I just uploaded a new GTD sort command as part of the GTD bundle.
The code may not be pretty, but I think it works. To use it, you
need to create a contexts.gtd file in your GTD project. This file
holds the contexts that the sort function uses to sort a file. There
are several items in the file that don't do anything yet, but I'm
hoping to keep the file stable as I add functionaility. As always,
feedback is encouraged!
Hash: SHA1
I am working on a command to sort my GTD list by context. The
problem I have is that if I have not saved the file, the command
sorts the saved version of the file instead of what's currently in
TextMate. How do I select the current file instead of the saved
file? Thanks.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (Darwin)
Dear All,
I get the following error when running Convert Document / Selection
to LaTeX on a MultiMarkdown document:
Support/xhtml2latex.xslt:829: parser error : StartTag: invalid
element name
<<<<<<< .mine
Support/xhtml2latex.xslt:829: parser error : StartTag: invalid
element name
<<<<<<< .mine
Support/xhtml2latex.xslt:829: parser error : StartTag: invalid
element name
<<<<<<< .mine
Support/xhtml2latex.xslt:829: parser error : StartTag: invalid
element name
<<<<<<< .mine
Support/xhtml2latex.xslt:829: parser error : StartTag: invalid
element name
<<<<<<< .mine
Support/xhtml2latex.xslt:829: parser error : StartTag: invalid
element name
<<<<<<< .mine
Support/xhtml2latex.xslt:829: parser error : StartTag: invalid
element name
<<<<<<< .mine
compilation error: file /Library/Application%20Support/TextMate/
Bundles/Markdown.tmbundle/Support/xhtml2article.xslt line 38 element
xsl:import : unable to load /Library/Application%20Support/TextMate/
Any ideas? Thanks.
All the best, Mark
I've been wanting to try my hand at bundle writing for a few weeks,
and this morning I began tinkering with what could possibly grow into
a reStructuredText bundle.
The first thing I attempted to figure out was how to recognize the
section titles in reStructuredText. From the language specification
Sections are identified through their titles, which are marked
up with adornment: "underlines" below the title text, or
underlines and matching "overlines" above the title. An
underline/overline is a single repeated punctuation character
that begins in column 1 and forms a line extending at least as
far as the right edge of the title text.
For example:
A Title
Another Title
Not a title
Don't think this is a title either
It isn't clear to me how to capture these patterns with the language
grammar match rules, or indeed if it is even possible with the
current TextMate toolset. It doesn't seem like 'match' can work for
a multi-line pattern such as any of the above, and I haven't figured
out how one can use 'begin/end' to match a 2 or 3 line rule
(underline or overline/underline) but exclude things which don't match.
Is it possible? I freely admit that it's been quite a few years
since I've taken a compilers class (or tried to do a language-parsing
type thing), so I apologize if I'm missing something obvious.
The Markdown language (which I've never personally used) has a
similar underline mechanism for specifying headings, but it looks
like the Markdown TextMate bundle heading rule only captures the
underline and not the heading text. For example, a Markdown heading
and scopes:
A heading <= meta.paragraph.markdown, text.html.markdown
========= <= markup.heading.1.markdown, text.html.markdown
Thanks for any insight!
Matt Anderson
Is it possible to add entries to or edit the menu that appears when
one right clicks or control clicks in the text editing area of the
TextMate window?
I'd like to see a "Look [highlighted word] Up in Dictionary" command
like that found in Safari / TextEdit / Mail / etc under Tiger. I
know that there is a TextMate (applescript) command mentioned on the
wiki which can do something similar with a key equivalent, but I'm
used to the consistent interface to do this across these other
programs, and I'd love to have the same interface in TextMate.
Matt Anderson
e.g. for enum inserts the following:
please note the ":" which are not very useful and make LaTeX go angry
at you.
Please change this line in the snippet:
zeroLineToPrint = "\\begin{#{name}}{$1:\\label{#{labPrefix}:$2\\}}"
zeroLineToPrint = "\\begin{#{name}}{${1:}\\label{#{labPrefix}:$2\}}"
hiya (aka, howdy)
The CSS language syntax it for full css, with the tags and classes
and stuff.
CSS embedded into html tags with the style="" business isn't scoped
all fancy at all.
You can't just import the normal CSS language into there because it
expects all of the tags and curly brackets craziness.
My plan is to split out the part of CSS that could be imported into
HTML, the actual rules part. Then, import that into the CSS language
and the HTML language.
Is there a better way to do this?
I think it'd be silly to not DRY it up properly, and i'm sick of not
having all fancy CSS stuff in my style="" attributes.
thomas Aylott—subtleGradient
I just moved from a powerbook to a macbook (running OSX 1.4.6) & I
now cannot get Texniscope to auto open the file produced by a latex
compilation. (this was working with the powerbook).
I have the enviremental variables pointing to Texniscope as before.
My latex compilation log shows the messages below:
Output written on ethics_new.pdf (11 pages, 150192 bytes).
Found 0 errors, and 16 warnings in 0 runs
2006-06-16 04:26:54.611 open[4049] Couldn't open file: /Users/Xolani/
Documents/ethics_new.pdf "
running textmate with the defailt viewer works fine.
Just to see if that was the problem, I changed the settings in the
Texniscope preferences to point to
rather the the "powerpc" reference in the default setup to see of
this would help but to no avail. (my tetex is bin is i386)..
Also I should note that typing
open -a TeXniscope ethics_new.pdf
at the terminal opens the pdf file.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
I bet someone here knows how to fix this! :)
My HTML code before:
. . .
<!-- A Comment about Some_New_Thing -->
<div id="Some_New_Thing">
. . .
After running Tidy, I get this:
. . .
</div><!-- A Comment about Some_New_Thing -->
<div id="Some_New_Thing">
. . .
I want to KEEP my comments on their own lines, not have all white
space between the comment and whatever proceeds it deleted.
How do I do that?