Hi Folks,
inspired by the UI thread I hacked together a TextMate plugin. It
shows all bundle shortcuts applying to the current scope whenever a
modifier key is held for more than a second.
It really is just a proof of concept and missing some features. I am
not even sure if I will continue to work on it and am kind of busy
the upcoming week, but I was curious about what people thought about
that one. Is it useful at all?
Get it here: http://www.cocoabits.com/TmShortcutSnitch/
hi Sebastian Friedrich,
I am copying this reply to the textmate user list (which you can join
at http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate), since I am
a bit crunched for time right now.
Original request:
>i saw that you are maintaining the perl bundle for textmate. if
>that's the case, is there any possibility to add html (or even sql
>for that matter) syntax coloring in HERE documents in similar ways
>that js/css/php scope is activated within html. I find myself having
>to edit lots of html within perl scripts (yeah, nobody i work with
>uses templating) and it would be quite helpful if there's a way to
>turn on HTML scope within those HERE blocks.
>for instance, a HERE keyword like HTML_BLOCK would trigger all
>content to be html scope with variables ($, @) highlighted as such.
>print <<HTML_BLOCK;
>any chance you would like to implement that or could give me some
>hits on how to get this to work. Thanks so much in advance.
I think this should be pretty straightforward, declaring the .heredoc
scopes to inherit styling from html (in cases where all heredocs are
HTML styled) or making a new .heredoc-html scope to match only names
with "HTML" in them which then inherit from HTML styles.
Could someone on the list help out with details?
best wishes, Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
Has the problem with using environment variables for macros been
solved yet? I have a problem using the macro "Generic Completion" in
the LaTeX bundle. It complains about "/Macros/LaTeXcomplete.pl" not
being found, and since the command line is
command = "\"${TM_BUNDLE_PATH}/Macros/LaTeXcomplete.pl\"";
I suspect it's a problem with setting TM_BUNDLE_PATH.
> I'm working on a solution which takes the output from MTASC and
> outputs HTML when there's an error, and a OK tooltip when things are
> fine. It's almost there but the links back to the files don't quite
> work just yet... I just don't know enough about bash and regular
> expressions :(
http://tinyurl.com/d8syh ought to help you out with the HTML error list.
As far as real-time syntax checking, I've been thinking about throwing
together a solution with a combination of the technique mentioned in
the above link and the awesome stakeout.py script to watch for file
saves. I'll let the list know if/when I get anywhere with it. Peace,
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 2256-1022
Can anyone tell me how to get syntax checking support...perhaps through using MTAC??
having to compile every time I want to check syntax is a real bottleneck....
Jim Bachalo
[e] jbach at bitstream.ca
[c] 416.668.0034
[w] www.bitstream.ca
"...all improvisation is life in search of a style."
- Bruce Mau,'LifeStyle'
hi there.
somehow i list the symbol-popup and symbol-search functionality in
textmate. no matter what language, the popup is just empty and the
symbol-finder doesn't find anything.
is there perhaps any bundle i should not filter or s/th like this?
i'm clueless.
any help highly appr., regards, niko.
niko dittmann <ni-di(a)web.de>
I must say, when I first started using TextMate I had no idea all the
commands even exited. And even now, after I've developed a fully
functional bundle of my own, I'm still discovering things about
TextMate that are kind of hidden.
Clearly Allan wants the app to be completely transparent, that the
code should be the most important focus of what you are doing and
that the interface should completely disappear and become an
extension of the code itself. And that's what I love about TextMate.
That being said, I think more needs to be done to expose the true
power of TextMate to people who are unaware of that fact that
commands in multiple bundles could apply to what they are doing. I
often don't know of all the possible commands that I could be using
at any given time. Aggregating those commands into a list so that
people can see what is possible, given the current scope, would be a
good thing I think. Be that in a drawer, palette, floating box,
whatever. And I don't think that that would significantly impact the
transparency of the app.
This keyboard combination does nothing when I type it. I have no
idea how to track this down. I have not noticed it doing anything in
any other context (program) either.
Considering the recent spate of "my keyboard bindings are broken"
messages, this sort of thing may not be an uncommon problem.
On Feb 8, 2006, at 12:54 PM, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2006, at 2:41 PM, porneL wrote:
>> I second these opinions. Macro menu is tiny, smaller than less
>> used language and tab size choosers.
> true, but they need to show their information. What information
> does the macro menu need to show?
>> And if that wasn't enough I additionally have to maneuver through
>> submenus - when TM's window is very near bottom of screen (I have
>> dock on side) current language's submenu isn't under cursor and
>> sometimes it's not even immediately visible!
>> IMHO it should be much larger, and maybe there should be two
>> buttons - one with macros for current context/language *only* and
>> another with all the submenus.
> Do people really use the mouse to navigate this menu? I just press
> control-esc, then the first two letters of the bundle I want, then
> right arrow, left arrow if I want to go back and so on. Plus, by
> default when you pop the menu up, it's in the current language, so
> you don't need to start typing. So for me the size of the button
> doesn't really matter.
>> --
>> regards, porneL
> Haris