would it be possible to have
A) project / language / bundle dependent theme settings? Not all
themes work as beautifully with all languages (and I know you are
advising that themes only implement the most rudimentary things ;))
B) themes that only complement a basic theme (just like with css,
where you can override the standard behaviour with extra css
definitions inside the html). So, e.g. I want to use one of Thomas's
universal themes, but would like to add some snippets, some coloring
to my custom language grammars.
i.e. just some simple way to combine themes without going the plist-
editor route. Just add a preference of some sort of theme layering.
(similar to the system's language settings. chose the preferred
theme, but take items from a second or third theme if they have
scopes defined.)
C) and as a sidenote to B) an option for bundle developers to inject
certain stylings into a theme.
D) Maybe the ability to add emty lines before or after a scope? (I
know, I am getting way beyond simple here, and no rich text editing
is necessary). I am just thinking of certain block level elements
that would be nice to separate not only in col,or/background, but
also distance.
Is it me or this used to work :
I believe that I used to be able to use copy (with command-C) several
times in order to make a stack, then record a macro that used Paste
Previous (Command Shift V) in order to repeat a pattern using the
stack of copied items.
Well, ...this no longer works: the stack is not used when the macro
is played over and over.
I am wondering if it is possible to prevent TextMate from opening
documents from the previous session when the program is started. It
seems to do this by default, with no obvious setting to change to
prevent this.
Thanks for any hints,
Christopher Fonnesbeck
+ Atlanta, GA
+ fonnesbeck at
+ Contact me on AOL IM using email address
Hi everyone,
I find the ability to augment the standard set of word characters for
completion etc. in the TM prefs handy, but it would be even better if
this could be done specifically for certain languages/scopes. For
example, R commonly uses periods in variable/function names, so I want
them to be treated as one name, but when I switch to Rails I don't
want TM to complete a variable with a method name attached. Is there a
mechanism for this kind of specificity?
I'm not sure if the description describes this problem properly, I'm not
quite sure what's going on. This is not a priority issue for me, just
thought I'd bring it up...
I created a new text document.
I typed 'man sed'
I hit control r.
And the output was something like this:
man sedSED(1) BSD General Commands
Manual SED(1)
sseedd -- stream editor
sseedd [--EEaann] _c_o_m_m_a_n_d [_f_i_l_e _._._.]
sseedd [--EEaann] [--ee _c_o_m_m_a_n_d] [--ff
_c_o_m_m_a_n_d___f_i_l_e] [--ii
_e_x_t_e_n_s_i_o_n] [_f_i_l_e _._._.]
The sseedd utility reads the specified files, or the standard
input if no
files are specified, modifying the input as specified by a list of com-
mands. The input is then written to the standard output.
I'm not sure if the characters came across in this email the same as
they looked in TM. I'm guessing the control sequences that make bold
text in man pages are coming across as gibberish.
If I do `man sed | mate` in the terminal the outcome is the same.
Any ideas how to deal with this?
I was wondering if there was a project scope that I could apply to
the Show TODO List command. I'd like to be able to only see the
FIXME, CHANGED and TODO tags from an open project.
The latest version of my bundle was created in one of the recent
higher-level builds, and I'm getting reports from users that when
opening the bundle in an older version of TextMate (948) the bundle
shows up completely empty.
This sounds like the result of the recent back-end changes. But I
know that many of the bundles have been updated to include groups.
Assuming this is not all just some crazy bug... I guess the real
question is:
Is it necessary for me to say that a particular version of a bundle
*requires* a particular version of TextMate?
If so, which build of TextMate is required to run which bundle versions?
Hi all-
I've been using BSAG's Journal bundle (itself a markdown extension)
for a little while now, to keep a sort of snippet log, and I've put
together a quick command to search entries by keywords (I hacked up
the "Find in Document" command of the TM bundle). Keywords are marked
by brackets: [key1,key2,etc]. The command just finds given text and
shows the first line or so of the actual snippet entry, to give it
some context. It's very simple, but I've found it useful to quickly
find entries by keyword, so I thought I'd share it.
The journal bundle is here:
And my command can be downloaded here:
When invoking "Edit in TM" in some app (Safari, TextEdit, Yojimbo so
far), those apps stall and go play some beach ball with full CPU.
They must be force quitted.
But it works in TM Bundle Editor and
I restarted, repaired permissions, removed all other Input Managers.
No go.
OS X 10.4.6
TM 1.5.1 (1070)
Am I the only one?
I could have sworn that there was folding in markdown before. Of
course there probably wasn't but now I need it. Any chance on folding
for markdown and the blogging bundles?