Hi TextMate list,
I just made, and uploaded to the svn repository, a bulletin board bundle
(BBCode). Let me know what you think. Specifically, does it match the
syntaxes of web fora other than Ars Technica, which I designed it for?
Ars's smileys are probably unique. Then again, I don't really know the
ins and outs of BBCode.
On Mar 24, 2006, at 10:38 AM, textmate-request(a)lists.macromates.com
> The ideal case for me [...] would be that TextMate could detect
> "linked" lines in scopes and reflow them dynamically, so deleting
> characters from a long line would allow words from the surrogate
> lines to return to the first line, and typing characters on an
> intermediate line would reflow the block.
What you are really talking about is control of margins within a
plain-text document.
If this could happen in the display of the text within textmate
*only* and not be reflected in the document itself (with real line-
breaks), that would be a godsend. I'd use it every day.
I just spend a couple hours making the Brilliance Black BETA theme[1]
work with LaTeX.
It looks a lot better than it did. It all does seem a bit too purple
since a lot of the language is functions.
There are some subtle things you might love to hate. Nested lists get
slightly darker text for each level of depth.
Thanks to David Levy for sending be a bunch of sample LaTeX files to
test with. It helped a lot!
Thanks also to Michael Sheets who sent me sample source files for a
whole slew of languages.
I wouldn't have bothered collecting and testing my stuff with all
these languages if it had not been for these guys.
[1] http://textmate.svn.subtlegradient.com/Themes/Brilliance%20Black%
I have only updated Brilliance Black. I'm not going to get around to
updating brilliance dull for a little while. I'm still planning on a
Brilliance White, too. How interested are people in the alternate
thomas Aylott
For historical reasons I would like to bind f3 to "close window" command. I
tried to record a macro, but as soon as I hit apple-w, the window obviously
closes but also the macro recording does abort. It would be simple if I
could just add in the bundle editor a macro doing "closeWindow" (I assume
that is the name of the command).
Cheers, Fons.
Org: CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics.
Mail: 1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
E-Mail: Fons.Rademakers(a)cern.ch Phone: +41 22 7679248
WWW: http://fons.rademakers.org Fax: +41 22 7669640
My personal crazy textmate bundles and themes are now available in
RSS form.
This is especially important for making sure you have the latest
version of my themes, as i'm updating the BETA themes constantly.
thomas Aylott
I am a newbie to TextMate.
I've tried to run a simple test with creating a
TeX document and running a latex (using the built-in)
bundle. I am getting the "unbound variable error"
when I try to execute the command. I get similar
problem with other bundles.
What seems to be the problem and how to fix it?
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
for all the germans using textmate for html-coding this little
command will lookup the current html-element on selfhtml.org. i'm
sorry as of now there's no english version of this excellent website
regards, niko.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# open element reference on de.selfhtml.org
# this is certainly a BAD implementation
# works for me, though
# any improvements are highly appreciated
# niko.
require 'net/http'
$tag_name = ENV["TM_CURRENT_WORD"].to_s
# get the elemnte.htm and attribute.htm:
Net::HTTP.start( 'de.selfhtml.org', 80 ) do |http|
$html_elemente = http.get( "/html/referenz/elemente.htm" ).body
$html_attribute = http.get( "/html/referenz/attribute.htm" ).body
# strip the head and the current tag:
$html_elemente.gsub!(/(<!.*<body>).*(<h2><a class="an" name="#
# prepend "elemente.htm" to anchor-links:
# the current tag:
$html_attribute.gsub!(/.*(<h2><a class="an" name="#{$tag_name}">#
# prepend "elemente.htm" to anchor-links:
# concat the two strings:
$html = $html_elemente + $html_attribute
# turn relative links into absolute links (for hrefs and imgs):
# output the html
puts $html
niko dittmann <ni-di(a)web.de>
I'm not sure what XCode, or BBEdit, call them - and I'm also not sure
if this has been discussed in detail on this list - but has there
been any thought to having a double-paned view in Textmate?
Being able to have two documents open side by side could be extremely
Colin D. Devroe