Is there a way to set up a snippet so that some of the lines are
flush at the left margin and others are at the correct tab stops?
For instance, I like to have #ifdef at the left margin instead of
tabbed in, any way to set this up in a snippet?
When I convert a multi-markdown document to PDF, all of the
apostrophe's are removed. Does this happen to anyone else? Does
anyone know how to fix it?
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For the first time since registering I've managed to spend a day
entirely in TextMate and all in all I really enjoyed it!
I'm writing here as there are a couple points I could use some help
1. Static Gutter? Is there any way to turn this on? I had a look
round but couldn't find any pref's for it. I really prefer to be
able to see line numbers etc. at all times.
2. I'm sure when I first downloaded TextMate I could type Obj-C
messages [object message] and although TM automatically inserted the
closing bracket (]) if I typed it TM kindly overwrote the existing
one. Now I find it inserting a new pair of brackets ([ ]). I'm not
sure if this was me playing around with snippets or if the behaviour
has changed in a recent(ish) build.
If anyone can help me with these two things I'd be highly grateful.
- -J
- --
Joshua Lock
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (Darwin)
[FIXED] The menu to disambiguate bundle items should now work
correctly with multi monitor setups.
Works fine here.
[NEW] Tab triggers are now rendered right-aligned in the menus and
with some visual ornaments that are supposed to make them
distinctive. It is no longer necessary to put the tab trigger in the
items title, to get it rendered -- in fact this is now deprecated. I
am aware that the items with tab triggers are shown in the normal
menu font size when using the gear menu from the status bar.
Love it! Any chance the tree view in the bundle editor could
similarly show shortcuts and tab triggers?
hello :)
1) I would like to know if somebody tried to make a bundle for gnuplot
2) is it possible to make a bundle for gnuplot ?
3) Which are the difficulties ? Which is the best method to start to
make a bundle ?
Alain Matthes
I just discovered TextMate I am liking it a lot. I will mainly be
using it for LaTeX and I have it working nicely with TeXShop as my
previewer. With that said, I am writing a large textbook in which I
have created new definitions for \subsection and \subsubsection,
which are called \Subsection and \Subsubsection, respectively.
Unfortunately, the function pop-up menu does not show these as they
begin with a capital "s" rather than a lower-case "s". I have looked
in the symbol list for the LaTeX bundle and I see:
/* preferences */
{ showInSymbolList = 1;
symbolTransformation = '
s/(?<=\\|sub)sub/ /g; # replace all leading "sub" with
an em-space
s/^\\( *)section(?:\[[^]]*\])?\{(.+)\}/$1$2/; # then strip all
but em-space + name
I must confess that I don't know enough of what appears to be regular
expression syntax to make the bundle recognize my commands. Can
someone tell me what I need to change in the above definition to get
the behavior I desire?
Thank you,
-- Gary L. Gray
I noticed that when something is selected in TextMate and you right-
click *anywhere* in the document the pop-up menu contains items
referring to the selection (filer thru command, etc.). This strikes
me as odd because it's not how the rest of the OS behaves.
Everywhere else (that I know of) re-focuses the selection depending
on where you right-click. If you right-click in the existing
selection you are shown options for that selection, but if you right-
click outside the current selection the selection re-focuses and
moves to the word that was clicked on.
While this not really a big deal, it's caused me some confusion when
trying to correct spelling when some other bit of text is selected.
I've even gone so far as to unconsciously make sure to always select
the word I'm trying to spell-check.
I personally would prefer if the behavior was in-line with the rest
of the OS, but I could imagine there would be some cases when this is
not desirable.
Was this a design choice? What are the benefits of this?
Is there a way (if not consider it a feature request) to dynamically
include a syntax in a syntax?
What I am getting at is here-docs and similar constructs that contain
another syntax. For example it would be cool if for example in perl I
could write:
print <<"text.xml.plist";
# some xml property list here
and it would just apply the text.xml.plist syntax to the here-doc.
I know I can hard-code it in a 'meta' syntax, but that gets
Hi everyone. I just started using TextMate today and I've run into a
little problem. I've noticed that my Shell Variables (as set in the
Preferences) aren't loaded properly when I use templates. For
example, I'd kind of like to mimic Xcode's built-in templates. To do
this, I've modified the Java Class template to look more like:
// Created by ${TM_USERNAME} on ${TM_DATE}.
// Copyright (c) ${TM_YEAR} ${TM_ORGANIZATION_NAME}. All rights
and I've updated the script associated with that template to look
like this:
export TM_YEAR=`date +%Y`
export TM_DATE=`python -c 'import datetime
now =
print "%s/%s/%s" % (, now.month, now.year)
export TM_USERNAME=`niutil -readprop / /users/\$USER realname`
perl -pe 's/\$\{([^}]*)\}/$ENV{$1}/g' \
< > "$TM_NEW_FILE"
All of this works fine, except ${TM_ORGANIZATION_NAME} isn't being
replaced correctly. It works fine for Code Snippets, but not in
Templates. If I add
env >> "$TM_NEW_FILE"
to the end of the script, TM_ORGANIZATION_NAME isn't listed. Is this
a bug or a known issue? I've searched Google, TextMate's bug list,
and the list archives, but I can't find any mention of the issue. I
would appreciate any help in resolving the problem... it's a minor
nuisance to an otherwise great application.
>===== Original Message From Prachi Gauriar <pgauriar(a)> =====
>BTW, TextMate is an amazing app. I've been telling my friends about
>it: "It's like Emacs, if it were designed today with a GUI in mind
>and without Emacs Lisp or the cruft of 20 years of development."
Except even TextMate can convert vi-addicts. :)
Sami Samhuri