I don't see a Setup command in the Blogging module...
The instructions say "You should first use the “Setup Blogs” command
to identify any weblogs you wish to post to. This command will load a
file for editing. Within this file, you simply specify a blog name
and the XMLRPC URL for it. For example:"
Rather difficult without the command... ;-)
The Build in Flash command was broken by a recent revision of
Textmate, so I've revamped it.
Now it uses a beautiful interactive Web output window.
Allan, can I be given the privilege to become a committer ?
Hello list,
I've been trying out TM for several weeks now and I wanted to
document my experiences so they are lost (maybe other people feel the
Things which I miss:
- CodeSense: Basically this is my reason for not switching to
TextMate. There is an enormous amount of APIs on the Mac and I don't
think developers should be expected to know each method and its
arguments in their heads. Copying/Pasting from the Xcode
documentation browser doesn't cut it - the time spent on this
actually outweighs the benefits of using TM (for me personally). The
day a CodeSense/IntelliSense/WhateverSense is implemented in TextMate
you will have another customer. For now I'm putting my TM switch on
-.m/.h open in the same window: This is more of a convenience thing.
It's just annoying me to have headers/implementation files open in
different tabs/windows because I just want to have a quick look in
the header and switching to another tab wastes time/distracts. I'm
probably nitpicking here but that's how I feel about it.
Things which could be improved:
- Response time of clicking on a tab: I'm a performance geek. If
something is sluggish it is annoying me so much that the application
goes into the bin immediately. This is why Xcode is just killing me
each day but I have not other choice (anyone noticed the delays in
clicking a file in the list of files?). If you try switching to
another tab in TM it's not that bad - it's snappy but there is a
slight delay between the click of the mouse and the view of the new
tab. As I said it's not something really important it is just
annoying me - that is on a 2.0GHz Core Duo iMac with 2GB of RAM and
the 256VRAM - so shouldn't be because of a slow machine.
Things which would be nice to have:
-Split views: Horizontal/Vertical split views would be great.
Currently on my widescreen LCD there is a lot of (horizontal) space
wasted. The perfect solution would be that the split views would
share the tabs (i.e. not having a separate tab list for each split
Things which I like:
- Anti-aliasing on/off: Just a big thanks! I cannot believe how many
people are coding using anti-aliased fonts - that's such a nightmare
if you stare at the screen for 8 hours straight (pixel fonts are the
way for me). Thank you very much for that nifty checkbox.
- Macros: _THE_ biggest time-saver.
Kind regards,
Milen Dzhumerov
Email: gamehack(a)1nsp1r3d.co.uk
Web: http://www.1nsp1r3d.co.uk/
I may be one of the last Panther/TM user but anyway...
As I told Allan on IRC, r1070 completely breaks 10.3 support and TM crashes
everytime I try to see what's in a bundle, either through menu or the gear
menu at the bottom. Am I the only one?
I reverted to r1060 and when it tried again to update itself, I clicked
Cancel and the window stayed up with both option greyed out. Only way to
remove it was to quit.
Ollivier ROBERT -=- FreeBSD: The Power to Serve! -=- roberto(a)keltia.freenix.fr
Darwin snuadh.freenix.org Kernel Version 7.9.0: Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005
I don't know if this happened before, but in the newest d/l (1070), I
just realized that horizontal scrolling works (even though there is
no horizontal scroll bar).
I was navigating a rather deep file directory in the drawer and just
scrolling up and down for no particular purpose -- somehow it gives
me peace of mind as I'm reading something in a tab -- I hit shift --
more peace of mind -- while using the scroll wheel and noticed from
the corner of my eye that the project drawer started to scroll left
and right!
So .. I was surprised ... hmm .. messing about with it some more, a
narrow project drawer doesn't cut the middle out of the names in
there, either.
Like I said, I don't know how long that's been happening, but that's
sweet! I figured other folks might be interested in realizing that, too.
Thanks, Allan.
I am really liking the Blogging Bundle in Textmate. It makes posting
an entry to my blog really handy when something comes to me that I
would like to post.
The one thing I am looking for is a way while I am in the Blogging
Markdown template to be able to get tags and such to create
automatically and something like a command completion for the headers
to save time on typing or if I just am not able to remember if it is
Keywords or keyword.
If it is already there how do I access it.
Ron Rosson
hi, thanks to the ever-so-cool "Get Bundle" bundle, i have the GTD
bundle installed.
I think this will be very nice.
Thought: when items are marked "d", the command strips the first 5
characters and prefixes the line-item with "done"
this loses what type of item was being handled. I wonder if simply
adding done in front might be better?
then the "done" list, can also preserve the types of things done.
So... given
EMAIL list about how great GTD is
I'd rather see
--> DONE: EMAIL list about how great GTD is
Instead of
--> DONE list about how great GTD is
Currently, this stuffs up the "Show..list" commands, as they detect
the item types even if they have DONE in front of them. The regexp
could either look for DONE and exclude those lines, or else require
that the item type is the first character of the line.
Other comments...
1. I wonder if Buy could have a default syntax like:
BUY ${1:new purchase} from: ${2:business} cost: \$${3:99}
2. Because email exists as an item type on its own, it seems like
"task" (should this
be called TODO?) item should not have email as the default?
TODO ${1:new email}
Not sure what would be better.
3. I wonder if the "Show list" parser could detect e-mail addresses
and wrap them in <a href=""></a> tags?
4. It would be nice, i think, if the "d" tab completion also post-
fixed the item with the current date
--> DONE: EMAIL list about how great GTD is (7/6/06:7pm)
Maybe done items could be parsed by done date and/or type of item and
project file?
If the items were just dumped into a table with type, file, and date
columns, there are nice little chunks of jscript that automagically
make such tables sortable.
I've had this happen a couple of times now. I have an AFP volume
mounted and after doing some editing, I closed all the files then
attempted to dismount the volume.
The Finder gives a message saying that it couldn't because there was a
file open. I used the 'lsof' command and it does look like TextMate
does still have something open:
john$ lsof | grep wwwsps
TextMate 735 john cwd VDIR 44,7 772 117658
Is there any way to get TextMate to "let go" and let me dismount the
volume? Sure, I can quit TextMate, but that seems a little extreme..
> On 5/6/2006, at 20:44, marios wrote:
>> Before I run into the risk of damaging my files, I couldn't really
>> figure out what to enter in the dialog box, when I open it from the
>> drawers info button on the tool bar.
>> I have a folder which I want to exclude from updating which is
>> below the
>> root of my project folder.
> The folder reference patterns are only to filter items from display.
> So by excluding a folder, it will disappear from the list. Sounds
> like you expect something else
Exactly, since I have a specific project that I work on from the
original folder, not projects.
So when I exclude a folder in this context, does it get excluded from
updating ?
>> What function does the "Save as absolute path" check box have in this
>> context ?
> The ‘save as absolute path’ is really a no-op when using folder
> references. If you drag individual items to the project drawer, these
> will be saved relative to the project file, but that can be changed
> with this checkbox.
Should I then use this option.The basic tree does not change, and I use
this Folder to mirror some stuff from my local drive to the Live Server
with Transmit. (Inside Sites Folder).
Thanks a lot again, and best regards, marios
Hi All,
I am using the latest build of TextMate 1070. If I make a project
based on a folder and then delete some files within a folder
(references only), when I reopen the project the 'deleted' files are
back. This seems like a bug to me, since surely the files should
remain absent from the project. Has anybody else encountered this