I was trying to install the footnote plugin from syncPeople on Rails,
and nothing happened. Then I fiddled around a bit and detected that
Show Scope didn't work either. So I thought maybe there was a problem
with the path $TM_xxx variables (those are paths, mainly, right?). So
using appZapper I did a complete reinstall and I think I've put
everything in the standard place but still no luck, neither plugin
install nor showing of scope works. Any help? I have all bundles
activated and I've also activated the macros using the automation
menu so as to avoid any keyboard mistypings.
I've been experiencing a problem in the otherwise excellent Textmate,
it's related to tab-completing a snippet within a tab completed
snippet, here's a simple example to illustrate my problem:
I have created a new text.html document and typed mailto<tab> to get
the mailto snippet, now in the href value I am attempting to insert
another snippet I've created which is a shortcut for my email
address, unfortunately it assumes the shortcut is the value for href,
then moves to the subject value.
I can understand why Textmate works this way, after all, why would
you want to insert a snippet in to a field which expects a literal
value, but ideally I would expect it to tab-complete the email
address, then another tab to move to the subject field.
Hi guys,
I seem to have somehow hosed my bundles or commands or something.
Lot's of things don't work such as CMD+/ for comments or CMD+RETURN
for end of line then return, etc.
Is there anyway I can get fresh default bundles? Or is there
something else I can do to fix these things?
:::: DataFly.Net ::::
Complete Web Services
I changed the foldingStartMarker to this:
The only reason is that now I can fold this funny-named prototype
function $()
Anyway, if you want to commit this change...
I'm just now playing with TextMate for the first time and, of course,
had to futz with themes a bit to get to my preferred light-on-dark
kinda coding environment....
Question: How do you tell what scope is under the cursor?
I found that I really liked Vibrant Ink, but it lacked scope
definitions for Objective-C and some of the other modes I end up
dealing with. However, the built in Espresso Libre did a pretty good
job otherwise. Since copy/paste didn't work in the Prefs pane
(Feature! Feature!), I ended up copying the various random settings
elements from one plist to the other.
Being too lazy to actually sort out the dupes, I wrote a wee bit of
python (you'll need PyObjC) that rips through the resulting plist and
eliminates duplicate settings (names only).
It is dumb. It should normalize by scope. I should fix that.
Actually, it really is broken -- it really should normalize by
scope. Ah, well.. it'll limp along enough for now.
Hi Folks
Let me begin by making clear that I'm not a programmer - I'm trying
out TextMate in HTML production, which may or may not be advisable. I
have been using TextWrangler for this purpose.
The problem I'm having is too much space is being inserted before and
after what is actually being copied and pasted, like at least a
couple of words length on each end. And that's making messy code.
I'm copying out of Dreamweaver and pasting into TextMate.
TextWrangler doesn't make this mistake. What am I not understanding?
I would prefer to use TextMate - text and code are easier to read and
the overall design of this app looks quite advanced to me. I might
use it for ActionScript in the future but I probably won't be using
90% of the features.
This app is not very accessible to non-programmers. Maybe that's how
you prefer it. Some beginning and mid-level tutorials and/or movies
would help a lot. The manual is more like a reference book, rather
than showing it in application. Just to say you might get better
adoption of this beautiful app with better teaching of it.
Kearney Buskirk
I downloaded the Prototype and Scriptaculous bundle from
but it seems not to be working (yes, I have activated it)
I don't get any syntax highlightning from it in either html or js
files, and this is supposed to happen as far as I understand?
I am a recent convert to TextMate, but for some reason (probably me
fooling around in the app) I no longer get any content to show up in
the Function/Symbol field down to the right in the editor for my PHP
and HTML files. Now I just want to restore the default settings for
such files - is this possible while still retaining my other
settings? If so, could someone point me in the right direction?
egil helland / it consultant (mcse, web technology)
web: ikon.as / egil.net mob: +47-91315555