> I put together and polished some commands Allan made in order to get
> the TextMate Documentation under way. As I worked on a documentation
> project at the same time, I used his scripts, bundled them and
> adapted them a little to my needs. If you are curious as to what
> happens behind the scenes… Here it goes.
Great work!! +5 :D
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 2256-1022
Hi all,
Is there a way to select some text in TextMate with the mouse, then
drag it to another application? What I'm trying to do is grab some
text out of TextMate and create a note in Yojimbo by dragging it to a
folder in Yojimbo's Drop Dock. I'm trying not to copy/switch app/
create note/paste.
Is there any way of doing this? I hope I'm not missing something
Carpe viam,
Michael Larocque
Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Prolumina Communications Inc.
Good Morning :)
I put together and polished some commands Allan made in order to get
the TextMate Documentation under way. As I worked on a documentation
project at the same time, I used his scripts, bundled them and
adapted them a little to my needs. If you are curious as to what
happens behind the scenes… Here it goes.
This bundle is for compiling a Documentation project made of several
Markdown files to HTML. It generates a TOC, a print version with all
chapters on one page and HTML files for each chapter. You can use
references to easily link between your pages.
I appended the bundle “Markdown2Book” plus, as an example how to use
it, the first three chapters of the TextMate manual.
Have fun,
PS: For quick reference the Help file from the bundle (also available
from the bundle itself via the “Readme” command):
# Setup
You will need a TextMate Project (a Scratch Project will do) to make
this work.
## Structure
The following files & folders are needed:
* `pages`
This is where all your markdown files go. You need to make a new
file for each chapter. It should have one first level heading which
will be used for the name of the chapter (in the Table of Contents,
for the Navigational Links & in the HTML title).
The files in the `pages` directory are converted to HTML (using
Markdown and SmartyPants) with the _Generate_ Command. They have to
be in the right order, so they have to be named beginning with
numbers followed by a space or an underscore (as seen in the included
example). This prefix will be stripped by the Generate Script.
* `html`
The generated files will go here.
* `index.html`: Table of Contents from which you can navigate to
all chapter.
* `all_pages.html`: A single files with all chapters. This is
mainly for printing and it uses the `print.css` Stylesheet.
* `*.html`: Every chapter has it's own file.
Also this folder holds two links to the css and images folder.
When "deploying" your compiled book, just replace these by the actual
* `templates`
This folder contains three html templates. Adapt them to your
* `all.rhtml`: template for the `all_pages.html` file which
contains all your chapters.
* `chapter.html`: template for each chapter
* `toc.html`: template for the `index.html` file containing the
Table of Contents
* `css`
This folder contains the stylesheets (`stylesheet.css` and
`print.css`). Adapt those as you like. The default style resembles
the [TextMate Manual](http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/).
* `images`
This folder should hold all your images. When the book is
generated `height` and `width` HTML attributes are added to the
images. The source path could be changed, too, to make it absolute.
## References
You can use reference style links (`[link description][link id]`) in
your text. There is a command _Update References_ that will collect
them from all `.markdown` files in the `pages` folder and write them
to a file `markdown.references` in the project root. It notifies you
of missing or duplicate entries via a Tooltip. You can then edit this
file and insert the link targets within your text. The _Generate_
Script will add `id` attributes to your headings, so you can
reference them directly. Is converts some characters (`- \/_`) to
underscores and strips non-alphanumeric characters afterwards.
I wrote a command _Show References_ that brings up a dialog with all
the references from the `markdown.references` file and inserts a
reference snippet.
## Generation process
The _Generate_ Command is a Ruby Script, which does some
transformation, constructs the Table of Contents and runs all your
Markdown files through [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/
markdown/), [SmartyPants](http://daringfireball.net/projects/
smartypants/) (for good Typography) and the Image-Script.
<hr />
> Credits to Allan for writing the initial version of all this. I,
Soryu, bundled it up in a TextMate bundle and added/polished some stuff.
Hi guys, i've been a textmate user since i developed a shopping cart
system for a non profit website that bought me a license because i
refused money. I absolutely love textmate.
Just about an hour ago though, i made a little change in a database
class i use on my own website, only edited one file and suddenly
strange things happen on a couple of pages where the class is used
(front page and news page) textmate remembers where i've put the
caret in a file, but now it shows that info on my website (without
being able to find the text in there anywhere)
I work on the site over an AFP connection, i've tried everything i
could think of to get rid of it to no avail. anyone have any idea
what's going on and/or how to get rid of that one line of awkward text?
the site is on http://www.theredhead.nl, the line of text that's
bothering me is:
&7{"com.macromates.caret" = "{column = 0; line = 0; }"; }
hope someone can help me here.
Kind regards,
Thanks for the tip! Always a pleasure to avoid applescript...
I actually tried that before and couldn't get it to work. The problem seems
to be that saving from the menubar (or from the keyboard shortcut) is not
recorded during the macro. Do macros only record automations (snippets,
commands, etc.) or do I have something setup wrong? I couldn't find this
documented anywhere.
I ended up getting around this by defining ANOTHER command that saves the
current file but then does nothing, then recording a macro where I execute
both actions. Seems to work great, except it doesn't seem to be saving new
files, so I have to just save it twice the first time. Not a problem for
me, personally.
Oh course, it's ugly to have two commands and a macro sitting around in a
bundle, when there really should be only one. Anyone else think it might be
useful to have a ''save after'' check box or something in the command
Thanks again,
I am new to this list, so this question may have been asked before.
Since TextMate 1.5 I keep getting a spinning beach ball for 20+
seconds so often that it makes using TextMate very cumbersome.
Are my documents too long (2000+ lines)? Are there too many files in
my projects? Am I using the wrong color scheme (iPlastic)? Is there a
problem with LaTeX (what I am using TextMate for)?
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Whenever I try to use the 'Convert Selection to Entities' command it
results in the following error.
env: ruby -KU: No such file or directory
I'm using TextMate 1.5 (v906) on OS 10.3.9. Typing ruby -v in the
Terminal reveals I'm running ruby 1.6.8
Thanks for any help.
Trying to make a set of Emacs-like bindings for TM, I discovered that
setMark: and others are defined at a low level in the operating system,
Some keys I wanted to use with these, e.g. ^q and ^h, are defined
downstream, for examples in the bundles or in
/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/KeyBindings.dict. I
got rid of all those bindings, I think, but I still am unable to use
the Mark commands in TM. I am able to use them in Mail: set a mark,
move, press the key bound to deleteToMark: and the block is cut, Yank
it back, etc. Am I missing some interfering bindings or does TM
somehow not respond to the xxxMark: commands?
Subversion Log
mhh, something with with the regex or svn must be wrong. this should
never happen.
last line: r525 | eric(a)whmautopilot.com |
2006-01-30 04:33:57 -0500 (Mon, 30
Jan 2006) | 1 line
please bug-report.
Assuming this should go here ;)
Eric Coleman
home: 412 399 1024
cell: 412 779 5176
I've managed to hose the binding for my keypad Enter key. It doesn't do
anything now. It could have had something to do with using the
'defaults' command, but I'm not sure. Any suggestions? I would even
consider a return to all default keybindings.
Help everyone. If you can't do that, then at least be nice.