I used subversion to retrieve the Source bundle, but it doesn't show
up in the bundle editor. Any suggestions?
Checked out revision 2645.
LewyG4-2:/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles lewy$ ls
I'm trying to write a command that will open the current document in
an external app, here is what I've got:
open -a Final\ Draft\ 7 $TM_FILEPATH
The problem I'm having is that the FilePath (as constructed by
TextMate) does not insert "\" before a space, thus the command in
question is unable to find documents with spaces in the filenames to
pass on to the external app.
Is there another way to do it? What am I missing?
The Ctrl-T action should see the space as a - directory - separator, and
not bluntly ignore it. (except if some files names contain a space)
Command 1:
[Ctrl-T] + "in"
=> displays
index.html - store
index.html - cart
index.html - client
Command 2:
[Ctrl-T] + "in cl"
=> SHOULD filter and display
index.html - client
Hi, I'm a very new user of TextMate and it seems to be just what I have
been looking for.
However, I do have a couple of questions that I haven't managed to
resolve from the documentation, Wiki, mail list, etc.
1. Is there a way to highlight (or move the cursor to) a matching
parenthesis, bracket, quote mark, etc?
2. Also, could some kind person step me through the process of Change
All In selection? I seem to keep ending up with a change all in
many thanks in advance
- Jonathan
Any reason there's no "Page Setup" link in the File Menu? I want to
print out this document, but I want it landscape so the code is all
on 1 line instead of wrapper..
Anyone have another solution? I opened the file in bbedit for now to
print it.
Eric Coleman
home: 412 399 1024
cell: 412 779 5176
I tried the toggle between single and multline block with the following block:
domains.each do |d|
f[1].sub!(/^#{d[0]}$/, d[1])
It converted it into a single line block just fine, but when I toggled
it back to multiline I got this:
domains.each do |d|
end$/, d[1]) }
Haven't yet examined the bundle regex but figured I'd post it in case
someone wanted to know.
I'm trying to maximize my use of textmate. One of the first things
I'm doing is looking through the ruby bundle to see what snippets I
can use. I first noticed the hash key/val snippet, which starts with
a colon.
The first thing it does is highlight the key so that I can type in a new key.
The next thing it does is highlight the sample string so that I can
type in something different. However, I'm having trouble typing
something in at this point. If I want to edit the string inside, is
there a key I can type that will put the caret inside the quotes? If
want to edit the string contents, I have to move my cursor over then
back. If I start typing, it erases the quotes. If I type quotes, it
surrounds the quotes in another set of quotes. Is this behavior there
because the snippet writer assumed I would not always want to put
strings in the hash buckets? This is understandable, but as a
shortcut for creating symbol/string combinations it is actually quite
I figured maybe I was missing some secret keyboard shortcut that would
put me inside a fresh set of empty quotes instead of the sample that
is highlighted.
I'm using the run script command in the ruby bundle. Is there a way
that I can tell it what to pass as the command line parameters? It
seems to be passing in the filename of the script to itself.
What's the best way you've found to open some remote folders/files in TextMate?
* the files are kept remotely on a Linux box
* there is SSH (and presumably SFTP) access; I'm not sure if there's
Samba access enabled
* I want to be able to use the built in Subversion tools
* I absolutely want to use the various "project" features of TextMate
that I'd get if I open a folder with TextMate
I briefly tried using Cyberduck, but that would only let me open
individual files (rather than whole folders).
Any suggestions?
Has anyone experienced this. Im running Textmate 1.5 (v906) with rev
2643 checkout of bundles. Tidy used to work fine but I now get:
-e:5: undefined method `match' for #<String:0xc5dd0> (NameError)
when I use it. Anyone got any ideas?