dropping them in textmate.
The main question is whether calling Bibdesk has any advantages
compared to the approach I outlined above, and whether the approach
above misses something. Your feedback would be much appreciated.
Hi everyone,
I'll be getting a Mac in the near future, and am completely convinced
that TextMate will become my text editor from day 1.
Until then however, I would really like to get used to the key commands
that TextMate uses (by default), to make the transition as smooth as
possible. Basically, I want to mimic TextMate's key bindings in my
current Windows editor, Komodo.
I've been using 'Emacs shortcuts' in Komodo for a while now, but I
understand that Textmate's key bindings are not completely similar to
Emacs (and I am sure Komodo's 'Emacs' key bindings are not 100% similar
to the real Emacs either).
Is there a complete list of all default TextMate key bindings somewhere?
Also, I've seen messages come by about 'key bindings for switchers' on
this list, but that seems to be focused on people trying to emulate
Windows key bindings in TextMate... Is there anyone that has tried the
opposite, like I would like to do?
Yuri van der Meer