On various Windows editrors I can use Cltr+[ to jump beetween mathching
pairs of braces and parens.
Is there such function in TM? I haven't found it in menu and built-in help.
BTW: is it possible to re-assign Cmd+[ to tab? (only if some text is
selected, ofcourse)
regards, porneL
Hey all,
i'd like using, from TextMate, ruby scripts making use of :
require 'xml/libxml'
for the time being i get an error :
LoadError: no such file to load -- xml/libxml
i think i could be coming from $LOAD_PATH (for ruby) not set-up
i did a ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist
with only the PATH assigned.
does i need to add something equivalent to :
export RUBYOPT=-rrubygems
export GEM_HOME=/opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8
being in my zsh init.
or all of those kind of setup could be done thru TextMate setup, but
how ?
obviously my script making use of libxml binder is working from
when i tried to run generic complete in a latex file (to complete a
\ref) I get the following inserted,
\ref{/bin/bash: line 1: /Macros/LaTeXcomplete.pl: No such file or
can anyone help?
many thanks
I'm interested if there is a way or technique (or even "trick") that
will allow me to track and resolve naming dependencies in a TextMate
Specifically, I'm thinking of the situation where, as I develop a web
site, I decide that I need to move or rename an existing file. In
order to prevent the website from breaking, I must then locate and
change any and all references to that file in ALL of the files in the
project. I can use Find and Replace in Project to accomplish that,
but this is hardly proactive on the part of TextMate. I have to stop
to do it, or *remember* to do it later.
If I were using GoLive or Dreamweaver I assume that if I changed the
name of a file in a project, I'd get a message that that file was
referenced in "X" number of files and would I like to update all
those files to reflect the new name?
Is there any way now (or might there be any way in the future) to
handle this situation?
I'm not programming in C or the like, but it seems to me that a
similar situation could occur there: Say that for some reason you
change the name of an include or header file... you'll be into a real
mess if you don't detect all the locations in the code where that
file is referenced and change it! OR... if you change a variable
name for some reason, references to that name will need to be changed
(even though we aren't changing a FILE name in that case).
Greetings all,
I'm getting this: interpreter failed: No such file or directory
When using cmd-/ to add comments.
It's happening in various language formats.
I've tried some of the ruby path type solutions, but I'm not having any
Could someone point in the right direction to investigate this.
Dan J.
Daniel Jewett
Solid Ether
22 Church St.
Tarrytown, NY 10591
ph: (914) 332-7513
Anybody wish to help me with a pattern for the PHP language bundle? I
have embedded SQL under a variable such as below. I'm having trouble
excluding the addslashes part from the scope.
$sql = "WHERE category = '" . addslashes($category) . "'";
$qid = DB::query("
WHERE category = '" . addslashes($category) . "'
The pattern I've come up with so far:
{ name = 'meta.scope.sql';
begin = '(dbQuery|DB::query)\("|\$\w*(sql|where)\w*\s*=\s*"';
end = '"\)|";';
patterns = (
{ include = 'source.sql'; },
contentName = 'source.sql.embedded';
I'm new at this so any help would be appreciated.
Whenever I run an external command, I'm getting errors about missing
require_cmd or CocoaDialog. I've followed some of the tips about
looking in $TM_SUPPORT_BUNDLE/bin and such but can't seem to find
those commands/scripts.
Is there something broken with my install I can fix?
I have playing with TextMate for about a week and don't seem to find
a "bracket" matching feature.
Example, when I double click on a { or [ or (, the match closure is
found and all code in between is highlighted. Or something to that
effect. I have seen other editors simply highlight both the begin
and end characters when the cursor is on one of them.
Am I missing something obvious or does this not exist?
thanks, ke han
Here's a question for the latex pro's: Do you know if special
characters like german umlauts are allowed in labels? e.g.:
\section{Mein grünes Apfelbäumchen}
It works when typesetting the document. I just wanted to know if this
is valid code. Because if _not_ then it would be nice, if these would
be escaped automagically when using the section, subsection and
subsubsection snippets. E.g.:
\section{Mein grünes Apfelbäumchen}
If it's easier to accomplish, you could also just escape a for ä, u
for ü, and o for ö, etc.
Another nice enhancement would be if the \section and \label commands
would each be on a seperate line. I just asked about the oppinions on
this in the irc channel and I got at least one more vote for this ;-)
Cheers. Oliver
When I select a word by double-clicking on it and then hit either the
left or right arrow key, I expect the word to be deselected and the
caret to end up at the start or end of the word. This isn't what TM
[Version 1.5 (906)] is doing for me now, and its breaking a macro I'm
trying to create.
It appears that hitting an arrow key with text selected by double-
clicking puts the caret one character to the left or right of where
the double-click happened. No other current Mac program that I use
does this, nor can I remember any other Mac program ever behaving
this way (going back to 1985). So, unless I've inadvertently changed
some setting to start this behavior, I would call this a bug.
FYI, the arrow keys work as expected when the selection is made by
swiping or shift-clicking.
Dr. Drang