I really like the work you have done so far on say the iLife theme,
also the Brilliance beta seems cool, although I will need to test it
if it is useful for work ;) I have never had a non-white background yet.
I am looking forward to your theming-howtos. Will you cover just the
theme parts or will you include some stuff about the language grammar/
markup side of things as well?
…who just figured out that combining two selectors in themes with
transparent colors makes for very cool effects.
Howdy. I'd just like to revive this old feature request.
I have a much large monitor than ever before.
I also develop rubyonrails apps, so most of my files are rather short.
I want to keep the window the full height of the screen. But when I
do that the code is all stuck to the top of the screen.
It's much easier to code when the code i'm editing is in the middle
of the window, in the middle of the screen.
Any chance of adding an extra half page of scroll space to the top
and bottom of the text pane?
Maybe it could be a preference for people who'd hate it.
Thanks, much much!
> oh yes. this would be lovely icing.
> not particularly necessary functionality, but the mac isn't about
> bare necessities.
> it's about making things lovely to use
> On Aug 24, 2005, at 11:46 PM, Ivan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Half window view is like adding "virtual space" in text windows to
>> push the last line to the middle of the windows. It behaviors as if
>> you have added a couple of returns at the end of the document. I hate
>> to see all the lines in the viewing area pushed up everytime I hit
>> return or softwrap to the next line. With half window views, the
>> lines
>> only get pushed up every half window instead of every line.
>> I use this feature a lot in vim and TextWrangler. In vim, it can have
>> any number of virtual space (denoted by tildes), which I think it's
>> better implentation than TextWrangler, which allow you to choose
>> "none", "half", or "full" only. However, I will be happy with just
>> one
>> option, half window view.
>> Anyway, I just want to bounce the idea to other users.
>> Ivan
This is a bit off-topic for this list, I know, but since I know there
are a lot of highly competent people on this I'll give it a try...
I'm currently trying to figure out how to use regexp + javascript to
parse the content of a web page. What I want to do is collect weather
data from a Norwegian website and include it in a dashboard widget.
Here is the site with an example search:
I tried to copy the source into TextMate and use the regexp search in
TM to figure out the patterns to use, but I can't seem to solve it.
Any help are appreciated.
As far as I can see, the weather data for a particular day are
enclosed by <tr><td class="idag" ... </tr>, but there is a lot of
space around the tags, which I presume must be included in the regexp
Anyone here which could kick me in the right direction when it comes
to these patterns?
Geir-Tore Lindsve
Is there a way to get TextMate to treat files with the extension
"webarchive" as binary files? As Text they are useless and I'd love
to just double-click on them in the project window and have Safari
open them.
Dear TextMaters,
I am looking for a theme that works very well with LaTeX - I don't
care much about colors and such, yet. But it seems that TM provides
some very detailed features for syntax coloring and I am not happy
(yet) with the themes I have found so far, I would like much more…
so I am looking for either a theme base for latex that at least has
styles already defined for most sections, or some pointer on how to
best design a theme, how to find out the scopes for sections of text…
basically an in-depth-tutorial or documentation for the theme design?
(Maybe I am looking at the wrong places…?) Is there an easy way to
extract all possible scope selectors from a languag definition and
create a blanket theme out of this?
those of you that use LaTeX a lot, you might be interested in
checking out the LaTeX experimental bundle that i just checked into
the repository. It's got a couple of commands that are still "rough"
and not quite production ready, hence the title "experimental".
One simulates the greek letter method of inserting letters commonly
found in emacs (i.e. first press shift-ctrl-g, then the letter, then
Another encloses the current sequence of non-space characters in
dollar signs, so you could for instance type: \sin ctrl-$ and get $
Another, given as a selection a math equation of the form $...$ or $
$...$$ or \(...\) etc, it toggles the math symbols. I.e. it will take
$foo$ and \(foo\) to \[foo\] and vice versa.
Finally, the home and end keys are bound to two macros that are
inspired by Thomas Aylott's macros for moving about in HTML
documents, except they try to do a descend job with LaTeX.
All these are work in progress, and any ideas/contributions/
suggestions are more than welcome.
is there a way to, when saving, to remove all trailing spaces and tabs
from lines. I would like this when saving C++/C files.
Cheers, Fons.
Org: CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics.
Mail: 1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
E-Mail: Fons.Rademakers(a) Phone: +41 22 7679248
WWW: Fax: +41 22 7669640
I use reformat paragraph a lot for reStructuredText. Normally the
text is not indented so reformat paragraph works well. However, for
lists and other things that are indented, reformat paragraph works
unexpectedly. When I reformat a paragraph that is indented by a
single tab the indented text is indented with spaces. So, the first
line still contains the tab I inserted, but subsequent lines are
indented with spaces. This of course causes issues with the reST parser.
My question, is this something I've screwed up in my settings or is
this expected behavior? I expected whatever indent I started with to
be copied to subsequent lines. Nothing turned up when I searched the
mailing list. Any help is appreciated. Thanks _matt