I've released version 2 of my screenwriting bundle.
release: http://ollieman.net/words/2006/03/
bundle: http://ollieman.net/code/screenwriting/textmate/
I've tried to document it into the ground, which is the reason there
are so many instructional videos. (I hope you finally understand what
I'm doing, Haris)
From the release:
> It may seem oblique that the reason I learned the first bit of CSS
> and XHTML I did was because late one night I was pissed off at
> Final Draft for crashing for the 3rd time in a row. I was convinced
> that there had to be a better way, that there had to be a way to
> write screenplays that didn’t hurt. I don’t remember why this
> propelled me to CSS, but it did.
> Well, I can now firmly say that I have found a way of writing
> screenplays that doesn’t hurt. Never-mind that I had to build it
> myself, never-mind that the process took me over a year. I’ve found
> it.
I'd like to take a second and thank all of you for helping me with
this. It's an amazing thing that I've managed to build for myself (at
least) an end-to-end solution for writing screenplays that I actually
enjoy using. And no small part of that is due to the users of this
list, you have made this a learning experience that has resulted in a
useful tool.
It's not just that TextMate is my new favorite app. It's that I feel
as though Allan and the community around TextMate are genuinely
working together to advance the quality of our collective writing
environments; it's not just features and buttons, it's progress. And
for that, I cannot thank you enough.
-- oliver
Just a quick question this time.
Is there any practical difference between 'edit›select›paragraph' &
I expected that 'select›paragraph' would not select the newline at
the end of the string, leaving me free to delete a block of text and
not remove the line itself from the document. This (expected)
behavior would really be nice for some macros I'm working on.
— oliver
I've been using TextMate for Ruby on Rails development for over a month
now. One thing I missed from some Java IDEs was documentation popup.
With TextMate, you can hit control-H on a symbol and the Ruby bundle
will use `ri` to try to find it. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
However, Ruby gems (such as Rails) are not processed for use by ri. To
do that, you have to do it manually. I performed the following this
task with just one command on the terminal:
rdoc --ri-site /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/act*/lib
The '*' will expand to all of the active... action... stuff that is for
rails. Once this completes (which will take a few minutes), you can
finally use control-H for rails related classes and methods and get
quick access to documentation. Sweet!
Oh, for some caveats on this technique, check out this URL:
So basically this technique isn't perfect but it's better than before.
~ Dave Smiley
Hi all,
I'm having problems with big files. TextMate, for me, is practically
unuseable for many applications, and I'm not sure wether something is
wrong, or I'm just witnessing limitations of the app itself.
TextMate takes upwards of 3 minutes to paste moderately long pieces
of text (30-70 KB) without line breaks. I use TextMate to edit
Wikipedia entries, which are sometimes badly formated. Thirty
thousand characters and not a newline in sight. When I copy texts
like that and try to paste them into TextMate, it practically dies.
Three times out of five, it won't recover. If it comes back, it's
unbearably slow and practically unuseable. Am I doing something
wrong, or is this a known issue? I am on a G4 1,25GHz with 1 GB of RAM.
Firefox's textfields can handle pasting and editing of 1MB snippets
(I tried) without a hitch, EVEN in those JavaScript rich editor
abominations, which probably aren't the most optimized pieces of code
ever to parse text. And that's with all the other crap going on, like
10 tabs open and several exensions installed.
What's going on?
Michael Ströck
Hey all,
I just started tasting TextMate today, great app.
I was wondering is there any trick to get "creating files from
templates" functional? I mean nothing happen when I click the
"create" button.
Here's some error from my console.log that I guess which is related
to the problem I'm facing:
2006-03-07 18:26:01.742 TextMate[2305] Error laoding '/Applications/
addrbook.awk/info.plist' as Templates
2006-03-07 18:26:01.742 TextMate[2305] Error laoding '/Applications/
templatize.sh/info.plist' as Templates
Tank you for your help.
When writing Markdown, I like to use reference-style links:
[link text][id]
<rest of text>
[id]: http://www.site.com
I've written a snippet that does some of what I want:
[${2:id}]: ${3:href}
but it puts the reference on the line below the link rather than at
the bottom of the file. Although I haven't done it, I suspect that
writing a command that takes the link label line and puts it at the
bottom of the file wouldn't be too difficult. But before I give it a
try, I'd like to know if it's possible to combine the snippet and the
command into a single instruction that allows me to enter the 3
pieces of information, puts the link label at the bottom of the file,
and leaves the caret back at the [id].
Dr. Drang
It seems that the CMD-CTL-G "New Folder" shortcut isn't working. Is
anyone else having this problem, or is it just me? Cheers,
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
On Mar 6, 2006, at 4:43 AM, textmate-request(a)lists.macromates.com wrote:
> From: Domenico Carbotta <domenico.carbotta(a)fastwebnet.it>
> Date: March 5, 2006 2:39:50 PM MST
> Subject: Re: [TxMt] Latest Python Bundle?
> Il giorno 05/mar/06, alle ore 21:39, Owen Densmore ha scritto:
>> Are these in the Subversion repository? I tried to download the
>> entire bundle set from svn using the instructions on:
>> http://macromates.com/wiki/Main/SubversionCheckout
>> but it had an error.
> probably you should've set UTF-8 as the text encoding. if you've
> already done it, paste the error message so that we can help you :)
Domenico: Grazie mille per la aiuto! Vorrei tanto essere in Italia
Well, naturally as soon as I try to re-create the error I got,
everything worked fine! I just checked out all of revision 2825 with
no error so likely everything is fine.
> the rationale for not providing "for", "if" and such snippets is
> that they're not _that_ useful in speeding code writing. I don't
> use the "def" snippet either... :)
> the "class" snippet is useful mainly because of the smart-
> constructor feature.
Thanks for the clarification .. I do agree python is so brief and
clear that it doesn't need a lot of extra help.
> ciao,
> Domenico
-- Owen
Owen Densmore
http://backspaces.net - http://redfish.com - http://friam.org
I've been a lurking member of this list for some time, but this is my
first attempt at posting. I've been trying out TextMate in demo mode
and plan to buy it because it's nearly perfect for the way I work,
but I have a couple questions I'm hoping somebody could clear up for me.
I'm not a programmer, so please forgive me if my questions seem
somewhat elementary. I do, however, use the Terminal quite often for
shell commands, and I understand PHP well enough to write code for my
own purposes. I prefer coding my web pages by hand, and I'm fluent in
XHTML and CSS and competent in XSLT. I'm a bit anal about clean
coding, usability, and accessibility (both for the end user and for
me when writing my pages). For these reasons among others, I've been
disappointed by virtually all of the website generation applications
and/or scripts I've tried. It seems they require lots of convoluted
configuration that just gets in my way. Besides, I'd rather just do
it all myself with flat text files, using scripting just to generate
the headers, footers, navigation, etc.
I'm not necessarily concerned with TextMate's ability to do the many
super-complicated things it obviously can do, as I probably won't use
most of it myself. However, I'm wondering if it has a feature similar
to the Persistent Includes available in BBEdit. I have examined the
manual and read about how to use snippets, templates, commands, and
the like, and I understand how these could be used to make my life
easier. The problem is that I haven't figured out if there's a way to
re-parse an entire project or certain files within a project after
I've made changes that will affect the output.
For instance, if I've used a script to output links to all the files
contained in the directory (as a navigation menu of sorts) but later
add more files to that same directory, I'd like to be able to re-
generate the entire site so that those new files show up in the menu.
Likewise, if I've generated prev/next links to other files in the
same directory, I'd like to have them updated without having to
manually type the new hyperlinks into each and every file of the
site. I know I could use PHP or server-side includes or something
similar (and I have written a simple php function to do just that),
but I'd really like to generate static web pages because having
dynamic pages online really isn't necessary for what I'm doing (also,
I can upload the same files both to .Mac and to my virtual host, for
If nothing resembling Persistent Includes is available in TextMate,
another viable option would be to auto-generate the output of an
entire project but save it to a new directory on my system using the
same hierarchy of the original project. That way, I can simply re-
generate it whenever I need to. In fact, that would probably be a
simpler solution than the Persistent Includes idea, but of course you
all probably know much more about how to efficiently accomplish this
than I do. Also, if anyone could point me in the direction of a good
streamlined tutorial on how to use shell scripts in an environment
such as TextMate, perhaps I can figure it out on my own. The TextMate
manual is nice, but something more tutorial-like would help a lot.
Sorry for the long post - it actually started out longer with more
details about my background and what I do, but I figured people may
get annoyed, so I cut it. If I need to further clarify exactly what I
need to accomplish, please ask, but I suspect most of you are quite
familiar with BBEdit and know about how Persistent Includes work and
how they differ from regular Includes.